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Thanksgiving 2012

Discussion in 'General' started by Kitty, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    To all the Americans out there, did you enjoy the holiday? Any of you brave (or stupid?) enough to go out Black Friday shopping today? And so on.

    I actually enjoyed Thanksgiving a lot this year. We like to joke that my family is like the Addams Family. We can't get all of us in a room for very long without some argument or drama, usually. But this year, all of my sisters managed to drag their boyfriends along, and my dad actually behaved and everyone got along. It was almost like a miracle. I think I'm still in shock a little.

    And I am not one of those brave souls who went out shopping today. I hate malls on a good day; there'd be nothing in this world that could get me to fight off the raging crowds and go in after something. But power to those who chanced it.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Thanksgiving was smaller than normal. My family is pretty broken up. [I rather not bore people with my life story]. I went to my grandma's house, me, my brother and my mother. The only other people who were there was my aunt and her kids.

    Honestly, I never really eat at Thanksgiving. I hate vegetables with a passion. Ham, Chicken, Turkey, Red Velvet Cake and Pecan Pie [It's the south so you better believe there is pecan pie] are pretty much the only thing; I'll eat. So, yeah nothing ever exciting. Rather sad that I don't have the luxury of a large family. :p

    I have never been out on Black Friday. Frankly, I'm a lazy child that doesn't spend money unless I absolutely need it or I figure that I deserve some type of reward for my hard work. I find it funny that my mom has to work on Black Friday til midnight at JCPenny while my cousin has to work at Rue21, today. 'Godspeed!' :D [My new idiom]
  3. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    I did.. nothing realitive for Turkeyzgiving other than finishing up my sketch.
    ...as usual, study and plan some stuff for the winter formal; do the usual, practice piano
    and all my other instrumentz.. transcribe music.. ...study some more? QQQ

    today... I just went to the art store and bought a couple of framez,
    bought some Graphite Hard pencilz (cuz i need them), and some tortillion ...however you spell those;
    tortillion are this art tool that allowz artist to blend colorz/graphite.

    then... went to do grocery shopping and some other places.. wasn't THAT crowded
    and parking space wasn't too hard to find. so it wasn't that bad~
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think it depends on where you go (and where you live, of course). The Wal Mart in my town didn't look any more crowded than it usually is, which is very, seeing as it's like the only place in town to shop at, but from what the djs said on the radio, the malls and similar places in the next closest town were packed. And there's no way I could deal with that, so I've just been sitting around all day drinking tea and watching My Drunk Kitchen on youtube and contemplating getting my Christmas decorations out. Gotta love four day weekends. XD

    Mine was a little smaller than usual too. Usually we go to my aunt and uncle's house and eat with their two kids, but this year we weren't able to do that, and it was more understated and a lot more enjoyable. I'm kinda hoping they don't want to get together for Christmas either, as mean as that sounds.
  5. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    oh ... walmart.... I went to walmart to buy photo paper,
    and it was just a bit more crowded than usual. qqq
    my mall is alwayz packed, so I don't really see the difference it is when itz Sunday
    and Black Friday.
    and been keeping myself up with either hot coco or fruit tea; nothing too unusual.
    though gotta say ...turkeyz are really salty ....
  6. Luke

    Luke Member

    I stayed home and got chinese food and played Halo 4. It was perfect

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