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TGS 2007: Kingdom Hearts titles for DS, PSP and Mobile revealed

Discussion in 'Archive' started by soul, Sep 20, 2007.

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  1. soul

    soul New Member

    Square Enix has started their own conference and revealed the following Kingdom Hearts titles:

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep for PSP looks to be a single-player adventure in the vein of the PlayStation 2 iterations, though not "Kingdom Hearts III." Birth by Sleep's protagonist was not explicitly named in the presentation, but he looked an awful lot like Zack of Final Fantasy VII/Crisis Core fame.

    Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
    for Nintendo DS appears to star Roxas from Kingdom Hearts II, but its main draw looks to be four-player simultaneous play using members of Organization XIII. It will be in full 3D.

    Kingdom Hearts: Coded is a mobile game, likely for Japanese cell phones. It stars the familiar cast of main characters from the original Kingdom Hearts (Sora & co.) and seems to be set between the first and second PlayStation 2 titles

    @ Forever Fantasy
  2. DjC

    DjC New Member

    yep!i found this out late last night.im happy cause a have a psp,ds,and cellphone!but i dont think that the cellphone game is for u.s. but i've been hopeing that they made a psp kh game and they did! i wasnt so hot about kh 358/2 days but then i found out its all about roxas and u can play as some organization members and itll be in full 3D!
  3. Xigbar

    Xigbar New Member

    What is a title called 358/2? That is so stupid, but it's Kingdom Hearts, so you can't really complain lol.

    Great Find!
  4. DjC

    DjC New Member

    that is yet 2 be revealed and i cant wait for some more info!
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Wow im the moderator of this part of the forum and i didnt even know that LOL great find im going to spread the word I have a psp so this should prove worth the money
  6. Flare

    Flare New Member

    How credible is that source...
  7. DjC

    DjC New Member

    hey i found out about the 3 games before this thread! i posted info on kh3 reveal thread then the next day i saw this thread. but i dont really care. all i really care about is the next 2 games since kh coded is only for japan cellphones i dont care as much
  8. sora'sNOBODY

    sora'sNOBODY New Member

    great! i cant wait! im definitely bying 'birth by sleep' :]
  9. Omega

    Omega New Member

    i think they named it 368/2 because he spent 368 days with organization Xlll but it was really 2 years or something. i don't know.
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