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SOTW 8: Freestyle [Voting]

Discussion in 'Archive' started by BEFORE I DECAY, Jul 13, 2012.

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  1. We've got a lot of entries this week. x3 Good luck to everyone who entered~

    1. [​IMG]
    2. [​IMG]
    3. [​IMG]
    4. [​IMG]
    5. [​IMG]
    6. [​IMG]

    Voting will end on
    Saturday - July 14, 2012.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
  2. Malibu

    Malibu New Member

    Hahaha I just get back from work/the bar (may or may not have been drinking) and this has been up for a minute. HOW USEFUL!!!!

    1. Love the colour and composition, text position is good but different fonts could make this piece amazing.

    4. I like this piece, the text IMO is well done (which is a big thing BTW) and stock placement is right on. Just need to work with the lighting a bit more.

    3. I like the idea of this piece and the execution is nice. The lighting could be improved, contrast could make this piece much nicer.
  3. Paranoia God

    Paranoia God Fuck off

    6. I love the coloring on this piece! <3 the particles add a nice effect and the text seems to fit perfectly~

    4. I like the text a lot, it blends in very well and the coloring is nice, but it's a bit too bright for my liking. This would've got first place for me if only it had better lighting.

    3. This piece is nice, but it could use a little more work. The "boxes" next to his left eye (HIS right, actually. lol) are a bit distracting and the random specs of purple look out of place in my opinion.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_- Thread closed. Oh well. XD Time to vote... DX BUT I DON'T KNOW WHICH ONE TO CHOOSE! Um...

    3. This is very brilliant. A nice texture of gold and brown.

    1. I like the blood red.

    4. I just love candy and that was the next one that attracted me.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    First: 6: I like the coloring, lighting, and text on this piece.

    Second: 1: I like the composition and colors. Text is pretty good, too.

    Third: 4: Text is done very well and the render placement and colors are nice.
  6. Noir


    6: The text fits well to the sig. The lighting also, and some of the effects in it which some names I haven't known yet.

    1: Colors are great, the text fits too.

    5: The text would be better if it was smaller. And the stock/render too. But I like the background.
  7. Voting is now closed.

    First Place - Paranoia God & Malibu - 9 points ~ Entry 1 & entry 6.

    Second Place - BEFORE I DECAY & Light&dark- 6 points ~ Entry 4 & entry 3.

    Third Place - Roaringflames - 1 point ~ Entry 5.

    NEW SOTW will be up tomorrow; Sunday - 15, July 2012
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
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