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The Riku Code

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Ransu, Oct 13, 2007.

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  1. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    wow im surprised no one made a thread like this in here yet. well anyways i'm going to be helping my friend Dcj on the riku code.
    so far i tried making codes for riku but they all didnt work, but i still havent given up yet. im sure the riku code will hacked soon enough.
    here are some of the codes i got: (there is no guarantee that they will work)

    Play As Riku #1
    11C95618 000008D3

    Play As Riku #2
    11C95618 00000819

    Play as Riku #3
    11C95618 0000001A

    not sure they will work but like i said, we're still working on it.
    Hayashi likes this.
  2. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    Wow play as riku codes but do u have an AR MAX code for it?
  3. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    these are just some codes i need someone to test since i dont have the gameshark disc anymore.
    i can convert the code to ar max, but im on my brothers laptop and he doesnt have the code converter.
  4. DjC

    DjC New Member

    thanx for ur support:) man u dont know how much i appricate it:D

    LOL i've notice that u've been spelling my name wrong,its spelled DjC LOL its no big deal though i just thought i'd let u know:cool:
    thats where i come in:D here u go:

    Play As Riku #1

    Play As Riku #2

    Play as Riku #3
  5. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    oops! sry my bad! >_< i kept thinking it was "Dcj" :p
    oh and you're welcome btw :D
  6. DjC

    DjC New Member

    like i said its no big deal:cool:

    anyway i hope this isnt right but:

    the reason we might not have riku playable is because he overloads/crashes the elf.if thats true then we wont be able to play as him at all:(

    lets just hope im wrong
  7. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    hmmm...well if we cant play as riku as a playable character then we could try and find out how to play as the riku when sora was caught by xemnas. :cool:
  8. DjC

    DjC New Member

    hey me and some others on kh-vids.net made a play as hover craft riku code but it freezes with in 15 seconds and only works during boss battles:cool:
  9. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    cool :cool:
    so whats the code for it? it might give me some ideas on codes :D
  10. DjC

    DjC New Member

    give me a sec to get it................................. ill edit this post when i find it

    EDIT: heres the code give it a try:

    11C9561A 0000089B
    11C9561C 00000841

    go into a boss battle to activate the code
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2007
  11. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    alright then. *whistles*
  12. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    Thanx DjC the code worked for me!!!!!!
  13. DjC

    DjC New Member

    can u tell me ur results?
  14. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    my codes actually worked? awesome! :cool: :D
  15. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    It works alomost perfectly but he sucks at landing from jumps (kinda like Auron) and use him over 5min. the game freezes.
  16. DjC

    DjC New Member

    wait who were u playing as?

    and i edit my post on the first page with the riku hovercraft code
  17. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    well at least it kind of worked lol :p

    Djc - i saw the code you posted and thanks btw :cool:
  18. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    the code worked for playing as riku but a strange part just came in.
    The bonus custene when u beat the game on proud.
    i was just walking in the world that never was and BAM out of the blew then i had to turn the game off just like when u beat the game 0_0 i think it was a glitch because it was also just like riku's moves against xemnas the final battle.
    0_0 0_0 0_0
  19. DjC

    DjC New Member

    so u were riku? or sora

    sry im slow so just tell me who u were:p
  20. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

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