• Square Elite
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Square-Enix official TGS site!!!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by demon of darkness, Sep 8, 2008.

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  1. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Square-Enix has launched their official TGS 08 site, Here is the link: “Œ‹žƒQ[ƒ€ƒVƒ‡ƒE2008 | SQUARE ENIX You can expect Trailers and Demos for Birth by Sleep and 358/2 Days. You can also expect a Trailer for Coded and Japanese release dates for 358/2 Days and Coded. There is no word yet on the KH3 rumors.

    Birth by Sleep:
    “Œ‹žƒQ[ƒ€ƒVƒ‡ƒE2008 | SQUARE ENIX

    358/2 Days
    “Œ‹žƒQ[ƒ€ƒVƒ‡ƒE2008 | SQUARE ENIX

    “Œ‹žƒQ[ƒ€ƒVƒ‡ƒE2008 | SQUARE ENIX
  2. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    i can't read it....
  3. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    It looks like cool, irksome that I don't understand Japanese...
  4. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    damn, i can't read Japanese :(
  5. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Sorry guys there is no English site because it's a japenese only event. :(
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Well, you could always highlight the words, copy them, and go to an online translator and paste them and translate them into whatever language you read.
  7. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    True but the online translators suck. Trust me i already tried.
  8. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    yup u right i've tried too n the result.....
  9. worbs

    worbs New Member

    cool cheers 4 lat
  10. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Same here...
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I dunno... I once tried it for a site in Japanese about BBS or 358/2 Days (Can't remember which), the translations seemed fine.
  12. the dark within

    the dark within New Member

    wow, thanks for the info......
    why square enix not make the english website? or for indonesian(CUZ i'm indonesian LOL)
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