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The Knights of Awesome

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Name: Cinx

    Age: 17

    Gender: male

    Hair: brown

    Eyes: blue

    Height: 6 foot

    Uses the power of both Light and Darkness

    Weapon: two Keyblades (Oathkeeper and Oblivion) both held Reverse style

    History: as a boy he lived in a small world unnoticed by the realms of Light and Darkness. The world was peaceful until the day the Heartless. When the Heartless destroyed his world. When his world vanished he lost everyone he loved, his parents, his friends and his special one. However, Cinx had a strong heart so he did not vanish into the void of Darkness. He instead wound up in Traverse Town. when he awoke he found he possessed the Kingdom key. While in Traverse town he met Cid who explained to him what the Keyblade was and even gave Cinx his own Gummy ship to travel to new worlds. Cinx vowed to use his new power to destroy all evil and restore peace. He went from world to world destroying Heartless and Nobodies. When he heard that the worlds had been saved and restored by a young boy named Sora he was overjoyed and wanted to return to his home, yet he had not fulfilled his dream of seeing an end to evil so he remained on his quest. On his journey he met Riku, who taught Cinx the importance of using the powers of both Light and Darkness together. From that day foward Cinx has carried two Keyblades, one forged from Light the other from Darkness, to show the two sides of his true power.

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