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The MainStream

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Answer Man, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Just like it sounds. Main streamers as there called are everywhere but so are Hipsters which would be considered mainstream now since everybody wants to be one or says they are. So my question to you, what do you think of this type of take over? Is it bad good? do you like it or not care for it? And why do you even care for "mainstream" things or are you a true hipster and love the underground ways?
  2. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I think people over-react. There's always been such a thing as "mainstream" and "underground" movements, just nobody really referred to them as such, unless of course we're talking about world changing events such as assassinations.

    I'm sure if you told the people involved in the underground resistance in France against the Nazi's that in about 70 years people would call types of music and clothes "underground" then they'd probably be appalled. (Let's not talk about the swing movement though, then stuff starts to get confusing when you mix freedoms, ideologies and fashion.)

    Indie on the other hand, was once, and in some cultures still is, just a term used to refer to a group that essentially "do their own thing." Indie stemming from 'independent'.

    Independent musicians wouldn't have a record label, independent game developers don't have a publishing studio, etc etc....

    However, now that indie has become a fashion and musical trend, it's difficult to say quite what happened to the blatant abuse of the term. Indie clothing on one hand, I have no idea whatsoever. Indie music - I suppose the bands that didn't have a studio probably weren't getting them because of their distinctive styles which publishers felt the public wouldn't enjoy/latch on to. This led to a great deal of bands producing similar music without publishers, leading to the term describing the musical style as opposed to the technical condition.

    Making mountains out of molehills.

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