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Tales of Deception ~ Aeval's Awakening

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Overdose, Feb 27, 2009.

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  1. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    By ninja-vengeance

    Tales of Deception OOC and SU

    It was a beautiful spring day, the sound of the swallows were at full peak. Sapphire was at the west wing of the castle, where her room was located. Stepping out onto her balcony she looked out at the horizon. Espara lay in front of her, the sun’s rays were gleaming across all the rooftops.

    “So it’s that day again,” she sighed as she now lay over her balcony pushing back her long brown hair. It was the tenth anniversary of her parent’s death.

    “If only they were alive to see how beautiful Espara has become.” She sighed, only she and Zin truly knew how the King and Queen had died. It wasn’t Sapphires favourite topic to discuss with others.

    “Eugh,”she strugged off the discouraging thoughts, how will I ever rule this land if all I think about is death? She paused for a second and looked towards the city, Varel. There seemed to be an unknown gathering at the city’s main square. I wonder what’s going on? She thought, where’s Zin,Aelita and Cassandra?
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Zin tapped on Sapphire's door.

    "I think it's beginning." She announced. Contrast to her normal angry jealous looking self, Zin appeared solemn and chaste. She truly loved her parent's. But Sapphire was the only one who truly understood those feeling's.

    "There is a carriage waiting in the square to take us to the graveyard." She said closing Sapphire's door and making her way downstairs.


    "Interesting....." The Witch said. The pen danced around the ouiji board. The Witch sat back on her throne, lighting her pipe she took a deep drag and lifted her empty tea cup.

    "All sign's are pointing to the same thing. Three month's." She said. Something was happening. Something unpredictable and troublesome. Something she could use to her advantage. Her prediction's where never wrong. Examining her tea-leaves again she saw something that made her smile. "Today's my birthday." She said to herself. "I'll have to buy some Sakí"
  3. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Aren walked slowly on patrol down the west wing, walking past rooms, looking around for anything strange. He didn't understand why he did it because nothing bad ever happened around the castle. "I've been doing this for almost 4 years now and nothing interesting has ever happened.." he said to himself. He saw Sapphire's door and knocked on it "You're majesty? Are you in there?" He asked. "You might want to hurry to get to the graveyard, i know the man driving that carriage, he can get inpatient quickly."
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  4. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Sapphire heard both Zin’s and Are’s callings.

    “I’ll be down in a minute,” she yelled back. Grabbing her necklace she quickly placed it on her whilst retouching her makeup. She then ran out of her room to go find Zin.

    “Zin,” She said to her sister, they were both the same age and Sapphire always felt like she had to battle for power of authority often.

    “Do you know where Cas and Aelita are?” She asked as she was struggling to put on her shoes. “Sorry for the hold up, I was just thinking some stuff.” She said whilst hopping on one leg.
  5. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Zakheus awoke with a spring, only to be greeted by the rays of sun which gently shone in his open window.

    "Let's hope it's a good one!", Zakheus exclaimed, fastening his buckles and lacing up his boots.

    Zakheus flicked his hair back, shimmering in the sunlight with a silver tinge.

    "Oh yeah, I had to meet Suzume this morning, he said he had something important to tell me".

    Zakheus left his home, and set out for the square
  6. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "That moment on the square":

    Rionaeo was busy securing that absolutly NO accidents would take place while the carriage was waiting for princess Sapphire.
    Alongside with other castleguards he guarded the carriage.
    "What is keeping up them so long?" he said to himself. "They should be here already...
    Come on Aren aren't you supposed to asure she is here on time?"
    The moment he said that, he saw a dark figure in a short flash!
    It was on the roof of one of the houses, it looked like some sort of wolf.
    He quickly looked away as a citizen was trying to get in the carriage.
    He quickly pushed the man away from the carriage.
    As he looked back...
    the dark figure was gone...

    "What was that?..."
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  7. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Aren looked out a window and saw the castle courtyard, the city surrounding the castle and the city walls. In the horizon were mountains. "I've been here for 14 years and never have i gone beyond those mountains...Someday." he said to himself. He remembered he had to be with Rionaeo at the carriage. He ran out of the castle to the square and met Rionaero. "Rionaero, you look like you've seen a ghost." Aren said looking at him.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  8. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "I assume their already in the Carriage. Although with Cass you can never really know."Zin put her arm out to support her sister who was struggling to balance.

    "You slept in again didn't you?"


    Yuko had had her birthday drink and now began studying the planet's position's. She knew something was happening. But she wasn't sure what. She needed to find out, but without a connection, and name or a date there was really nothing more she could do. But she was bored, so she would try anyway.

    "I wonder whose going to get me presents?" There was one boy in particular she knew would give her something very valuable today. This boy she had known and trained for awhile. Although what she would be getting isn't a present it would still be very worth while to have.
  9. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    “Me, sleep in on such a beautiful day like this?” Sapphire said trying to hide the fact that there was some truth behind Zin’s words. She had been up all night thinking about Espara, this lead to her falling asleep early morning.

    “Shall we go then,” she said whilst handing a ring to Zin.

    “It was mother’s, I thought you might like it.”
  10. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    Zazamak was medidtating when the winds told him 'its time' and knowing the importance of death, went to the graveyard to show his respects. And immediately sprinted amongst the trees silently making his way through the tree tops ever so silent.
    He followed the carriage and made his way to the graveyard, swiftly accompanying Sapphire and the carraige.
    Overdose likes this.
  11. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "Thank's." Zin said slipping the ring on her finger. Perfect fit.

    "There's something I wanted to ask you. Did father cheat on mother? Our birthday's are only a few month's away, and there's is no way another baby could be born by then." Zin had alway's been confused by this, but she never vocalized it.
  12. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    At the Square:

    "Aren where have you been?
    We have been holding up this crowd with only 3 men!
    Anyway... I expect Princess Sapphire is with Zin?

    Okay good...
    But she has to hurry though, we cannot hold this much longer under control...
    Aren did you just hear that to or was it just me?"
  13. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    "Yes...I heard something....And yes Sapphire is with Zin. They should be coming. What was that noise anyway?" Aren asked looking around. He kept his hand on the handle of his sword, ready to draw it if needed.
  14. Steffisaurus

    Steffisaurus New Member

    Cassandra carefully walked around the edge of the square, avoiding the growing mass of people. Uggh, what is going on? She thought. She was arriving back from the forest a lot later than most nights, but this was a usual annual occurrence – she was sure Zin, Aelita and Sapphire would already be on their way down to the graveyard, and this wasn’t something she liked to participate in. I’ve already shed enough tears for mother and father. By the time reached the castle though she couldn’t help but think about her mother, but as she shut her bedroom door, she managed to shut out all her other thoughts too. She lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling, reciting what she had learnt last night…
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  15. zazamak

    zazamak New Member

    Zazamak joins Aren and the group.

    "I have arrived...., wait...yes i hear it to...patience...."

    Zazamak simply closes his eyes still focusing and waits ....
  16. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    “Did mother cheat on father?” Sapphire repeated Zin’s words silently. She had not expected a question like this, surely not in this time or this place or day.

    “Zin, I don’t know.” She said puzzled to herself why she had never thought of the question herself. “I simply cannot say.” She looked at her sister, it was true they were the same age. It did not make sense on how two children could have been conceived so fast. Did she? Could she? Why am I thinking about this now?! She thought to herself.

    “We don’t want to be late, we’ve wasted enough time.” She said whilst still thinking about the question Zin had just asked.
  17. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    At the square:

    "look Aren i don't how or anything but i
    "I think i just saw a Jagaz...
    A jagaz was proclaimed as a spirit of evil in my old village...
    i think i saw it but im not sure... It al went so fast...
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  18. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    *sorry but you CANNOT control other people's character's. Please read the Roleplay rule's in the roleplay section


    Xin just nodded. She would ask again tomorrow. Shifting her hair from her eye's she left the front door, the sun striking her eyes. It would've been a beautiful day, but considering...

    "Cass? Is that you?" Zin asked thinking she saw her sister at the carriage.
  19. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    *okay we will and sorry*
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  20. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    "A Jagez? Are you sure? That doesn't seem right. I wish Sapphire and Zin would hurry up, I'm getting hungry." Aren said looking around.

    He looked at the mountains "One of these days..." He thought to himself.

    He startedwalking in circles looking at the ground.
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