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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Xavier, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Xavier

    Xavier New Member

    Pitch blackness engulfs him as he simply begins to float in the seemingly vast nothingness that surrounds him, he had an name but here in this formless and dark void he fails to remember it. He wants to call out but he fails to utter an single word.

    He feels truly alone in this void this empty shell,however he refuses to simply go out like this he tries again to utter an simple phrase even it were to be his last."Help..me.." he wanted to say more but again he is unable to utter or say anything as if this infernal darkness was slowly putting an muzzle around his mouth.

    He passes out as the darkness slowly engulfs him.
    below is the link to the rp.
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Hey there Xavier. Welcome to the forums, and the RP section!

    I notice a few things here.

    1. that you posted the IC for this to tbe Arena. Is it your intent for this to be an original roleplay or an Arena battle?

    2. You may want to give a bit more detail to this so people have a better sense of what expect as far as acceptable/desirable character builds, etc.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2015
  3. Xavier

    Xavier New Member

    i asked an moderator were i could post my oc sheet and i took the liberty to look at the area were i could post it but it didn't give me the answers i sought, that area only gives me insight on how rp works or how this area works. Could you tell me were i might post my oc sheet or do i simply stick it somewhere in the original occ area?
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    If the purpose of this RP is strictly combat (IE, you wish to challenge other RPers to an RP battle, then you would want it over in the Arena.

    If the RP is going to be more story-centered then it would belong under Original if it's an original creation by you (IE, not connected to a pre-existing franchise, such as, say Kingdom Hearts). If it is based on a series not originally of your creation, then it's a Canon RP.

    If you're looking to post a character sheet that you've filled out for your character, you may simply post it on whichever of your threads you wish to run the RP in. As for posting a skeleton for other people to fill out, you're best off to edit it into your original post in this thread (and/or on the other one if you're looking to do something with the Arena).
  5. Xavier

    Xavier New Member

    um thank you.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    If that didn't help, let me know; I'm here to help you out and clarify things.
  7. Xavier

    Xavier New Member

    is there an template i can fallow?
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It's your RP. You're free to use whatever manner of template you wish for it.
  9. Xavier

    Xavier New Member

    can you please delete the one in the arena i mistook it for area.

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