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Discussion in 'General' started by demon of darkness, Jun 8, 2008.

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  1. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    have you ever had a supernatural experince happen to you?
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    There was this one time when I was on the Queen Mary, leaving the pool room on a tour. I was the last person to leave and I heard a girl's scream. The wierd thing was that the scream was too quiet to be the same scream as the special effects tour.
  3. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    ya know i think theres a legend about a girl that drowned in that same pool.
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    At my dads place I was outside under our deck. It reaches the second floor and it is night out. I was using a flash light and saw a bit of movement out of the corner of my eye. When I put my flashlight on it there was a man there and then there wasn't. It was there for just a second but I swear that I saw it. You guys think I did or am I crazy?
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I am sure you saw it.

    I have another event, it is actually wierd. There were times when I was alone in my house watching TV. In my house, there is the TV that we watch television with, and another old one on a shelf above it. I would be sitting there and the old TV would suddenly turn on. The wierd thing was that we didn't have a remote for that television.
  6. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    well i know your going to call me crazy, but one time i saw a member of organization 13. he just flew across my yard really fast and then dissapeared, and the next day my dad said he saw a white creature so i showed him a picture of a nobody and he said it looked just liked that. but you could tell it was an organization member he had the organization coat on and his hood was up. judging by his build and his ability to glide i'm guessing it was xemnas.
  7. Default_User

    Default_User New Member

    errr.... ok I'm sorry, but the last one is waaaay hard to believe.
    There are things known as magnetic frequences and so on that tend to make sounds that people refer to screams and so on... I'm not sure I believe in it.

    But I also have a story like that. In my living room, the light switch is very easy to turn on and off, and there was a time that just the wind blowing strong would turn it on (it was even worse)
    One night, i forgot i left the window open, and turned off the light. when i was going to my room, it lit again. I turned back toi see if my mom or brother were there, but there was no one there, they weren't at home, yet. I turned back, and turned off the light again. Going into my room again, you guessed it: it lit one more time. Of cource, THERE I got scared. It was when I lookd at the window, and it was only slightly open!! it got so much on my nerves :mad:
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