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Tachtical warfare games

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Zerieth, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hey, guess what. No matter were I look I can't find a thread for the games that capture my soul. I know at least one of you plays a tactical warfare game so any one with a good game talk about it, post a link to a online version or fan site, and all in all tell were you got it! That way we can all try it and see why it captivates you.
    For a start This game I found, Astro Empires, seems pretty good. Its a space game were you log on, join a guild, set stuff building or moving to capture planets for yourself, then log on again later. It's pretty fun and you get 7 days to build up your stuff. After that your fare game so you should concentrate on making defensive stuff and researching your way to making a unit that can capture a planet for you. The more planets you get the better your income so check at least once a day and build new things for your self while stealing planets out from peoples noses.
    Give it a try.

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