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The Aliance <-- I think i spelled it wrong..

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FatewithFury, Apr 29, 2011.

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  1. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    The Aliance!
    This is a roleplay samiliar to "The Organization"
    It is a Begginer Roleplay
    There are..10 roles to fill
    5 People in aliance (Excluding me..)
    And 5 people as the villians.
    Here is the...story....

    "A group of people made an aliance of thieves."

    not much but ....yeah just decide anything make a random event.. Make up a random plot..make Drama Ect.

    So please fill in the spots !!!!

    Spots that have been filled:
    Alliance roles
    Villians roles:
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah you spelled it wrong buddy.
    Not much to go on so I'll just put appearance and personality.

    Niko Ladrón

    Age: 14

    Weapon: Backhand Dagger

    Appearance: Smooth good looking fellow with short blonde hair and a "go getting" smile. His eyes are the color of hazel. This young man has no facial hair what so ever and has a dragon tattoo on his right arm. In his ear is a small diamond like earring that glimmers in the presence of light. Displayed on his fingers are silver rings on each finger. His attire consist of a black jacket that partially conceals his ripped in half black t shirt. Niko's pants are crimson with cloth material on the sides resembling flames and the boy's shoes have sharp jagged edges on them.

    Personality: Niko is a jokester that agitates everyone to the highest degree. The only thing he takes seriously is his love for stealing. Many say he was born a kleptomaniac and other say he is el rey de los ladrónes. I say he's good at what he does. The boy is not evil possibly cold heart-ed at times. Niko is comical and funny to the point that many would get offended by what he says. His attitude differs from when he is on the prowl. The young man is focused and emotionless only attentive to the goal that is in front of him. He is not considerate to the people around him during this event and he becomes the utmost enigmatic.
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah you spelled it wrong buddy.
    Not much to go on so I'll just put appearance and personality.

    Niko Ladrón

    Age: 14

    Appearance: Smooth good looking fellow with short blonde hair and a "go getting" smile. His eyes are the color of hazel. This young man has no facial hair what so ever and has a dragon tattoo on his right arm. In his ear is a small diamond like earring that glimmers in the presence of light. Displayed on his fingers are silver rings on each finger. His attire consist of a black jacket that partially conceals his ripped in half black t shirt. Niko's pants are crimson with cloth material on the sides resembling flames and the boy's shoes have sharp jagged edges on them.

    Personality: Niko is a jokester that agitates everyone to the highest degree. The only thing he takes seriously is his love for stealing. Many say he was born a kleptomaniac and other say he is el rey de los ladrónes. I say he's good at what he does. The boy is not evil possibly cold heart-ed at times. Niko is comical and funny to the point that many would get offended by what he says. His attitude differs from when he is on the prowl. The young man is focused and emotionless only attentive to the goal that is in front of him. He is not considerate to the people around him during this event and he becomes the utmost enigmatic.
  4. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    My role!

    Accepted keybladelegacy..9 more roles to fill. i will edit this post later with my charater...

    EDIT-Ok first things first sry i forgot to make a form to fill out,
    So plz try and do what im doing here:

    Name: Blake Shaw.

    Age: 23.

    Weapon: Small Knives.

    Personality: Cocky,laughs at peoples failures, always takes the lead,Makes it out of 'Most' situations.

    History: At the age of 2 His Mother And Father Died in a Fire and he survived under the remains, he was almost three when he got the rubble off him.The child made a small place for him to sleep and found some vegatables that did not burn.

    When he turned three he was a smart boy and went to find life, while walking away from the house he spotted a child only 2 years older then him,he walked over to the other boy and offered him some food.

    They both walked to the half burned down house and they grew up with eachother and took care of the other boy. When they were 12 and 14 they left to TallyHoo Town there they were adopted and taken care of.

    Years pasted and nothing ever went wrong until one day while the older boy was out at work he was killed at a robbery! that raged Blake! blake took off and hunt down the man but never found him...
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
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