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The Bunnys Quests

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Feb 2, 2008.

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  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    ok here i just made a fun roleplay so you can make a character, it doesnt have to be a bunny, but here is the templete. oh ya this is a text rp.


    animal: what type of animal are you





    here is mine

    name: draco

    animal: bunny

    weapon: kuini, surikun, short dagger

    abilities: stealth, sneak, backstab

    personality: draco is very cotaind about it his emotions and what he says to his friend and enimies.

    history: draco was an experament on the space station G.E.R.S., after he blew up the station and escaped , he ended up on the planet xzarya where he found his true calling....:)
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Oh this is just to rich. lol.

    Name: Jake

    Race: Rissen

    Weapon: Rapier

    Abilities: super senses, stealth, teleport.

    Personality: Contained about himself. Never let's more to the surface than necessary.

    History: Traveled from world to world when he ended up in this one. He found himself an animal and found that in order to change back he would have to find an elemental stone. Now that he has found it he is hunting the dark man that made him an animal.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2008
  3. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    ooc: great profile!! and dont eat me i will start this now...:)

    draco woke up under a blanket of trees.."hmm...what happend last i know i was...on...G.E.R.S." draco quickly ran over to a stream of water nearby and saw that he was a bunny...!! "ohh i..am..a....bunny?? hmmm....i dont know whats going on so i will just explore" now draco starts to walk around and notices a kuini set with shurkin and a short sword. he decides to take it and equiped it....

    ooc: thats what i have so far and i hope that this gets a lot of people on it...::):):):):):)
  4. sora-x

    sora-x New Member


    name: husky(you people already know that.)

    animal:husky(de de de)

    weapon:fangs of blood, dark claws, and for some strange reason twin daggers.

    abilities:claws of blood,reapers seal,hurricane blade

    personality: stubborn, a bit naive, uncommon sense of justice, determined

  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    ooc:The gangs all here.:D

    For some reason Jake had a rather large craving for rabbit. He wandered till his k-9 nose found a bunny. "YOUR MINE!" He said jumping out of the trees. Instead of teeth meeting rabbit, they met sword. "YOH I am draco!" "What the! What are you doing here. AAnd why are we animals." "Your guess is as good as mine on the animals."

    ooc: I am playing off the fact that these guy's were in my roleplay together. Suffice to say that in this time, those adventures are at an end and they went their seperate ways. MAN I should right a book! :D :D :D :D
  6. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco stared startled at the wolf jumping out of the bush at him and realized who it was. " hey wait its me drac...." and draco jumped out of the way and threw a kuini and the wolf slaming it into its side....

    ooc: ya the gang is all here !!!!!!:):):)
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake struggled to get a grip on himself. The kunai sticking in his side was not helping. While the human part of his mind rebelled at killing his friend, the wolf just screamed "FOOD!!!" After a bit he realized his soul was not completely inserted in this body. The wolf howled, and that was the end. Jake was now in complete control. "Why the hell did you throw that knife at me!?!" "Because I would be lunch if I hadn't." "Oh."
  8. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco heard the wolf say some thing then he understood and said " because you were going to eat me, wait is that you jake..??" and then sharted to shake his tail,excitedly, then asked "wait wheres husky, ultima, and the others, and why are we......animals???"
  9. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member


    animal: mutated bunny

    weapon:throwing knifes

    abilities play dead,reap

    personality-jokes around alot

    history:i forgot
    i can still join right?
  10. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    ooc: ya sure every one can join just post a bio (like you) and you dont have to join the group right away.....:)
  11. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    "listens behind a bush"
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Im going to tell you guys the same thing i told the other in there rp. this looks like spam to me and not of quality. i dont want to have to delete this rp but its not looking to good for you guys. unless this becomes useful or has a purpose and you guys start to make quality post i might have to do away with this. becausts its just raising your post count and you arent doing anything but spamming basically.

    what i mean by quality post.....more than 1 or 2 sentences honestly a good rp'er can tell you for a quality post at least a paragraph is requiered. some advanced rp's call for a 2 paragraph minimum so you guys dont even fit either...so unless you guys do better this is going bye bye.
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >I apologize when I say this but this does not seem like it is supposed to be advanced. Rp's are to have fun, not a place were others boss each other around. I am sorry but this is a fun one, not a really good story one. As for the need for a paragraph, sometimes someone can't come up with a whole lot at the time (One sentence) but still wants to make an edition. The "Look, behind the bush!" is a very good edition to a story rp like this one. What is behind the bush? Is it a threat? Is he just seeing things? What is so significant about that is that he admits to not having much to add, but still moves the story. Now my character will want to know who this guy is, what is behind that bush, and what to do if the situation gets out of hand. In other words it was a very good post. Just a thought.<
    Jake looked up sniffing the air. "Which bush? This is a forest. There just so happens to be a lot of bushes here." "THAT bush." the guy says pointing at a rustling bush. "Oh." Jake walks over and jumps over the bush with the intention of surprising the guy behind it. He stops.
    >Anyone want to guess whats behind that particular bush? Ah, the suspense is deadly! MUAHAHAHA. *cough*<
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    .....No thats all i can say to the little rant you just gave. in any cast its just spam raising your post count with uselessness. sure rp's are for fun but not to spam up a forum. i dont approve of this rp not at all..you cant sit here and tell me "look behind the bush" is a good (edition) as you said to the rp..because no it itsnt i am trying to turn this roleplay section around and make it a better place with quality rp's and a well rounded type of rp's for people to join so we can cater to everyone and ther wants and needs but somethin like this has just got to go. i asked you to proove to me that this thread was needed but you couldnt do that.
  15. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Did you read the Post?

    Anyhoo, even though this isn't my section to moderate I felt I should intervien as Xehles is correct, it just seems like this section is the offspring of the Spam Louge / Spam Lounge Roleplay.
    We need deeper RP's than this on this forum at the moment to increase activity. This RP is fine so far but you do need to but a depper story behind some of your posts. Why not expand to "Character Name Listens behind a bush lost in thought"
  16. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Very well. I can't argue further with this when two guys come in. Ishotansem, think you can come up with something else? If you can then please post and we will move on. That sentence never happened. *sigh* And I had so much fun with debating to. NOT ranting. Please check my age as I currently feel insulted. I come from a writer family so we like to come up with stuff to add. Explains why I add as much as I do.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2008
  17. Name: Gado
    Animal Type: Africa Lion
    Weapon: Elemntal claws of Flame, Nighthunter armor(spiked), Teeth of Flame
    Abilities: Able to teleport(Nightcrawler style), Dark Claw of Firaga, Thundaga Claw, Aeroaga Claw, Curaga Roar(for all party members), Blizzaga Roar, Stopaga Roar, Earthbreaker Roar
    Personallity: Violent, kind, loyal, and proudly headstrong
    History: After his crowing as head of the Lionheart Council, got an inventation from some other lion to fight for his rank. Losing to his enemy due to sabotage, he was exiled and know seeks revenge and pride for himself and his kind
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2008
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Sorry if this one seems dead. Maybe I can salvage it.<
    Jake looked behind the bush and saw a large african lion. "Uh, hi. Help."
  19. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >hey i got a great idea. maybe this can have a story plot to it! the moderators will just have to be a little patient thats all.<

    Husky wandered around a meadow until he spotted a timber wolf behind a bush. he slowly walked up behind him and whispered. "what are we hiding from?". he slowly peeked over the bush to find a bunny mindlessly wandering around. "oh, i see... on three we jump em! got it?".
  20. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    He growled. "It's me, Jake. I got turned into a freaking dog."
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