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The Cloaked Schemer's Friends from the RPG Dimension!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Cloaked Schemer, Feb 13, 2009.

  1. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Keybearer's Sleep

    Name: Ao

    Sex: Male

    Age: 13

    Keyblade: Oathkeeper [​IMG]

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Data/Personality: Ao is somewhat friends to all the islanders, they can all trust him.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  2. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Ultimate Dissidia

    Name: Fayt Leingod

    Age: 19

    Alliance: Hero

    Role: College Student

    Game: Star Ocean: Till The End of Time

    Bio: Fayt Leingod is an honest young man. Somber but extremely headstrong, his parents are the most renowned and highly respected scholars of Symbological Genetics in the Pangalactic Federation. Fayt also studies Symbological Genetics at the Bachtein Science Universtiy, and while he is studious, he prefers playing sports and games to studying. He commits himself daily to martial arts practice in the "battle simulator." Although he can be stubborn at times, he is thoughtful and never abandons a person in need.

    Appearance: [​IMG]
  3. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Organization XIII • Life Before the Nobodies

    Name~ Ienzo

    Sex~ Male

    Age~ 16

    Powers~ Ienzo uses the power of illusion, he can mimic other weapons, he can disguise himself as others and can duplicate himself, and using his magic lexicon, he can also trap people inside the book and use dark magic.

    Appearance~ [​IMG]

    Data~ Ienzo is a schoolboy who lives on Destiny Islands with his other friends, he lives a fulfilling life and studies chemistry and science like a pro. Ienzo wants to work for Ansem the wise someday.

    Name~ Aeleus

    Sex~ Male

    Age~ 30

    Powers~ Aeleus is exceptionally strong physically, and uses the element of earth to reinforce his attacks.

    Appearance~ [​IMG]

    Data~ Aeleus is Ienzo's good friend on from Radiant Gardens. He often visits Destiny Islands to collect rare herbs, fruits and berries that can't be found in Radiant Gardens, but he always remembers to see his young friend Ienzo.
  4. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Legend and Creation of Pokémon

    Name- Reuben McCallister

    Age- 16

    Personality- Funny, energetic, imaginative, and determined

    Favorite/Starter Pokemon- Baby Gible, who soon evolved into Reuben's Garchomp, Thresher (Caught at Lv. 5)

    Appearance- [​IMG]


    [​IMG] Deoxys [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Lv. 86- Unisex

    [​IMG] Garchomp (Thresher) [​IMG]Lv. 100- Male

    [​IMG] Growlithe (Bonfire) [​IMG] Lv. 78- Male

    [​IMG] Venusaur [​IMG] Lv. 96- Male

    [​IMG] Swampert[​IMG] Lv. 100- Male

    [​IMG] Togekiss [​IMG] Lv. 69- Female

    History- Reuben lived with his Mother in Pueltown of the Almia Region. Pueltown is in
    the center of Almia, and has it's share of tall buildings and markets all over. Reuben never wanted to be a trainer, but a professional Pokémon contest judge.
    When Reuben was nine, and his Mother worked as a national ferry sailer, she sailed to the Sinnoh Region and got Reuben his first real playmate. Gible. Gible was named Thresher after Reuben's favorite shark.
    Reuben once traveled to the Hoenn Region with Thresher where his cousin Darnel worked as an astronomer for the Mossdeep City Mission Control Center where they launched rockets to space.
    That was when Darnel gave Reuben an odd stone that one of the astronauts claimed to have tripped over while on an uncharted planet. The stone is smooth and purple, and has a majestic glow now and then.
    (It's a Deoxys's Heart)

    Other- Reuben's signature PokéBall is the Luxury Ball. It was provided by his sponsor, The Mosdeep City Mission Control Center. The Luxury Ball is what Reuben uses now to catch and store all of his Pokémon in.​

    [​IMG] -Luxury Ball​

    Name- Delilah Holloway

    Age- 16

    Personality- Funny, energetic, optimistic, positive, and redundant

    Favorite/Starter Pokemon- Stunky (Caught at Lv. 3)

    Appearance- [​IMG]


    [​IMG] Stunky (Avalanche) [​IMG] Lv. 23- Female

    [​IMG] Mawile [​IMG] Lv. 30- Male

    [​IMG] Shiny Glaceon [​IMG] Lv. 53- Female

    [​IMG] Shiny Glalie (Glacier) [​IMG] Lv. 82- Male

    [​IMG] Froslass [​IMG] Lv. 68- Female

    -(Soon to have Regigigas) [​IMG]

    History- Delilah lived with her older brothers Vince and Buck and her Father Neville Holloway in Snowpoint City of the Sinnoh Region.
    Her brothers both got jobs in Cerrabel working at a factory- so Delilah moved there with them away from her Father. Now Delilah is a Volunteer Contest judge in Cerrabel.
    Even though Delilah loves her Avalanche (Stunky) more than she loves her brothers, she doesn't push Avalanche very hard to get strong, that is why he is at such a weak level even though he's lived with Delilah for 8 years.
    One of the worst things Delilah could ever see is her Avalanche actually get hurt or fall!
    Just like a mass of snow, ice, and rocks tumbling rapidly down a mountainside.

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