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The Night World. OOC&&SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kairi831, Sep 10, 2011.

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  1. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Its been said before that vampires have exsisted on Earth for millions of years. Some say that its just peoples overly active imaginations and that was the end of it. 10 years later a vampire was born. Hiding amoungst the mortal, this one vampire captured the soul of 2 mortals and their daughter. Now, the vampire poulation is exactly at 100. Having a secret world isnt easy. Especially when one vampire falls in love with a mortal. No one knows that these creatures exsist. They look rather normal to us, but some are actually very dangerous, while others are angels.

    Kind: Human or Vampire?
    (For Vampires Only) Powers: (Strength, speed, ex)
    (For Vampires Only) Side: (Evil or Nice)
    (For Vampires Only) How did you become a Vampire?


    This is actually just a calming RP. The only fighting/action/battles should only be fist fights/arguements and such. No weapons either. . .
    All other RP rules apply.
    No fast posting, Im not gonna be on all the time for a while so I shouldnt see MILLIONS of post, if I do, I'm going to ask for a mod to close the RP.

    Name: Olivia Lake
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: All Olivia remembers is the screaming of the plane passengers and a soft singing voice that sang: "Strip away vanity, just as you consume me. Broken smile, starless sky, save it all, say goodbye." Ever since then, Olivia always caught herself singing it to herself and in her mind.
    Personality: Olivia is very nice, but when you get on her bad side, its all over.
    Kind: Vampire
    (For Vampires Only) Powers: Olivia can read peoples thoughts, see peoples pasts and has extreme speed.
    (For Vampires Only) Side: Nice.
    (For Vampires Only) How did you become a Vampire?: Olivia became a vampire 15 years ago when she was in a brutal plane accident. She was suffering with every breath she took. A near by vampire smelt all the blood and found Olivia stuggling for life. That night Olivia Lake was taken in and was transformed, with a single bite, into a vampire.
    Theme: Evanescence - Hello
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011
  2. Key King

    Key King Member

    Name: Bartholomew Scar
    Appearance: Tall, muscular,somewhat pale, warm green eyes, he is muscular, has a long grey beard, with not much hair on his head, and he wears this: Google Images. he has a belt with an old knife sheathed on it.
    Bio:He is the oldest remaining vampire. he protects his kind, is friendly, and always has answers for those in need. he lives in a large old castle, where vampires come for help.
    Personality:nice, and caring for his kind. he prefers not to get involved in the disputes between the good and bad.
    Kind: Human or Vampire? vampire
    (For Vampires Only) Powers: Strength
    (For Vampires Only) Side: nice
    (For Vampires Only) How did you become a Vampire? his father and mother were vampires.
    Theme: none (yet)
  3. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Name: Kuro Tori (Black Bird)
    Age: 21 (Appears to be 15)
    Gender: Male
    Bio: Kuro was born both a human and a vampire, through the union of a regular human and a demon of the night. He couldn't find his niche in either society so he found his salvation in a cave in Transylvania. Even though he enjoyed his time in the dark with the exception of killing small animals to stay alive, he always felt somewhat...empty. So he finally decided to make a trek to a secret vampire society where he finally found his niche in a society. After about two years in the society, he went to say hello to his original family. But, when he finally made it to his old home, he found both his parents killed by a group of humans that hunt and murder vampires. He swore that he would get revenge and make a painting with the entire groups blood.
    Personality: He's cheery and easygoing most of the time and will stay calm in the most intense of situations. However, under all that if you get him angry enough he will butcher you and burn your remains.
    Kind: Half Breed
    Powers: He has enhanced speed, strength, and can sprout to raven wings to take flight. Being a half breed has in pros and cons, for instance he doesn't have to drink as much blood in order to live but, blood taste disgusting. He also doesn't age past 15 and is garlic resistant but things that normally won't kill a vampire can kill him like gunshots.
    Side: Nice.
    How did you become a Vampire?He was simply born that way.
    Theme: My Chemical Romance - Vampires Will Never Hurt You
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  4. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Name: Lucifer (not the satan type, It's latin for Bringer of Light...or something)
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Appearance: Google Images
    Bio: Born into a human village he stayed to himself. he was a hopeless romantic, but could never find true love. one day he dissapeared and has never been seen in his home village again. some say he's dead, others say he ran away, but only Lucifer knows the truth.
    Personality: kind and flitatious. he looks for love, but seems to only find it from humans, which he doesn't mind too much.
    Kind: Vampire.
    (For Vampires Only) Powers: Strength, speed, Can transform into a black wolf at will (yes that is a legit power) has hyper hearing.
    (For Vampires Only) Side: Nice
    (For Vampires Only) He fell in love with a female Vampire, and she with him. one night they ran off together to be together forever, she turned him into a Vampire, but before they could be wed, a monster Hunter came in a killed the female. Lucifer managed to escape, but he felt great sorrow for his loss. now he was an outcast, no one could love him. he doesn't resent the man who killed his lover, he has no room for emotions like that. he still looks for someone to fill the void.
  5. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    Name: Joel Act
    Age: 17(Yes, once again. Why? Cuz I like the number 17.)
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://www.khplanet.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=548&pictureid=5443
    Bio: A drifter, passing from place to place. In search of a cure. He wants a normal life, not this demon form he is condemned to. He knows that there is someway to get rid of this lust for blood and flesh, and he is determined to find it.
    Personality: Rock-solid, serious, and always unhappy.
    Kind: Vampire
    (For Vampires Only) Powers: Super Strength, Super Speed, HE DOES NOT HAVE SPARKLY SKIN!
    (For Vampires Only) Side: Which ever one gives him a cure.
    (For Vampires Only) How did you become a vampire?: (Lil reference here) When his friends Jak and Poppy just got back from a traumatic experience in an Amusement Park from Hell, he decided to go investigate. Where they said the park was, it was nothing more then a forest. He walked into it, and after a while, he heard the crack of sticks, and the rustle of leaves. Next thing he knew, he was bleeding from the neck, and suddenly, he saw the world from eyes anew.
    No Spoilers there, but it wouldnt matter anyway. That topic is basically dead.
    Theme: Organization XIII theme, again, durr, best KH song, leik, evah.
  6. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    8-Bit, TheKnightofAwesome and Xeren; you guys are all accepted I just need one more character and I'll open the actual RP.

    (Sorry for not being able to get on soon enough to check this...)
  7. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    dah dahdah DAAAAAAAH!!! obligatory needed extra character man is here!
    Name: Damian
    Age: 35
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Google Images
    Bio: The monster hunter who killed Lucifer's lover. He hunts Vampires only seeing them as monstrocities that need to be purged from the world. he will stop at nothing to kill them all.
    Personality: Brave, Kind (to humans) Malicious (to Vampires) clever.
    Kind: Human

    Other: he carries traditional Vampire hunting weapons. (wooden stakes, crossbows, crucifixes, holy water etc.)
  8. Key King

    Key King Member

    I think that this RP will never happen...
  9. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    I kinda wish it would....I liked the characters I made....
  10. Key King

    Key King Member

    I know, I was happy with mine....
  11. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    You are all accepted....:D lol ill start it asap
  12. Key King

    Key King Member

  13. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    Indeed. We shall Woo, the Hoo, for this RP has begun.
  14. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Zachary Haven





    Zachary was born in small town off the coast of Florida and lived their til he was thirteen, he ran away from and abusive alcoholic father and a equally abusive mother. It wasn't always that way with his parents though, he used to have a sister who the family loved and cherished. She disappeared on a plane ride though, the airline captain said that someone was singing and then she was gone, just like that. His parents adopted a binge drinking habit and ending up losing their jobs and being forced to live in their cousins house. Before he reached the next town he heard a voice singing -
    "Strip away vanity
    Just as you consume me
    Broken smile, starless sky
    Save it all, Say goodbye"​
    he doesn't remember a whole lot after that. just that he woke up a vampire. He then adapted the guise of Kuro No Shinigami (The Black Reaper) and became an assassin.

    He has a cold personality and blocks out all his emotions for a singular purpose, his job.


    He can run faster than anything and has super strength, he can also induce horrible illusions and nightmares, which eventually shut down the victim's mind and kill them.


    How did you become a Vampire ?:
    He doesn't know

    Framing Hanley Built for Sin - YouTube
  15. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    You are accepted:)
  16. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    When is this starting???
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Please do not bump old RP's(and actually any thread) unless you have a legit reason to have me let this slide(tell me via, PM) this is dead and now closed.
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