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The Day the World Died (SU and OOC) [Built from my Fan Fiction]

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Plot: Three. three is a magic number. Three soldiers. Are all it takes to set the world in flames.
    The worlds strongest nations go into brutal conflict. But there are foreign races involved and things will get extremely interesting very fast. I know this is short but read on. I explain why in a second here.

    Characters: There are 2 main villains. 3 protagonists. 3 race leaders. and 2 etc.

    Protagonist 1: Male
    Protagonist 2: Female
    Protagonist 3: Either

    Antagonist 1: Male
    Antagonist 2: Male or Female

    Race Leader 1: Male
    [/COLOR]Race Leader 2: Female
    Race Leader 3: Either

    Etc Character 1: Either
    Etc Character 2: Either

    Advanced KHP Roleplay Rules. No Power playing. Include words: Twister and Nuggets in character outline. More info about the plot will be released once some people show some interest in this roleplay. I want to see if the idea is somewhat good before I release all the little details. Please make an appropriate outline using the format below. The male Protagonist is reserved for myself.


    *Name: Nothing insane or extremely long.
    *Approximate age: No little children
    *Race: You better know what this means.
    *Gender: Man or Woman. There will be no in between.
    *Role: See above.
    *Bio: a few sentences please.
    *Physical Description: Simple. Don't give me too many details. Your picture should do most the explaining.
    *Picture: Nuff said.
    *Weapon of choice: Does not mean your character will always have it.
    Why you wish to participate in this role play: So I can make good RP's in the future. Why it's interesting.
    Why you made your character this way: Just curious.

    * Required fields. Although the last 2 would be nice to have.

    Oh and by the way. If you aren't a good roleplayer... don't apply.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012
  2. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Um, I'd like to reserve protagonist 3
  3. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    kay. doesn't mean you'll get it. I will have to approve of your character outline.
  4. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    So, about how many people need to show interest before you give some more details on the roles and story. Also can you put a link up for your fanfiction, I am quite curious.
  5. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

  6. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    *Name: Aeth
    *Approximate age: 16
    *Race: Human
    *Gender: Male
    *Role: Protaganist 1
    *Bio: The brother of Riku, After he completes his journey finding Riku,
    Kairi and Sora he stays at Destiny Islands but soon finds out
    the heartless have began taking over.(I'm assuming this is when this series
    comes in)
    *Physical Description: White hair, Mix of Riku's, Kinda spiky, Greenish blue eyes, Check my fanmade
    character thread for more info.
    *Picture: My current picture
    *Weapon of choice: Fatal Crest and Oathkeeper out of Valor form.
    Other: Nothing.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2012
  7. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    OOC Shut down. No roleplay will happen.
  8. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    Aw, Alright I guess

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