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Soul Calibur IV

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Hella awesome!!! If any of you are fans of Soul Calibur, this newest intallment will make you sing.

    I'm going to start with adressing the negatives first, because there aren't many. First, the lack of things to do. You have Story, Arcade, Tower of Memories, which is basically a floor by floor stage mode. And of course, training.

    Now. Positives. Everything. Graphics, controls, voiceovers, musical score, stages....sick.

    For those of you who have not played Soul Calibur, it is a wepon based fighter....and that's really all that needs to be said.

    The online multiplayer is excellent. You will hardly ever DC in the middle of a match, and if you do, you can get straight back to it with the same person.

    The story isn't that impressive for each character, consisting of five stages agains multiple ememy fighters. There's also a tag team play here as well. As you will have allies join you through the characters' stories. Not to mention they all do have rather dramatic endings.

    There's also a character creation mode, where you can generate a character from scrap, and build them from there. It isn't like Soul Calibur III's character creation, where you have to unlock chacter's fighting styles to add them to you created character. You can start immediately from your favourite character's fighting style. Customizing itself is pretty deep, though I've seen deeper. There's also a story for created characters.

    Now to adress a curious issue, Yoda for the 360, and Vader for the ps3.

    I have played as both and am impressed by the very different fighting styles of these Star Wars.....Stars. Yoda is a fast/defensive style, and is hard to hit by taller characters, giving a slightly unfair advantage online. Vader's style is very powerful, but somewhat slower that Yoda's. And you get to use the famous Force Choke. "YAY"

    And a real treat, have you seen the Dark Jedi from The Force Unleashed? He's also in SCIV. And a very difficult Arcade opponent to boot. With a killer fighting style. Have fun when you go through all the trouble unlocking him.


    Xbox 360 and PS3
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2008
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Cool. Soul Calibur is awesome, and I wish I had it. Is there a Chronicles of the Sword mode like there was in III?
  3. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    No, unforunately not. The stories are restricted to each character specifically. This game shines mostly in its online multiplayer.
  4. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    dang it, why couldn't they have one for Wii? We could use either the Remote or the GC controller. Ah well, I don't think Luke or Obi Wan were that strong anyway.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Well technically, Luke was the most powerful... Anyways, there is a Soulcalibur game for the Wii, but Soulcalibur IV is way cooler.
  6. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    There was?! Ah well, I still think SC IV could still be played with the Wii Remote and the GC controller.
  7. darkside

    darkside New Member

    my favorite is kilik, because i can play good with him. but i can also use Darth vader really well too.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I have finally played it for the Xbox 360. It's fun, bit I see many problems. The story is too short. The character creation was improved a bit, but there were things about it that I prefer in III. There isn't a Chronicles of the Sword, that bugs me. You couldn't make a character using the Apprentence's style. There wasn't any fighting style unique to characters people created. And critical finishes are too hard to pull off when you need to.

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