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Ta's Alternate Personalities

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ta-Chan, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Ta-Chan

    Ta-Chan New Member

    Name:Allison Quirkly

    Age: 15

    Race: Human

    Position: She is a mere high school student but her intelligence lets her get away with anything

    Alignment: Evil/Insane

    Weapon: A hunting knife in a case covered with blood. She takes it everywhere

    Abilities: Is a genius, so she is allowed to do anything she wants but the government is expecting she'll do what they say when they need her to.

    Physical Description: Long blonde hair, with either red or black dyed tips (when she cuts her hair she redies the tips) Gray eyes(Likes to wear red colored contacts sometimes), wears glasses but it is unknown whether they have a prescription or not. Wears a big sweater with sleeves that are too long. Underneath her sweater she wears a black shirt, In summer it's a tank top, in winter it's a long sleeve. She also wears plain jeans or sweatpants (depending on how hot it is.) For shoes she wears boots to plain running shoes to regular sandals. She also owns an elegant scarlet strapless dress that goes to the floor that she wears rarely and in private.

    Personality:Sadistic and cruel.She is almost always calm and collected, no matter how she is feeling. She wants to love someone who loves her back, but doesn't relate to people at all. Her dislikes are people who are smarter or trickier than her, going to jail and dieing while trying to kill someone else.

    History: At the age of three she killed her own mother. Then she was taken out of her father's care and put into several foster homes. After murdering her mother, human lives had no meaning to her, and therefore she felt unrestricted when it came to harming other people and eventually learned to take pleasure in it. She was soon discovered as a genius and was put up a grade. She never was the most agile person, but she is light enough to move fast when she wants too, although she soon tires. She is still at the top of her class, but started to get murderous urges. She would try to dull these urges by cutting herself, and she now has hundreds of scars. eventually she gave in and murdered 4 more people before turning 15. Her classmates have no current knowledge of her murderous nature, and neither do her current foster parents.

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