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The Hero Without a Name - Utopia ~Actual RP~

Discussion in 'Archive' started by DarkAngel, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ok BK wanted me to start this so I may as well...I guess this is were it begins!

    Malfuzar was looking out the window at the sunset. he was more nervuse then ever. today was his wedding day and even then he felt something was gona go wrong. he wanted to go and see Nella but he knew that it would mean bad luck if he did before the serimony. man I'm old school... he thought to himself as he fixed himself up to ready for the wedding. "...even so..." he said to himself "...Nella and I are going to be together forever...sure its nice that I atleast get to live with her...but now...now I know that I must make this comitment..." he placed his hands in his pockets and looked up at the sealing. "...I will protect Nella no matter the cost." he smiled and walked over to the reception area.
  2. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    Nell a finished putting a clip in her hair, she was done. Perfect. The only day she wanted to be perfect, her palms were sweaty and her heart was beating so fast, she thought it might just pop out. But why was she so nervous? She didn't even know, she loved Malfuzar and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. The thought of that calmed her down a bit. She was ready to walk out and began making her way to the reception area, stopping just before she began to walk.

    She took a long, deep breath and picked up the sides of her wedding dress and began walking out. At first, she was tense, all eyes were on her and she felt uncomfortable. Until she looked at Malfuzar, she smiled and everthing was perfect. She didn't even think about anyone else but him.
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Malfuzar looked to the bride and smiled. as always Nella looked beutiful, but today was extra speacial. he finaly forgot about the feeling of danger and focused on nothing but his soon to be wife walking up to him. "You look lovely hun." he said as she made it to him.
  4. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    As the bride and groom exchanged a few words two men quietly rose up from their seats and both pulled out a Bren Ten 10mm Auto and steadied their aim. Just as the two were about to pull the trigger the Chapel door flew off as both men were gunned down by man in a hooded coat. It was silent for about three seconds before a woman shrieked and ran through the now doorless entrance to the chapel. As people emptied out of the Chapel the hooded man calmly strode through the terrified people. He removed his hood, revealing familiar brown hair and familiar brown eyes. Satoshi smiled "Your best man has arrived." he said with a cocky smile.
  5. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Malfuzar now knew what his feeling was for. he didn't waste any time to put himself between Nella and Satoshi. "Why are you here you heartless freak. haven't you caused enough trouble in mine and Nellas lives? leave or I will force you to..." he then readied a fireball in his hand with his power to manipulate the eliments.
  6. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Satoshi sighed and walked over to the dead bodies, as he rummaged through their pockets he pulled out two cards. "Vladmir Yates and Alexander Florence, both are top notch marksman for R.E.F.L.E.C.T. and were contracted to gun you down." he said in a grim tone as he picked up their guns and pocketed them. "It's been two years eh, I couldn't let an old friend die on his wedding day." he said before turning around. "I didn't actually think you'd go through with the actual wedding, you scored with Nella !!!" he said with the same cocky grin.
  7. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Malfuzar sent a fireball at Satoshi and readied his hands with elamental energy. "Don't think we forgot about what you did Satoshi...your far from a friend...if anything...you our enamy for doing what you did to Nellas family..."
  8. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    Of course this would happen she thought, her one day she wanted to be perfect, was ruined. She grabbed Malfuzar's arm "Stop it, Mal," she told him then she turned to Satoshi. As soon as she looked into his eyes she remembered everything that he had done to her, she was filled with rage but she had to hold it back. She picked up the sides of her dress again and began to pace over to Satoshi. "What the hell are you doing here, Satoshi?" She groaned "Was killing my family not enough for you?!"
  9. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Malfuzar walked over to where they were and was about to blow a gasget. he then saw the two guys that Satoshi shot down and looked back at him. why would he save us? he thought there is no way he would do this unless he wanted something... then he felt a strange presance like someone was watching him. why...why did you betray me? he heard someone say as though it was a thought. "Who did you bring with you satoshi? and why did you save us?"
  10. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Hidan no Aria OST track 21 - YouTube

    "... Because..." he couldn't put the words out of his mouth, how could he ask the people who he had hurt in such a way for forgiveness. It was almost unthinkable what he had done, and although it was under the influence of him he couldn't just ask for forgiveness, but, he put all of that aside and took a deep breath. "I don't have a lot of time left... and I know this is purely selfish but... I want to be forgiven before I go... what I did to you was unspeakable..." he said as he drew each word out as if he was stabbing himself, it was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life, harder than any mission, harder than enduring the impact that had put him in coma, and even harder than fighting with him for control over his own body. "If they say no... I'll understand..." he thought to himself on the verge of tears.
  11. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Malfuzar couldn't believe what he was hearing! the one man who hurt them so much expecting forgivness?! what was the world comeing to?!?!?! "YOUR INSANE!!! What do you have to prove yourself?!?! You have no right to be here!!! I swear give me one reason why I should let you anywhere near us?!" Why...WHY are you betraying me... he heard again. but he was to furius to notice.
  12. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "Because... I betrayed R.E.F.L.E.C.T. by killing those two and... because it is my last wish..." he said with a trembling voice. He couldn't take it anymore, and began to cry, something he hadn't done for years. His purpose was to find forgiveness in those who he had hurt.
  13. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Why...why did you Betray me?!?! Malfuzar had had enough. he had the only one who had hurt them crying and he couldn't get that voice out of my head. "Stop the water works Satosh and tell me who you brought with you...an Assine? a gunner? what?"
  14. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "I didn't bring anyone with me..." he said rising up and beginning to walk away, he had been completely crushed, he fingered the gun in his hand. "I will kill him... the founder was the root of all this... The Edge of Mist was his creation... and what killed off Nella's family... I will kill him... and hopefully then you will find it in your heart to forgive me... this is how I will atone for my sins."
  15. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    Nella watched the tears run down his face, she knew what he had done was unspeakable but for some reason, she felt like he was being honest. She had to forgive him, even though he had killed her family, they were gone and they weren't coming back whether she forgave him or not. "Satoshi wait!" She ran over to him, she almost started crying herself. "I know I really shouldn't do this, but I forgive you." She just wanted peace, and this was the only way to get it. "What you did, was unforgiveable, but for some reason, I just.." She trailed off "I don't want you to be burdened with this anympore, I really do forgive you." By that time the tears were streaming down her face.
  16. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Malfuzar walked to Nella and wiped her tears. he wan't redy to forgive him but he would listen to Nella no matter what. but he was confused. he had been part of R.E.F.L.E.C.T. but never heard of this "Founder". much worse is what this Edge of mist thing was was starting to worry him. "Satoshi...Who is this...Founder? and what is this edge of mist?"
  17. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "In will kill him... and I was wrong... asking for your forgiveness itself is unforgivable... I want you to enjoy your time with Malfuzar... you two deserve that... when I kill The Founder... you won't have to worry about R.E.F.L.E.C.T. so stand back..." he walked away from her.
  18. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Malfuzar senced something bad was gona happen. "SATOSHI!!!" he yelled as he put a earth wall infront of him blocking an attack from an unknown fighter who smashed it and landed infront of Malfuzar. "Why..." they said "Why did you betray me Malfuzar..." Malfuzar was thrown off balance at thai newcomer. "Who are you?!"
  19. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    In an instant satoshi had jumped from in front of the wall of earth and pulled out his S&W .500 and shot at the newcomer three times midair the recoil sending him farther back each time. The S&W .500 nicknamed "The Elephant Killer" is the largest and most powerful handgun in the entire world, getting hit with it meant certain death, it was like getting hit with a landmine.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2012
  20. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    OOC: God mod!!!

    The newcomer blocked the shots and looked back at Malfuzar. "You betraied me...why...WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!!!" the newcomer just slashed away at Malfuzar who dogde everyon bearly. who is this freak?! he thought.

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