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The Official Unofficial 2011 Members of the Year

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Members of the Year is in memory of original creator Goldfish
    2011 Members of the Year Competition is dedicated and in honor of Ventus/Sorabrawl


    ^ This will be enforce, go ahead and test it, I dare you.

    This is an annual contest featured on KHPlanet Forums for forums members only. It a time to come together and recognize the best of the best for the year. This year to mix it up, each member who wins their category will not only be announced as a winner on KHPlanet's main home page, but will also be featured in a KHPlanet interview.

    1.) You can vote only one name per category
    2.) You can only post in categories provided, if you feel you cannot come up with a user for a specific category leave it blank
    3.) Feel free to vote for yourself but provide a reason, there needs to be a legit reason.
    4.) Nominations will end on the 29, voting will start that evening, winners will be announced on the first of the new year
    5.) See quote above, test it out if you do not believe me, I dare you

    Nomination Sheet-

    Member of the Year >>
    Post Whore>> (one who posts a lot)
    Grammar Nazi>> (one who corrects grammar and punctuation all the time)
    Grammar Slave>> (slave for grammar. terrible at it. Improve yourself)
    Cynical Optimist>> (the cynical one)
    Funny Guy>> (can be girl)
    Mr/Ms Obvious>> (oh wait, now I get it. still, just vote for someone even if you don't know what it means)
    Colonel Red>> (best Administrator)
    Captain Blue>> (best Super Moderator)
    Lieutenant Green>> (best Moderator)
    Sir Rant-a-lot>> (the ranting member)
    Pretty Face>> (best avatar)
    Pretty Shirt>> (best signature)
    Arcade Nerd>> (one who goes to the arcade the most)
    Repper>> (just go through your recently repped by list, who's repped you the most. unless you have a better idea)
    Anarchist>> (as cool as this one sounds, it's not good for you. sites rule breaker)
    Loyal Liberal>> (changing member)
    Conducting Conservative>> (same old same old member)
    Active Ace>> (most active member)
    Most Annoying>> (you got it)
    Least Annoying>> (it's right there)
    Young Gun>> (best new member)
    Old Mold>> (best old member)
    RTFM (Read The Freakin' Manual)>> (video game know it all)
    2011's Sexiest>> (how you decide this is up to you)
    Role Playing Grenade>> (best roleplayer)
    Biggest Surprise>> (the one who surprised us)
    GFX Artiste>> (easier done if SOTW was up. Best GFX person)
    Cutest Couple>> (eh, you get the idea, I hope)

    Happy Nominating/Voting
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Aqua009's vote
    BWM's vote
    Adogx's vote

    VXV's vote

    Suriel's vote

    Hope's vote

    Zol's vote

  3. Noir


    Can I nominate again even when I posted in the previous thread?
  4. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    It's your votes, not Brandon's - go ahead.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    You can, we copied them over so you wouldn't have to worry about it...

    Member of the Year >> Ventus
    Post Whore>> summoner(though I may have the most posts, I haven't posted that much this year)
    Grammar Nazi>> Me
    Grammar Slave>> trio os desieferknight(whatever the new username is)
    Cynical Optimist>>
    Funny Guy>> wayward
    Mr/Ms Obvious>> Desert Warrior
    Colonel Red>> Vox
    Captain Blue>> Desert Warrior considering I just became super mod I shouldn't be a contender
    Lieutenant Green>> LDC1121, she's a very hard working mod checking over all of the kh forums
    Sir Rant-a-lot>> Now then I see the point summoner has made, but I have to go with BMW, I believe he rants far more
    Pretty Face>> Noctis
    Pretty Shirt>> TheKnightofAwesome
    Arcade Nerd>> Desert Warrior, I think he's the only one
    Repper>> Summoner
    Anarchist>> Ric or Trio
    Loyal Liberal>> (changing member)
    Conducting Conservative>> Aqua009 love her today as I did the day she joined, love ya lil sis
    Active Ace>> *refers to vBExperience* Fresh Sage
    Most Annoying>> Ric or noz
    Least Annoying>> Wayward
    Young Gun>>
    Old Mold>> Vox or Wayward
    RTFM (Read The Freakin' Manual)>> StarKiller
    2011's Sexiest>>
    Role Playing Grenade>> TheKnightofAwesome, Zol, or ADogX
    Biggest Surprise>> Going to have to agree with Hope
    GFX Artiste>> Noctis
    Cutest Couple>>
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2011
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Huh, this sounds familiar. I wonder why.

    Considering I haven't been that active, I'll just pick random ones.

    Cynical Optimist>> Rai
    Sir Rant-a-lot>> BWM
    Repper>> BWM
    Most Annoying>> Ric
    Least Annoying>> Wayward
    Role Playing Grenade>> Since Haresuno has vaporized, I will say Wayward
    Biggest Surprise>> COUGH COUGH
    Cutest Couple>> Hope and Murphy?
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Member of the Year >> Destiny, because it seems like she's been tackling the big multitasks, and still making the effort to be active on the forums.
    Post Whore>> I'm gonna go with ADogX. He went from Elite to VET in like a month. lol.
    Grammar Nazi>> Despite his departure, Zerieth
    Grammar Slave>> No offense to him, but... Summoner
    Cynical Optimist>> Wayward (I'm pretty much a textbook case of it when it comes to stuff that happens around here; always skeptical).
    Funny Guy>> More of a weird kind of funny, but I go with Requiem
    Mr/Ms Obvious>> N/A. I don't think there's too many people like this around here.
    Colonel Red>> Kitty
    Captain Blue>> Desert Warrior
    Lieutenant Green>> Destiny
    Sir Rant-a-lot>> Summoner. Sometimes he rants about things that just don't need to be ranted about, like how to bid someone farewell on their "I'm leaving" threads.
    Pretty Face>> TBD
    Pretty Shirt>> TBD
    Arcade Nerd>> TBD
    Repper>> N/A
    Anarchist>> Do banned members count towards this?
    Loyal Liberal>> TBD
    Conducting Conservative>>
    Active Ace>> No Clue
    Most Annoying>> TBD
    Least Annoying>> It's hard to say. Of the people that have had the opportunity to be annoying but haven't been, I'd say either Desert Warrior or Destiny.
    Young Gun>> Hard to say, since I don't know too many of the new guys and gals.
    Old Mold>> Can't decide.
    RTFM (Read The Freakin' Manual)>> No Clue
    2011's Sexiest>>
    Role Playing Grenade>> KairusMissMurf (AKA Hope). She didn't RP as much this passed year as in previous years I've been here, but her posts are some of the best I've seen on the site.
    Biggest Surprise>> DesiferKnight has surprised me, particularly in how his "personality" has settled since he joined, and with the improvement I've seen in him in terms of his writing and such. When he showed up, I thought we'd have another Roxel on our hands. But he's turned out to be alright.
    GFX Artiste>> There haven't been too many of them that I've seen. TBD.
    Cutest Couple>> No clue. All the couples around here are pretty cute. lol.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ??? Just wondering but who is TBD? I just need to know that so can you give us the full name?
  9. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    TBD stands for "To Be Decided" its not the name of a member
    Plasmos likes this.
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It means that if I think of someone that I can nominate for it... or if I decide to just go with what's popular based on other peoples' votes, I'll fill that in before the nominations are over.
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Member of the Year >>Ventus (Sorabrawl)
    Post Whore>> (ADogX)
    Grammar Nazi>> (Destiny)
    Grammar Slave>> (DeseiferKnight)
    Cynical Optimist>> (ADogX)
    Funny Guy>> (Ric)
    Mr/Ms Obvious>> (DeseiferKnight)
    Colonel Red>> (KairusMissMurf)
    Captain Blue>> (Destiny)
    Lieutenant Green>> (LDC1121)
    Sir Rant-a-lot>> (DeseiferKnight)
    Pretty Face>> (Vox)
    Pretty Shirt>> (Zol)
    Arcade Nerd>> (Goldfish)
    Repper>> (Aqua009)
    Anarchist>> (DeseiferKnight)
    Loyal Liberal>> (VanitasXVentus)
    Conducting Conservative>> (Aqua009)
    Active Ace>> (Fresh Sage)
    Most Annoying>> (DeseiferKnight)
    Least Annoying>> (TradeDemon)
    Young Gun>> (Light&dark)
    Old Mold>> (G.SummonerBWM)
    RTFM (Read The Freakin' Manual)>> (StarKiller)
    2011's Sexiest>> (KairusMissMurf)
    Role Playing Grenade>> (Wayward)
    Biggest Surprise>> (Requiem)
    GFX Artiste>> (Noctis)
    Cutest Couple>> (Aqua009 X Draco)
    Aqua Fresh likes this.
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    So is voting for these going to take place?
  13. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Hey BWM if you could put this in mine... Anarchist: Roxel The Ultimate Nobody
    remember him?
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I haven't started voting quite yet due to other events on the site. I will start voting tomorrow and announcement will be Friday.
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Not to be Mr. Pushy, but I think this should get started soon, before 2011 is totally forgotten.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I don't know how Nicole wanted to do this but I had tallied up the votes and this is the results:

    Member of the Year: Ventus/Sorabrawl
    Post Whore: Adogx
    Grammar Nazi: Destiny/Nicole
    Grammar Slave: DesiferKnight
    Cynical Optimist: ( A tie between Ric, me, LDC, Vox, and Adogx.)
    Funny Guy/Girl: (XD A tie between Fresh Sage and I.)
    Mr/Ms Obvious: Destiny
    Colonel Red: Kitty? ?_?
    Colonel Blue: Desert Warrior
    Lieutenant Green: Destiny/Nicole
    Sir Rants-a-Lot: Me
    Pretty Face: Hope
    Pretty Shirt: VXV
    Arcade Nerd: Desert Warrior
    Repper: Me
    Anarchist: XD DesiferKnight
    Loyal Liberal: DesiferKnight
    Conducting Conservative: Aqua009
    Active Ace: Adogx
    Most Annoying: Ric
    Least Annoying: Wayward
    Young Gun: Fresh Sage
    Old Mold: XD Haha. Mold. Between me and Aqua.
    RTFM: Between Starkiller and Adogx
    2011's Sexiest: XD I counted Hope's vote anyways so Hope.
    Roleplaying Grenade: Wayward
    Biggest Surprise: XD I'm assuming that it is Requiem.
    GFX Artiste: Noctis
    Cutest Couple: (A tie between HopexDesert and Aqua009xDraco009. XD Hope is the dominant one with three points).
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2012
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well, these were supposed to be preliminary nominations.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -___- Are you serious? *Goes back in*
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    It's a preliminary, the top two get voted on next. And the biggest surprise is not requiem but kupo(or whatever his username is now)
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I think we've got a three way tie for Role-playing Grenade. Lol.

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