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Started KHDDD (2.8)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Derek, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member


    Sooooo I had an hour or so of time recently so I started a file for KHDDD on the PS4 (2.8) version.

    Now I’m gonna admit up front, right now, I didn’t like the original KHDDD. Not because of story reasons but because of gameplay reasons.

    I’ve grown up with Zelda, for a time I was following Doctor Who, I’m not bothered by time travel, it’s not that bad, so it’s story faults aren’t really that high on a list to me.

    Well because I bought 2.8 and so I minds well put in one go. Derr :p

    I was also curious about the altered gameplay which brings me to the point of this post…..I still dont’ like it.
    If anything the gameplay is even worse to me now. The way the link and party options was altered sucks, that includes both setting options, and the reality shift is damn odd for some reason.

    I never liked KH mini games so I won’t even delve into that. Don’t like’em though.

    I know they are a carry over from the OG Ver but I STILL hate the Dream Eaters. I don’t like pandering to them. I dont wanna play Nintendogs, I dont wanna play Pokemon Amie, I just do NOT like them.

    Flowmotion as well has all of the issues and faults as before so there’s no real need to go into that rant again. And before anyone says it, NO, you can NOT turn off flowmotion. Yes you can take the abilities off but if you do Sora/Riku just flowmotions uncontrollably like some dumbass lightning bug.

    I’m gonna finish it, I paid for this, I’m going to give it at least one go, and maybe it’ll change my mind as I go. If nothing else it does look way better on the TV screen.

  2. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Welp I'm to The Grid now. I'll give KHDDD one thing. It looks decent on PS4 and I love the Tron worlds alter keyblades.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I remember back when I originally played DDD on the 3DS. I understand what you mean about disliking it for gameplay reasons. My first run through I got through it just fine, probably mostly out of a desire to see the story of the game play out. When I tried to go for a New Game + at first? I had some difficulty getting back into it. In fact I never finished that New Game + file. I maybe got to Prankster's Paradise or something and just stopped playing it again. There was something about the gameplay that I didn't quite like. Actually, it probably wasn't just something. More likely than not it was how abilities work. I absolutely hated (And still do hate) how half your damn abilities (Including HP Boost, Attack Haste, Magic Haste, etc.) can only be active if the spirits in your party have unlocked said ability. Now, it is true that there are certain party combinations where you can have every ability fully active (And I believe there's a trophy for doing so on the PS4 version), but doing it that way is a waste of a team. I mean, what if you like certain spirits but can't have every ability active as a result? You're just SoL.

    Anyways, even with this dislike towards the game in mind I noticed something odd. Playing it on the PS4, the game didn't seem like a chore to get through again. I genuinely wanted to keep playing. And that is even with some things in mind, like how the Reality Shift really isn't made to work without that touch screen. I mean, doing it is okay I guess. But it work so much better on the 3DS touch screen than it does on the PS4. I thought they would use the PS4's controller's touch pad, but they didn't.
  4. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean. I also very much dislike the ability layout which I'm rediscovering right now. I wont play KHDDD(PS4) after this one go but often times on the 3DS version I considered letting DE's die so I wouldn't have to bother anymore. After you get balloonga, once more and second chance your effectively a god in battle anyway.

    I'm still finding it a chore myself but I do give it a point for how well it looks. It almost reaffirms my belief that KH is a better console series.
    Have you noticed that flowmotion is more of a pain now as well? Reality Shifts feel wonky since there is no touchscreen (I expected them to use the pad as well) but flowmotion feels more annoying somehow...I'm unsure if it's due to the worlds feeling bigger or what.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I dunno. Flowmotion never seemed to be too much of a hassle for me. I suppose in a sense the worlds feel bigger, but I'm not sure if I noticed the flowmotion mechanic suffer because of it. That being said, 90% of me using flowmotion is to dash into a wall and either A: Jump again and then dash forward to move around faster or B: Continually jump and dash into the wall to scale the wall.
  6. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I feel it's overpowered, like how much damage that ground pound does. For me it's mostly just aggravating though. People claim you can turn it off but you can't. If you remove the flowmotion actions you'll just dodge roll into walls and fly around uncontrollably.

    However if it was more optional I probably wouldn't have it as bad. In big open areas I can get by fine since I never go into it by accident.

    I've never got this sensation of it making the world bigger though.
  7. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Just beat it. I only just noticed the credits of DDD read out "This Leads to KH3" lol
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I think I can see a bit as to why you don't like it more than I don't like it. You're not the first one I've heard saying flowmotion breaks the game with how strong it is. I never noticed that, but that's also because I have never actually played through DDD using it a lot. I primarily used flowmotion to get around the areas quicker. I did use it in combat, but I suppose it wasn't enough for me to notice it being overpowered.
  9. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I only use it if I'm cornered for a few reasons. Keyblade damage sucks in DDD and just like BBS enemies rarely if ever get stunned even to a small degree. Plus the aerial recovery in this game is horrible, the counter move works better but even then your locked in place do another enemy can attack you after your brief conter-invincibity frame.

    So your basically boiled down to groundpound or commands and usually the command is balloonga.

    All that probably sounds ranty or harsh but I really don't like playing DDD. Its combat isn't as broken as BBS but it's still not enjoyable for me.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    No kidding. I swear the damn move hasn't even worked a good 80% of the time for me.
  11. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    So that's an issue for others as well. Guess it is a gamewide problem. BBS' version was also very iffy at best.

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