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The Diary of Isilma Jals

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Moogle, Mar 8, 2010.

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  1. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I got bored and began to write this. Consider it a tale connected to many, but particularly the other Jals I play.


    Once upon a time. . . Well, A time is key here. I've been to so many places since I fiddled that spell, so I figured a journal to record my journeys would be swell. It all began on a day like any other, like many tales do, you know. I was researching advanced jibber-jabbery (my phraseology for "Don't ask") with magic circles - Circles have always been magic, you know; it's just that these ones are practical! - when something just went. . . "FZWHOSHBIUM". Yes, I believe that describes the noise quite well. It certainly wasn't like anything else, I can assure you. Anyways. . . I wonder what will become of my sister? I'm sure she can take care of herself, seeing as she is almost of age. Right, back on subject, when I awoke, my skin had turned an ashen gray, my hair was blue, and I had one of those key-things. I'd forgotten the name and I don't have any of my books with me, so I'm at a loss for the name. I've kept it hidden for now - wouldn't want people obessing over a rare weapon, you see. So here comes the interesting part - I was at Twilight Town, but not at Twilight Town. The place was exactly the same. Same trains, same sunset, same buildings, but the people were different! Sure, there were familiar faces all over the place, but there wasn't anybody I was acquainted with in my universe.

    A scribble interrupts the page. It seems that something had startled the writer. It gets less legible here.

    "Well, I've got to run, but I shall fill in more of my tales later!"
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