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The Amazing Spider-man

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Blackrose, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member


    Who else has seen the movie? what are your thoughts on it? Like/Dislike? Would you have liked for things to have been done differently?

    And what are your thoughts when it comes to the comparison of the previous spiderman and the new one?

  2. OMGItzHaddaway

    OMGItzHaddaway New Member

    I'm not a super comic book guy, (if I had some steady income, that might change :p), but I know that The Amazing Spider-Man is a MUCH more faithful adaptation to the original comic books than the first three Spider-Man movies which came out.

    The fact that the original three started with Mary Jane as opposed to Gwen Stacy, was kind of a big deal to people, as Mary Jane was Peter's third(?) love interest as Gwen was his first; which I think was a fantastic move by the Director. Not to mention getting some of the other, more interesting villains in as opposed to the 'Green Goblin Trilogy' we constantly saw in the original movies.

    Honestly, though, when I first saw the guy playing Peter, he just didn't scream 'bullied nerd' that Toby McGuire did. But as the movie got into motion the first thing that came out of me and my buddies mouths were, "This guy is a dork." After that he was totally a believable Peter and that's great on the actor's part.

    Last, but not least, EMMA STONE. She is just...God, she is just an amazing actress, not to mention she's gorgeous!

    I'm not a great movie critic, but I honestly loved the film and can't wait to see what the director brings out in future installments.
    Aqua Fresh likes this.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm unfamiliar with the comics, and I've seen the first two of the other films, but can't say they left much of an impression on me. I mean, I didn't hate them or anything, but they didn't grab me the way some other superhero movies did, and I'm hard pressed to be able to tell you what they were about.

    But this movie was seriously freaking awesome. I just got back from seeing it and I had no expectations besides the fact that this is the first movie in a while that the drive-in has had playing that I had any interest in so I figured I might as well take advantage. And just seriously. The action scenes were great, I thought, and the acting was well done. I may or may not have gotten choked up in a few places. *shifty eyes* It seemed a little darker, a little more realistic than I remember the other Spider-Man movies being, and I approve. Beyond that, though, I can't really compare.

    This. Like I said, I'm not very familiar with Comic!Spidey's personality, so I can't say how like that Andrew Garfield's portrayal was, but I thought he got that bullied dork down well, and the way he started to lash back after getting his powers seemed very in-character. I also adored his sense of humor.

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