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The New Dawn

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, Mar 16, 2008.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Its been years since Sora stopped Xemnas and Organization 13. Sora is now a grown man. He is married to Kairi and they have one daughter. Heartless start attacking when the daughter, Siah turns 13 years old. Sora gets the keyblade back, but what happens when Siah gets one too?

    Anyone can join, heres the needed info:

  2. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Name: Raguna
    Role: Riku's son. Mom is Selphie. Friends with Siah>is that ok?< and her parents.
    Gender: Male
    Looks: Where's brown shorts, white shirt, green jacket, and a green bandana. He has brown hair that's is a little short, goes down but some sticks up. He has blue eyes like Riku's. Shoes are Nike.
    Personality: Happy, cheerful, and makes friends easily.
    Other: He is weak when he is hungry. He gets hungry after an hour. His current weapon is Sora's wooden sword he got on his 9th birthday. Like Siah, he wants to know what is out there. He also wishes to meet the genie in Agrabah Sora told him about to get:1. Unlimited food. 2. More kids on Destiny Island. 3. Get a paopu fruit to share with..... you know, hopefully.
    Name: Kenta
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Role: Raguna's Nobody
    Looks: Gray, messy hair. Blue eyes. Clothes are exactly like Roxas.
    Personality: Complete opposite from Raguna. He has no feelings, and doesn't talk to people much. But he will be getting a little bit more emotional. Not much.
    Other: He rarely eats anything and is always strong. He may complain a littleafter five days of no food. Has a Keyblade called "Nobody Blade". It is like the Kingdom Key but white and black. His only goal is to find his Other. But he won't be in the rp until Raguna turns into a Heartless.
    Name: Raguna but he prefers Jet
    Age: 13 and 3 quarters
    Gender: Male
    Role: Raguna's Xehanort version
    Looks: White spiky hair. Yellow eyes. Wears Org.13 cloaks.
    Personality: Unlike the Ansem, Xemnas, and the old guy from the new KH game, he's a good guy. He's doesn't eat as much as Raguna but he's still nicer than Kenta.
    Other: His goal is to reunite with both of his Others.
    Last edited: May 5, 2008
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Awesome! thanks for joining, i was beginning to think that it was dead allready. I'll be Siah

    Name: Siah
    Age: 12
    Role: Sora and Kairi's daughter. And Raguna's friend
    Gender: Female

    Looks: Long curly dark brown hiar, bright blue eyes that are always curious. Wears blue sundress like Kairi's pink one. Wears a pair of black sandals. Looks a lot like Kairi but she deffinately got Sora's attitude. She leaves her hair down around her sholders, it hangs down to the small of her back. When she's expecting a fight or something, she ties her hair back with an elastic band that is always around her wrist.

    Personality: She's almost exactly like Sora. Kinda naive and really competitive. She's patient... to a certain extent. She hates losing and plays just about any sport. Her favorate thing to do is hang out with her friends and practice.

    Other: her wepon of choice is currently Riku's old wooden sword. He gave it to her so that she could play with Raguna with it. Just like Riku, Sora, and Kairi were, she longs to know what else is out there.
    Character 2:

    Name: Blake
    Age: 14
    Role: An Island boy. Friends with Raguna and Siah.
    Gender: Male
    Looks: [​IMG] Looks kinda like this but his hair is black and he doesn't wear that jacket. Hes really tall and really competitive, expecially when it comes to Raguna. He wears a baggy, torn pair of jeans and a regular faded blue T-shirt with a chain necklace around his neck.
    Personality: He is really competitive, expecially when it comes to Raguna. He plays most sports and really doesn't like to show his emotions when they are bad.
    Other: His wepon of choice is also a wooden sword for the present. Like his two friends, he really wants to know what else is out there....
    Character 3:
    Name: Kai
    Age: unknown
    Role: An antagonist... and a nobody
    Gender: Male
    Looks: [​IMG] Short black hair, dark eyes. He is kinda pale, because she is always wearing his hood. he really doesn't care to have her heart back, but he is really curious as to why Xemnas's Kingdom Hearts failed. He has been planning to restart Xemnas's reserch ever since Sora, Riku, and friends defeated Organization 13 years before.
    Personality: He's kinda quiet sometimes but he is extremely clever and a natural born leader...
    Other: His wepon of choice is a pair of hand guns and just about anything else in his reach.
    Character 4:

    Name: Naxomi
    Age: Appears to be 25
    Role: antagonist
    Gender: Female, nobody
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Long black hair and blood red eyes. She is also pale but not as pale as Kai. She is average sized
    Personality: Whitty and cunning. She isn't afraid to get what she wants and takes joy in causing other's pain. She is pretty selfish and smile's often. All in all, she is just plain devious. She also has a fierce temper!
    Other: He wepon of choice is a LONG sword and she has power over ice.

    *If someone wants to take over for Kai, I'd be OK with it.... I'm really not good at playing boys or antagonists...... :D *
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Ok lets just start and others may join later...

    Siah was in her bedroom. It was nearly 6 in the morning. It was summer vacation so she wasn't worried about getting to school or anything she just couldn't sleep. She sat up and stretched, then she got dressed and started walking to the door. Her hair was a little frizzy so she fixed it. Then she walked down the stairs to see her dad looking out the window in the front room there was a far off look in his eyes. "Whats up dad?" she asked him. He turned around and smiled, put parried her question with one of his own, "Woa! out of bed before 10? Whats the hurry?" He leaned against the wall. Siah wasn't pleased by his sarcasm but she smiled, "Couldn't sleep thats all. Wierd dream...."
    Sora gave her a wierd look but didn't inquire about it. He smiled and changed the subject, "So any Ideas about whats going to happen on your Birthday tomarrow...?" He asked her. Siah sighed, smiling. "Why, should I?" Sora laughed and mussed her hair. "I guess we'll have to see."
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008
  5. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Can I join??

    Name: Mandy
    Age: 17
    Role: unknown
    Gender: female

    Looks: she looks alot like axel and wears a pair of skater shorts with a black shirt with a nobody sign on it. Her weapons are charkrams and can control fire. She's always listening to an iPod.
    Personality: She's exactly like Axel. Mandy likes to wonder around and sometimes doesn't listen to rules. Is out going and understands people very well.

    Other: Mandy has no parents and only can remember a dark past.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2008
  6. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    *a very long yawn*"Ohhhhhh......... Thank goodness that was a dream. Falling down, and down, and down....... and then into the ocean, waving at Siah, got to her, and saw myself falling down from the sky.... and then falling again,"Raguna said to himself as he got up."Then I had to fight some big black thingie with a sword with some mouse head on the hilt. This is like the 39th time this happened." "Raguna! Breakfast!"yelled his mom. Raguna replied,"Coming!" And he went down. When he got there, he saw that Riku had his keyblade out."Uh, dad. Watchya doing with your keyblade?" He looked at his dad's face and saw something kinda aggressive, and a grin. Riku said,"Today, Sora and I are gonna spar for the first time in 20 years."
  7. Axel

    Axel New Member

    "Get back here!!" A man yelled behind her as Mandy ran for her life. It was just a joke! How could anyone take one anymore? She just drew all over his face. He had been just sleeping there! How couldn't she? Turning a corner sharply she saw the man keep on running forword. Mandy sighed and poked her head out then walked back out into the sunlight. The song by Hellogoodbye ran threw her mind...
    Keeping from you
    Keeps me from sleep
    It's just this bad beat
    That I just can't keep

    She walked down to the water and humed the beat as the waves brushed over her toes.
  8. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Say wha? Does Siah know about this? Do you guys use magic? What's for breakfast mom?"Raguna asked quickly. Riku answered," You heard. I believe so. Most likely. No, we're having bacon." "Even better! I love bacon!"yelled Raguna. He got his breakfast, literally threw it down his throat, choked, then swallowed it, then he ran outside blindly just to slam into a palm tree right next to the ocean and got unconcious.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah smiled "You looked distant when I came down, is everything ok?" she asked him. Sora smiled shyishley like he usually did when faced with a personal question... a trait that Siah herself picked up from him. "Riku and I are going to spar..... this is the first time I've fought him for play in years." He appeared a little nervous. Siah gasped, "Your not afraid are you dad... Big tough keyblade hero as yourself." She was being sarcastic. Sora smiled confidently and lied, "Nah, I'm just afraid I'll hurt the guy." He said drawing his keyblade and looking it over. Siah laughed and Rolled her eyes "Sure dad..." She looked at the clock. "I think I'm going to see Rag(Calls Raguna Rag for short)... Just for fun. What time are you going to fight Riku, I wanna watch." she said slyly.
    "Later Today." Sora laughed a little. Siah was already half way to the door. "Ok, I wont miss it." She blew a kiss. "Love ya dad. See ya later!" With that, she was out the door and on her way to Raguna's.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008
  10. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Owwww..... my head,"moaned Raguna. He looked around and saw Siah coming."Hey, Siah! You know what's gonna happen today!"Raguna called as he went running to her.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah laughed a little as she got closer to him, noticing him getting up from the ground. "Did you fall asleep or what?" she asked him, laughing. The wind blew her hair in her face, she threw it behind her sholder.
    Sora waved farewell to Siah as she left and then stood up. He examined his keyblade. Currently it was the Kingdom Key, He switched it to the Ultima Wepon. He was startled when he looked up to see Kairi watching him from the doorway. "Hi there." She said to him, laughing. Sora glared a little and put the keyblade down. "Siah go hang out with Raguna?" she asked. Sora nodded, and then a memory of her dream came back to him. "She's almost too much like me sometimes. Its like she's reliving our lives..." he told her in a roundabout way. Not really knowing how to tell her his suspissions. From the corner of his eye, he saw a red head girl run by his window, in the same direction as Siah went only minautes before. He paid no attention to it though. "Kairi smiled, " So we know she'll love what we have planned for her tomarrow."
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008
  12. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Actually, I slammed into a tree,"Raguna said. He's been embarrassed before so this was nothing. And they got to each other."So..... did your dad tell you?"he asked.
    Riku shook his head looking down when Raguna slammed into the tree and told Siah about it."Geez, he hung out with Sora and Siah as much as he does with us,"he told Selphie. When Riku looked back up, he saw a blonde-haired boy as Raguna. He blinked and saw his son again."So, do you think he passed the record for eating?"Selphie asked her husband. Riku replied,"Three seconds flat. Could've been two and a half if he didn't choke. Yeah, I think he passed. Too bad he couldn't see Sora and Kairi giving each other paopu fruits and stuffing them down like cannibals. Hehehehe, that'll be a story for tonight." "You are so mean!"Selphie said with a giggle.
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah rolled her eyes still smiling. "smooth." she said to him, giggeling. She stopped laughing and said, "Ya, my dad told me just before I left home. Personaly, I think Its a can't miss experience. Seeing the two oldies batteling it out." She joked. She looked her friend over. She had always been jelous of the way he could eat and still never gain a pound. She saw Riku and Selphie in the window and waved at Riku with a taunting smile that almost screamed, 'do you really think you can beat him?' jockingly of course. She then looked back at Raguna, "So, Rag what do you wanna do until then?" She yawned.
    Sora laughed, "I suppose so..." He said, getting a far off look in his eye. Noticing something was up, she asked, "Sora, your not seriously nervous about sparing with Riku are you?" she asked him. Sora shook his head, "No, I'm looking forward to it, why?" Kairi shrugged, "Well, somethings wrong so shoot.' she said with her hands on her hips.
  14. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Uh..... I have no clue. How 'bout building a raft?"said Raguna. He always wanted to see other islands as well as worlds. He looked at his father just to see him making signs from his hands and mouthing something. Raguna looked confused.
    Riku pointed at himself, put out a palm and hit it with a fist, and pointing at Siah's house and at the same time mouthing,"I will beat Sora." The problem was that Raguna couldn't read mouths or hand signs.
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Noticing Riku's responce, Siah smiled and shruged. Then responded to Raguna, "Build A Raft?" she raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious?"
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------Knowing he was caught, Sora sighed, "Its Siah..." Kairi looked a little nervous She waved her hand encouragingly, "What about her?" She said.
    "You dont think that she'll have the same journey that we had when we were kids do you?" He bit his lip.
    Kairi stared for a moment... "Sora, I serously doubt it... We haven't seen heartless for years." she said, studdering a little.
    Sora nodded, "I suppose your right...."

    *I'm going to make up two more characters.... I didn't really state this, but You can make up as many characters as you can handle. Their profile's are added onto the Siah profile :D *
    Blake was sitting on the edge of the beach, thinking when he saw Raguna run into the tree. He smiled and rolled his eyes. Then he stood up and walked toward him. When he finally did catch up with his friends, he was a little surprised to see Siah there too.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008
  16. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Hey Blake! Just in time!"yelled Raguna."Me and Siah had nothing to do while waiting for our dads to clobber each other."
    "Ooooooh boy. There's Blake,"said Riku looking out the window."2 seconds flat." "1.5 seconds,"said Selphie.
    1.5 second later........."Wanna race?"asked Raguna.
    Riku sighed and reached into his pocket to get out 50 munny and gave it to Selphie."Mother knows everything Riku. You know you shouldn't bet on your own son,"she said smiling.
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah smiled, her guess was 3 seconds. Before he even opened his mouth, she knew what Blake's responce would be....
    "Your on, I thought youd never ask!" Blake smiled, his eyes bright.
    Siah rolled her eyes a little but asked, "Need a line judge, guys?"
    Kairi, feeling a little akward from the previous conversation, changed the subject. "Lets go see Riku and Selphie. You yourself are starting to bore me." Sora pretended to be offended but walked with her to the door.
    Kai walked through the streets of The World That Never was. He looked up at the remains of Organization 13's Kingdom Hearts. "Today..." he said to himself.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008
  18. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Yep! Let's do the usual. Broken bridge to star tree and back. If I win, I get to......... Uh, I get to........... I don't know what I get to do or have."
    "Come on Selphie. Let's go to Sora's. I have another competition in mind,"Riku said. And they walked out of the door. They passed the kids quietly and overheard them."That's just what I was about to ask Sora,"Riku said to Selphie. She said,"Children, just like you. Too bad we couldn't have a daughter. I could've given her my rope. Remember when Raguna tried to use it but he got tangled so badly you had to use Stop on him?" "That, was hilarious,"Riku replied.
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Blake smiled and claped his hands togehter, looking in the direction of the bridge. "I think I have a good prize idea... I'll tell you at our starting line..." He smiled slyly and shrugged. Then he remembered something, "Oh and Siah, What are you going to do for your birthday tomarrow?"
    Siah ignored the birthday question all together. She really hated it when people gave her special attention over her birthday. She smiled warily and said, "I have a feeling this will end badly..." She said suspiciously.
    "No, nothing bad... I just like surprises that all..." Blake said with a smile.
    Siah nodded, "Fine, I'll race the both of you there!" she said suddenly. And with that, took of full speed toward the old bridge.
    Both startled, but also not surprised, Blake gave Raguna A look that said, "Wow, she's in a good mood today...' and then took off himself.
    Sora was the first to spot them, "Looks like we didn't have to leave home after all..." Kairi looked around "Why not?" He pointed in the direction that Riku and Selphie were comming from "Cause here they come... HEY RIKU!" He yelled waving his hand like a moron. Kairi laughed.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2008
  20. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Dang it! You two know I hate it when you start ahead of me!"yelled Raguna. He burst off running. Since it's been 30 minutes already, he was light and caught up with Blake.
    "Hey Sora!"yelled Riku waving his arm normally. And they all got to each other."How about a warm-up before the fight?"Riku asked.
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