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Tales Of Deception SU and OCC

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Overdose, Feb 25, 2009.

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  1. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V


    created by ninja-vengeance
    My first created RP


    In a land which was blessed by the gods and flourished in prosperity laid a forgotten past. The land of Espara was not always the tranquil place it was made out to be. Long ago when the realms of Light and Darkness fought to the death, Espara laid in the midst of destruction. The current queen of Espara pleaded to the God’s to save her kingdom and her newly born child, Alexia.

    Hearing her cry, they sent four angels down to Espara. Each with a unique power of their own; Air, Water, Fire, Earth. Thus using this power the realm of Light was saved, the battle won and the darkness vanquished. As for the angels, they were sealed within crystals for only the Royals to use in case the Kingdom was ever under threat once more. When Alexia was made queen, she thought that someday the corrupted would try and seek this power therefore ordered it to be sealed deep within the castle walls. They called it Aeval. A powerful seal was then placed, only the blood of a descendant could remove.

    Fifty years has passed since and there is a new threat on the horizon. Can Espara be saved? Four princesses hold the key of wielding Aeval. With the help of their friends and warriors throughout the Kingdom, can the darkness be vanquished yet again? Embark on a tale of secrets, mystery and most of all deception.

    Unravel the truth in this land where the enchanted live. Where centaurs and pixies reside and myths and legends flourish. Will you join us in the obligation to defend this land from all that is created in the abyss?
    But remember this is no ordinary fairy tale…


    ☆No power playing
    ☆No God modding
    ☆No Spamming or OOCing in the main thread (I will kill you if you do or remove you)
    ☆No Mary-Sue's
    ☆All post's MUST be a four sentence minimum
    ☆Proper English (or the best you can)
    ☆No modern weapons, this story is set in a fantasy sort of olden day’s time.
    ☆Character maximun of 2, unless told other wise.
    ☆No Angels sent from God,
    ☆no one with powers from god (unless I have reviewed it)


    Lengthy Detail description is appreciated. Please wait until you are accepted.

    Weapon: (you don’t have to be a warrior or mage of some sort. Ordinary people are welcomed =] )


    note: there are no angels around anymore, they are sealed within the crystals where only their powers remain.

    4 Princesses -
    ninja-vengeance: sapphire
    steffisaurus: cassandra
    Sakura-Fan: Aelita

    Castle household/ Those who live within the castle walls -
    The Heartless King:Are
    Merlinosheep: Rionaeo

    Kingdom warriors-
    WayToTheDawn: Zakheus
    Desert warrior: Gerik

    Others -
    kupo: Espara Yúko-o
    zamazak: zamazak
    Haresuno: Aer
         Reph Sood a'Bard
    ninja-vengeance: Mirel

    Magical Creatures(pixies,goblins,dwarfs,fairys etc) -
    Mythril Roxas: Zeb

    Tales of Deception Aeval's Awakening RP
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2009
    LivingDeath likes this.
  2. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Name: Sapphire

    Age: 23

    Sex: Female

    Personality: Responsible and kind. She is friendly to all the citizens of Espara. Sometimes she can be a little bit too kind of heart, she gets along well with others. Being one of four sisters she feels she holds a responsibility on looking after the kingdom. She loves adventures, she spends a lot of her time in the castle library reading on myths and legends. Curious for knowledge she is highly intelligent. A musician and artist she loves the creative arts. Although she enjoys being a princess, she has always felt a lack of freedom therefore tries to be a normal average citizen.

    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Slender and attractive she has long hair which goes down to nearly her hips. Always dressed in quite wealthy clothes.

    Weapon: She knows how to handle a sword, yet being royalty has never been taught how too. She uses anything available. However she is currently reading upon dark magic.

    History: Being one of four princesses of Espara she has been looking after the kingdom for some time now with the aid of her sisters. Always affected by the death of her parents; the King and Queen she tries to overcome it.Her mischievous adventurous personality had leaded her down to the heart of the kingdom, to the capital. This is where she has often disguised herself as one of the many citizens. This way she is able to gain more knowledge about the myths of those which happen in her kingdom. She does not approve of how different people treat her when knowing she is royalty. She has been commonly known to disappear in the castle; no one knows the castle better than herself. However there are many secrets the castle has which even escapes her knowledge.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
    RebelMurf likes this.
  3. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Name: Suzume

    Age: 25

    Sex: Male

    Personality: Calm and intellectual, Good strategist, Friendly and loyal.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon: [​IMG]

    History: Suzume grew up in Espara with his father who worked as a weapons master in the castle training grounds, Suzume looked up to his father and trained under his instruction almost as soon as he could walk. When Suzume was some years older he took an interest in magic and began to look at Espara Yúko-o for guidance. His father disapproved the thought of magic and Suzume was banned from learning any. In a rebellious response Suzume refused to take up a sword and would sneak into the castle library and teach himself magic. There he met Sapphire and was amazed at her knowledge of the world. He had become friends with the princess but would never admit or show it in public for fear of what would happen to them both. When Suzume was 18 his father desperately wanted him to join the army so he could rise through the ranks and succeed him when he was gone from the planet. Suzume however refused and lived away from his father until two years later he got word that his father was fatally ill. Suzume was told that his father hadn't long to live and the only thing he could do was make him as comfortable as possible. Suzume was determined to more and with his magical ability's he managed to cure his father. For two weeks his father was in perfect health, or so it appeared. Suzume hadn't cured the sickness at all, instead he had merely gotten rid of the pain. His father was taken from the world without saying goodbye to his only son. Suzume racked with grief made an oath to himself that he would make his father proud. He then took residence in the castle and took comfort that the princesses knew how it felt to loose ones parents.The sword he carries is his fathers. He trains in the army and is quickly flying through the ranks to complete his fathers wishes.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2009
  4. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    I'm in.

    Name: Aren

    Age: 26

    Sex: Male

    Personality: He's kind and smart but in battle he's as tough as nails. He can somtimes be agressive and can get annoyed quickly.

    Appearance: Armor: [​IMG]
    He has short black hair, blue eyes and when not in his armor he wears a black shirt and grey pants.

    Weapon: The one in the picture :p

    History: He is the captian of the Espara guard and watches over Sapphire from time to time for the king. He vowed to protect Espara with his life.

    Sorry if that picture's a little big lol. you can consider him a kingdom warrior i guess or castle household, whichever one seems to be most right. :p
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  5. Steffisaurus

    Steffisaurus New Member

    Name: Cassandra

    Age: 20

    Sex: Female

    Personality: Little is known about Cassandra. She spends most of her day in her room, although leaves home every night at 11 and arrive home at about 3. Most of Espara’s citizens have never heard her speak. Before she died, her mother was one of the very few people she felt able to confide in and spoke to.


    Weapon: It is believed she is an expert in the dark arts – she refuses to learn to defend herself in any physical way.

    History: Seemed fairly normal as a young child, but became more secluded as she went through her teens. After her parents died she never cried once, and there seemed no change in her at all. She contributes very little to the ruling of the kingdom, much to the annoyance of her sisters, although she does not seem to care that she is so secluded from them.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
    RebelMurf likes this.
  6. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Could i make two characters?

    Name: Ashura

    Age: 24

    Sex: Unknown, suposeded male.

    Bio: Ashura is the god of wood, or Earth.(Earth reflecting power's over wood). Despite being one of the god's handpicked angel's Ashura only serve's as will of his/her(we'll call it a him). He is bitter in respect to being trapped in the crystal's. They were only intended to be used in battle once. He has fallen in love with one of the sister's. This is what prevent's him unleashing his wrath on Espara.

    Personality: He is cold bitter and distant. His character show's a moral breakthrough for the stereotype associated with angel's.


    Weapon: [​IMG]



    Name: Espara Yúko-o

    Age: N/A

    Sex: Female

    Personality: Espara Yúko-o(Yuko) is a very immature and free-spirited individual. She enjoy's earthly delight's such as Beer and Saki. When the situation is needed she become's very serious and stern. She is very greedy and stinges as much as she can from a situation, although she would never take anything unjustly


    Weapon: Magic

    History: Espara is a reincarnation of the Goddess of Espara. Every one thousand year's the goddess dies and turns into flame's, her reincarnation come's when those ashes are said to posses a pregnant women and invade her womb. Yuko is the 81st Godess, Yuko is her earth name from her mother. She posses's power over the fabric of the world, time and dimension's. Her signature emblem is the butterfly which represent's change. It was her mother(goddess) who created the 4 elemental warrior's and therefore she seems to hvaes no power over them.

    For Espara to take her position as Goddess she must perform a deed of endearing, enlightenment and great aid to the human people. She has foreseen terrible thing's for the future and this is possible her opportunity to take her status as goddess.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  7. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    the heartless king you are accepted =]
    And so is stef.

    Kupo yes you may have 2 characters. The firstcharacter of yours confuses me >.<

    Changed my age to 23, but saphire isnt Alexia. And 20 years is a typo >.< *changes it*
  8. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    My first character will be explained in the story. But could i be the 4th princess aswell(needed for my story)
  9. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Name: Reph Sood a'Bard
    Age: 18
    Sex: M
    Bio: Currently a traveling monk who spends his times giving performances as a story teller. He also does burials and weddings. Likes to get drunk now and again, but not day in and day out. He is kind and caring and loves to make sure people have what they need and will do just about anything to see people happy. He enjoys entertaining children with tales of his travels and odd tricks he has learned, such as juggling. Though during his travels he has had to discipline some rather troublesome fellows who tried to steal from him. He may be a monk but he isn't known to hold back a righteous wrath. Skilled in healing.
    Personality: Kind and caring. Educated and quick thinking.
    Weapon: Bo staves or tanfa's.
    History: At a young age Reph was orphaned at a monostary in the deep mountains. There he was trained to do good. Not to kill, steal, rape, or swindle. Yet fortunetly for Reph he had learned to swindle. Unconsciously thought, but still. Swindling has saved his hid as a teen for a few years now. He pays back what ever he took claiming he was only borrowing. The monks tried to discipline him, but did not prevail. So, they sent him out into the world saying he needed to be trained in resisting the evils of the outside world. Known as a lady charmer when he wants to be.


    Name: Aer
    Age: ---
    Sex: M
    Bio: The fabled angel sent forth to Esapra with the ability to control air. Currently a spirit attached to the princess with his ability. She is the only one able to see him. He will help her and acts as her teacher over her element once she discovers it.
    Personality: Calm and free going.
    Weapon: Spears of varies sizes.
    History: Aer is the fabled Angel of Air also known as The Breath of Death. He was quite destructive with his power and ruthless and he never truly showed much emotion except empathy. The way in which he fought his enemies was more a slaughter than a fight. Since his imprisonment his entire attitude and self have changed. Though most fiercely remembered for battles he also used his powers for other purposes. Though he was not fond of talking about them. His entire attitude was that he was nothing more than a weapon and he was just doing his purpose. Yet despite this he found ways to use his powers productively.

    If my second profile isn't alright I'll change it otherwise I'll finish it later.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  10. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Name: Amitrael
    Age: 23
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Kind, and helpful. Amitrael love to help people, perhaps it's because his past as angel. He doesn't like to do reckless things and thinking the plan first. He's very loyal to princesses and love Espara. He has one thing that he hate: Injustice and Demon.
    History: Amitrael once an angel that God sent for the save of Espara. He doesn't like to do the job and God punished him to become mortal. Angels called him, "The Fallen Angel." He has reincarnate into a children that grown up in Espara. He forgotten all of his memories when he was angel. He become a citizen until he become knight of the castle. He love Espara and will to fight until his death.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  11. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    kupo yes you can be the 4th princess.

    Haresuno your accepted, although i have PMed you about one of your characters.
  12. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Name: Zakheus(Zah-kay-us)
    Age: 21
    Sex: Male
    Bio: Zakheus is a warrior of the Esparian Kingdom. He is well known for his gentlemanly nature and his courteousness . Many a battle he has fought against evil and he is well known for his swift swordsmanship and agile mobility.

    Personality: Zakheus is an all round friendly and optimistic person who will help anyone in trouble, but if faced with evil, Zakheus will carry out his orders of elimination ^^

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Weapon: Dragon Buster(Sword in image)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  13. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    trumpy is accepted, so is waytothedawn
  14. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    (Wonders how I'm in the wrong RP if I submitted my character?) Is there a certain thing that your character has to be, or come from?? o.o
    RebelMurf likes this.
  15. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Your character can be any ordinary person: just randomly there doesnt need to fight can just be a character. Something even simple etc the castle gardener who falls in love with someone or something.

    Warrior who can help when we fight the realm of darkness.
    Mage? Random Espara citizen,or magical creature like a dwarf who lives in the enchanted woods.

    Your character doesn't need some killer power or weapon to be important. :)

    still confused than you can PM me or something.
  16. Sakura-Fan

    Sakura-Fan New Member

    Bio: Aelita is the youngest out of the three sisters so she doesnt remember her parents as well as everyone else does. To Aelita, Sapphire is like a mother and comes to her for advice before anyone else. However, when angred (normally when someone or something gets hurt) her kindly nature vanishes and she goes into a fiece rage...partly the reason fire chose her. The other is that she loves fire. She loves watching candles burn at night.
    Personality: Aelita has a kind nature and is often found in the castle gardens either singing, reading or playing with the wild animals that roam the forests. Aelita can be very dense and maybe too innocent at times but that doesnt mean she isnt smart.
    Appearance:Aelita has long coal coloured hair with light brown eyes. Hair skin is fair and she resembles her eldest sister Sapphaire.
    History: When her parents died 10 years ago Aelita was only 7 too young to understand completely. Ever since her sisters are looked after her aswell as the sevents at the castle.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2009
  17. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Sakura-fan, your accepted =]
  18. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Name: Zin

    Age: 23

    Sex: Female

    Bio: Yin's dream is to become a wood fairy. She spends all her time with fairy's and learning there traits.

    Personality: Sly, bitchy. the kind who gets jealous quickly. Although she is nice to Yuko, the castle sage.


    Weapon: n/a

    History: Zin at a young age separated herself from the rest of the world. She lived, literally, amongst the fairy's. Her only connection with her sister's is teasing Cassandra. Like fairy's she is very vain, and tends to stare at herself alot in the mirror. She became a bitter person when her best fairy friend- Zel- was eaten by a toad sage. She swear's to hunt down that toad sage and kill and roast it.
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Alright, here I am.

    Name: Gerik
    Age: 24
    Sex: Male
    Bio: Gerik is just a simple person. He wants to know just about everything. He's very skillful in stealth. So he's snuck into the castle many times. He has yet to get caught. He's also a treasure hunter. But he only looks for things of legend.
    Personality: He's kind to people, mainly women. He's also very curious, so he's learned alot of different things.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: He's learned many different styles of fighting. He's learned some magic. And how to use several different weapons. But he's best with a sword. He uses this sword:
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  20. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    NamE: Zeb
    Age: ?? ??
    Race: Half-elf
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Quiet, lonley, passion for justice, inner kindness. Loves the seashore and sunsets, hates liars and hypocrits. Is a hired assassin, and trained killer...but he is currently trying to denounce that title...
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