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The Irony of Duel Wielding

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Derek, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member


    Me and a friend of mine were discussing (this post) and found it rather ironic, Roxas duel wielding ability.

    Throughout KH Days and KH2, Roxas shows a scorn for the keyblade and a desire for normalcy. Roxas is like the Sora that values being normal in a sense.

    Even Xion was the same. She would train with her keyblade sure, but she also knew her existence depended on being useful so that’s kinda a necessity above anything else. This was a odd contrast to Roxas who only used his when needed.

    It’s just rather ironic. If you think about it, his first duel wielding experience was throwing a fit and trying to rush the nobodies castle.

    If we wanted to be technical, him being all emotional is what even unlocked that power. Ironically giving him a second of something he despises.

    Anyone else every thought on it?

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