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Star Wars: The Zombie Menace OOC&SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Key King, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. Key King

    Key King Member

    Pre-note: okay...I'm officialy a nerd...:)

    EPILOUGE: a meteor crashed on Coruscant, carrying an alien and some thing else...

    The planet Coruscant, home of the Jedi has been overrun by zombies. The galactic councel had all the senators and jedi council members evacuated. Then they had all starships disabled and destroyed so that the virus would not spread. they called in every Jedi they had on a suicide mission to destroy the zombies. The Jedi were killed all but two... I am Jedi Master Kantahm Darr, but you may call me Master Darr. My padawan and I have survived. we continue to carry out our mission even now, when all hope is lost. The Clones were called in and destroyed. now clone, jedi, and civillian alike are zombies. We met up with a bounty hunter who joined us. we are still killing these monstrosities, even now we are waiting....

    Okay, now I need someone to play my padawan and the bounty hunter (both positions are open to girls to...)

    Name: (Kantahm Darr)
    Age: (47)
    Bio: ( he has been a jedi all his life. He was taught by Yoda himself. )
    Personality: (he is quiet but deadly. he is usually cheerful. )
    Appearance: (Tall, strong, grey hair, grey beard, blue eyes, jedi robes. )
    Light saber color (weapon for the hunter) : (blue)
  2. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Name: Avalan Raduune
    Age: 17
    Bio: He was raised to be the famous bounty hunter he is today, from the day he could walk he was trained to use over one thousand different types on weapons. He was even taught how to wield a light saber and use the force by a former jedi. He never received any love from anyone and found his only enjoyment in his job. He soon earned a big reputation as a bounty hunter and was sent to Coruscant to kill yoda but was side tracked when the zombie incident happened.
    Personality: He's generally anti social and doesn't talk much, but when he fights he's really happy.
    Appearance: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/142/9/c/anime_boy_render_by_bakamii_senpai-d3gx7kf.png
    Weapons : http://images.bizrate.com/resize?sq=500&uid=1714654352
  3. Key King

    Key King Member

    i like it...not sure about the force, or the lightsabers, but i geuss you're okay. You have a bigger role than you think...
  4. TheKingOfEverything

    TheKingOfEverything New Member

    I'm just going to reserve the padawan for now...profile tomorrow!
  5. Key King

    Key King Member

    okay...well once you're approved, I'll put up the RP!
  6. TheKingOfEverything

    TheKingOfEverything New Member

    okay, it'll be up soon.
  7. Key King

    Key King Member

    okay....whenever you're ready now.....
  8. TheKingOfEverything

    TheKingOfEverything New Member

    okay, okay, soon....
  9. TheKingOfEverything

    TheKingOfEverything New Member

  10. Key King

    Key King Member

    the RP will be up soon.

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