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Talk about DQM: Joker!

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Sephirothruler23, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. Sephirothruler23

    Sephirothruler23 New Member

    I think DQM: Joker is a fun game.
    So i want everyone else's oppinion.
    i also want people to post their monster
    teams, post any cool monster's that you
    think other people should try to get, and
    even ask questions about the game
    (synthesis materials, where to get a certain monster,
    etc.). Speaking of questions, does anyone know where
    to get a gigantas cus Ive been told one's at infant isle
    but i go there during day and night (in the game) but i dont
    see it.
  2. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I thought the game was awesome and I love the Dragon Quest series. I've played Dragon Quest 8, DQ Swords and Dragon Quest Monsters
  3. Sephirothruler23

    Sephirothruler23 New Member

    yeah dude ive just made a team
    that would be awesome if leveled up
    but unfortunatly, it was synthesized
    so i have to raise it's level.
    Its pretty good so far.
    The members are:
    1. Seasaur
    2. Gold Golem
    3. Treeface
    I like tree face's ability.
    Right now im trying to
    make a demon-at-arms.
    Its kind of hard
  4. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    I want to get that game SO BAD!
  5. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Seriously it's great!
  6. Sephirothruler23

    Sephirothruler23 New Member

    i know and i just got my demon at arms.
    lol i called it DEA (you know the
    Accociation and the initials for demon at arms)

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