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The Spark Ring - An Original RP (Sign Ups)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ventus, Jun 9, 2011.

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  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    The Spark


    YouTube - ‪Normand Corbeil - Painful Memories (Heavy Rain OST)‬‏
    YouTube - ‪Sound of Rain & Thunder‬‏

    "Don't be late!"
    "I won't! I'll be back by 10!"
    "Alright. Have a good swim!"
    I carried the light black bag around my shoulders and walked out towards the front door of my house but as I opened it, I realized there was rain outside. Unlike any other ordinary soul, I absolutely loved the rain. I reached out my hand from within the shelter and felt the delicate touch of the water dripping onto my skin. As I stepped through the darkness of the night, I heard a sound within the splattering of rain hitting the concrete. A sound never heard on this world before. It sounded like a lion growling within the black clouds. Then, a blue stream of light hit the ground in front of me. It cracked open and there stood an object within the crack. Was it a gift from the gods? I ran over to it and peered into the crack, to see a small wooden box. I could hear the sound again from behind me but then something ripped through the sky. Screams sounded, panic wept across the town. I grabbed the box and instantly flashes came to my mind, interrupting my sight. I saw a black cloaked man with a blade etched at a man's neck. He sliced it and then walked over to a crib. The baby held the box in her hand but it fell out, as the baby cried and scrambled within the crib.
    "Now...give me that box, little girl..."
    The baby blinked a few times and then the box illuminated in blue light. This light blinded the man and as he opened his eyes, the baby was gone.
    "Damn it!"
    Now, I had the box, in my hands. It had the markings of an ancient language and the picture of a jagged line, much like the stream of light which stuck before him. Bewildered by its design, he wondered what was inside. Without caring for the rain drenching his shirt, I opened the box and a blue orb floated above his head. First, a girl formed from within the orb and landed on the ground. I went down to check if she was alright but as I did so, the orb struck me from behind on the back. Suddenly, the blue light engulfed my eyes, making them glow blue and then as I looked down, I saw my hands spark in energy. The glow of my eye then transferred to his index finger and formed a ring.
    "What the hell?" I said, witnessing my hands spark in blue sparks. I, then felt dizzy, unable to stand and I fell to the ground. Without even realizing I fell to sleep, tired and sapped of energy, with my hands still sparking blue.


    The story takes place on Earth but for some reason, we have not had lightning in the worlds' lifetime. Now, amongst the skies, the gods are ruled over one tyrant after the main leader of the Gods, Author, was killed. His daughter, however, still lives and escaped with Author's most powerful weapon, The Spark Ring which is now embedded within one Earth boy. He has no experience in powers or belief in the Gods and now he must face a threat, Earth has never faced; A Tyrant God. Now, with the help of Author's daughter (and friends), he will try to find a way to defeat the tyrant and save the world from an unjust fate. The daughter, however, being only a baby, knows very little on how her father's weapon worked so they must scower the world in search of how to improve the boy's powers, in order to defeat the Tyrant. As for the Tyrant, he will be searching for the boy with powers and the infamous daughter. Will some from the skies try to help the boy and the daughter of Author in order to stop the Tyrant God?

    > Got a question. Where do you want this set? Which town? I love Vancouver so I'd want to set it there. <


    The Boy: Jacob (by sorabrawl)
    The God's Daughter: Raine (by Destiny)
    The Tyrant God: Zaranari (by noz)
    The Princess's Guardian (s): Mairuki (by noz)
    : Raiken (by ADogX123)
    The Boy's Friends (?):
    Other: Zemerex (by xxAntiformxx

    Sign Up

    Race: (human, god, something else?)
    Age (if human):


    6 lines minimum
    No God Modding, despite the fact that they're Gods. Don't make it too hard for them to defeat. Let them have a weakness.
    Side stories are welcome to expand story but don't make them too complicated.
    Other KHPlanet rules I can't think of right now but if there is something written down that is incorrect, I will tell you and give you 2 warnings afterwards or your character DIES! Oh how dramatic and evil I am!
    Preferably Advanced
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name: Raine
    Race: demi goddess
    Age: As old as the ring, but appears to be 16
    Role: god's daughter
    Powers: power over rain and snow(basically water and ice)
    Weaknesses: sun
    Bio: Raine is the daughter of Author, a very powerful god. She was born back in Earth's creation. She was born a demi goddess until her powers are very well developed where she will then become the goddess or rain and snow.

    Raine doesn't remember her father, as a baby she's only gifted with some memories. She remembers her father loving and caring of her. Other than that she doesn't remember.

    On the faithful night her father was killed, Raine's powers started to work as it rained down on Earth. That same night though her father came into her room. He quickly ran over to her and stuck a box in her hand.

    "Raine, my dear, you must protect this ring at all cost." He told her. Though as a mere baby she did not understand. When somebody burst into the room Author put the box in Raine's hand leaving her to sit there puzzled.

    "Give me that weapon!" The intruder shouted. Raine sat there confused until she saw her father get thrown that she started crying and held onto the box with all her will.

    Her father tried to fight but his strongest weapon was in Raine's hand so came the scary moment that Raine did understand, a knife was slashed accross her father's neck.

    Raine held onto the box shaking and crying until it accidentally fell out of her grasp.

    "Daddy!" She exclaimed scrambling to get the box before the man. She grabbed just in time and looked up at the man.

    "Now...give me that box, little girl..." Raine looked up at the man afraid when the box in her hands glowed a bright blue. She looked down at it as a blue orb shot out and covered her within.

    The next thing the man knows Raine and the box was gone. To Raine's knowledge the box contained her father's ring and her body form. She came to exist as rain and snow.

    Until now when a human came accross the box sent down to him from the skies above and she found herself laying on the ground in her natural body form.

    Personality: Raine though she gained knowledge in her form of rain and snow, she never gained any real social knowledge. She's not the most social person in the world.

    She's afraid, confused, curious, and lost. The only person she trusts is the boy baring her father's ring and released her. She's unsure of others in the world.

    Once Raine opens up she is a sweet, shy, but brave, curagous, wise girl.
    Appearance: with blue eyes though
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Name: Jacob
    Race: Human
    Age: 16
    Role: The Ringbearer
    Powers: Power over lightning and as he goes along, he will encounter new spells and powers.
    Weaknesses: He acts in a reckless nature if aggravated. He gets migraines often when tired.
    Bio: Jacob, is a casual swimmer who likes to do lengths to get his mind off things like the next French exam or a failing relationship with his father. His parents split up two years ago and he hasn't seen his father for six months. He wanted to stay with his mother, who lives by a lake. He loves the water and without it, he would dry up like a fish in deep sunlight, mentally speaking that is. Jacob doesn't have any friends at school and usually keeps to himself. At the pool, he watches people his own age, play with the volleyball in the water, laughing and smiling. It kinda makes him feel left out but Jacob is just as happy to do lengths. He loves the feeling of the water streaming past his ears and brushing against his short bushy hair like a mother stroking her child's cheek. Other than swimming, he plays video games and succumbs to the stories of them. He lets the hours drift by.
    Personality: Jacob is a free minded soul. He doesn't have bias towards anything and just likes to go along with the status quo. He does not like change and as his father left him, no matter how bullying he can be, he was still his father and seeing him leave, made Jacob sad for a while. He then learnt life is like a river, constantly changing and meandering along.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
  4. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Mind if I take over two spots? The Tyrant God and one of Raine's guardians? So that this Raine's guardian would had lost her on the way and is trying to find her?

    Name: Zaranari

    Race: God
    Age: Appears to be 25 or so, but is far more older even than the Earth
    Role: Tyrant God

    Powers: Rules the flames and dark powers attained from forbidden arts
    Weaknesses: Holy powers, water

    Bio: Zaranari is the older brother of one of the Gods, Mairuka, and was banished from the realm of the Gods for centuries because of his interest in the forbidden arts that could destroy them all and because of his overall anarchist-personality. He tried to raise a war between the Gods with all of the Gods that were not happy with that time's ruler and rules that were set to control their actions. He was aware as well of the fact that there was something that had created the Gods, but didn't really know what or who it was, and the only key to that power of knowledge was to become the Ruler of Gods.

    Even thought that he and his minions tried to take over the Realm of Gods, they were defeated and banished from the Realm of Gods for all eternity, as their entry was sealed in front of them, the Gates of Final Judgement, they could never return to the Realm of Gods.

    But this was not the case, and the overall point for the war in first place was not to gain the Realm for themselves, as Zaranari had planned. In the midst of the battles, he had gained possession of the forbidden scrolls that hold much power, but couldn't get them all as there were countless amount of them.

    While spending their time on the Realm that the God's called The Pit (a place for all beings that committed sins against the Gods), Zaranari and his followers gained the powers that were sealed for centuries, and broke out of their eternal Prison. Following that, they took over the Realm of Gods with ease because of their new powers and Zaranari began to research on the case of who created the Gods, and some clues led to the former Ruler of the Gods and this ring that had no research info on it, but it was certainly one step closer towards his final goal.

    Personality: Zaranari has always been anarchistic and power-hungry. As a younger God, he was very curious about the things happening around him and wanted always gain more information to his head.

    Appearance: He began to transform into a demon in the Pits, as the place does it to the souls there. They slowly began to transform into demons and shall never gain peace, but it was not the case this time around.



    Name: Mairuka

    Race: God
    Age: Appears as 20
    Role: Raine's Guardian, former Guardian of Author

    Powers: Controls the Earth and animals
    Weaknesses: Dark powers, fire, lightning

    Bio: Mairuka, the brother of the Tyrant God Zaranari was assigned at very young age to the role of so called "Mother Earth", as the former holder of the Role died to unknown causes, to which Mairuka guessed that she was sent down to the Pits. He always knew that his brother wasn't happy with Author's role as the Ruler of Gods, but didn't know the hatred that dwelled inside him.

    Later on he was assigned to the Guard of the Ruler, and a while later the war between the Gods started, lead by his brother. He knew that eventually it would come to that that he would need maybe to kill his own brother, but for some reason he never showed up before thrown to the Pits with hundreds of Gods and lesser Gods.

    As he thought that they could finally find peace again in the Realm, he was awoken from his dream soon enough as the second assault started years later. Army of demons marched into the realm with dark powers that could overrun them in a moment. Trying to find Author, he only saw the final slash that killed him. When one of the demons tried to take the ring from Raine, she disappeared and as soon as he could, Mairuka killed the the demon with much struggle.

    Knowing not where the princess had gone, he left the realm of Gods as the conflict was still going on, hoping that she would had landed on Earth. Thus, he began his search with all the eyes of the animals in the world.

    Personality: Mairuka is very kind, although that around puny humans, he almost always acts as his role of God, acting sometimes selfish and arrogant. He's a bit cold-blooded as well since it didn't hurt too much to see his own brother to be thrown into the pits.

    Appearance: [​IMG]
  5. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Great signups guys. I may wait for some more people to join but right now, we've got the main characters.
  6. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I wanna give this a try.

    Name: Raiken
    Race: God
    Age: unknown. Looks to be in his 20s
    Role: Guardian of Raine
    Powers: Ability to control fire. Carries 2 Murumasa Katanas.
    Weaknesses: Water
    Bio: Raiken fought by Raine's father's side all the time. When he witnessed his death, he made a vow to protect Raine at all costs. The reason Raiken respects Aurthor and all living things is because Raiken once came into contact with the Tyrant God by accident. The Tyrant God almost killed him but Aurthor saved his life. Aurthor also saw that Raiken had one of the most purest hearts and souls a human could have. Aurthor the gave Raiken the power and being of a God, thus him being the God of Life.
    Personality: Raiken is a nice and respectful God. He treats all creatures with equal respect. Never fights unless he or others are in danger. Raiken fights like this because he doesn't believe in pointless and unfair battles.
    Appearance: Medium-Long spikey silver hair. Blue eyes. He's 6'1 and wear traditional gold roman armor.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2011
  7. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    That sign up was way too simple, even if it is a beginner rp. I do want this to be advanced, actually. Try to think of the character's past, his behaviours (and why he behaves that way -> his past). Think about how his appearance has changed him. Really think about the character's bio rather than a simple explanation of his relationship with Author. Why is he friends with Author? What authority did he have in the Kingdom of Clouds? Give me some information!
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I'll try. I wanted it simple because I'm on my PS3 and there's a character limit. I'll add as much as possible though =D

    Edit: Done. I could only fit 3 more characters. Sorry. Not near a usable computer
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2011
  9. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Name: Zemerax
    Race: Demi God
    Age (if human):
    Role: Demi God high school student
    Powers: He is skilled in almost all forms of combat and magic. He can tame wind and water and can freeze large areas, create huge tornados, and create tsunamis. He channels all his powers into a katana and a claymore which he can summon using magic.
    Weaknesses: Fire and Earth
    Bio: Zemerax was born over 25,000,000 years ago and was the son of a powerful god that served Naranari. He was cursed and scorned because he had always been against Naranari's ways and even formed a group of people against Naranari's rule this group was almost completely wiped out accept for about five members who have been hunted down for many years. After the group had completely disbanded Zemerax trained himself in all forms of martial arts, swordplay, and marksmanship. After this he soon trained himself so he could find out what his true strength was. He soon found out he could harness the wind and water elements. After that he settled in a town in Japan where he enrolled in a high school and soon learned to live in modern society and become a regular citizen.
    Personality: He usually keeps to himself and doesn’t talk much. It takes a considerable amount of effort to anger him so he really never loses his temper.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
  10. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I have fears of Zemerex being overpowered but he has lived for a long time. I don't know what to do...hmm...


    ADog, you have done a good effort so I want you to prove yourself in the rp. Accepted.
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    awesome! thanks. I'll do the best I can =D
  12. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Well i can add more weaknesses because he does have two elements or I can take out one element
  13. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Nah, I'll let you get away with it. You're accepted.
  14. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    So are all the spots taken? I'll start it soon.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'm a little weary on Zemerex. For a demi god he seems powerful, more powerful than the gods. Also isn't it a little strange to have two people with the same element. Like Raine controls water and ice while Zemerex controled wind and water.

    Plus I don't see much of a role? Is he a guardian or what?

    EDIT- Nevermin thought of an idea. Though it comes down to if he's on the good side or the bad side.

    Zemerex has the element to create severe storms such as tornados, hurricanes, twisters(tornados that don't touch the ground yet, while also can be a tornado[touches the ground]), Tropical Storms. However his role is just wind. The other role is played by Raine with rain and snow and stuff.

    Zemerex acts as sort of the side role in many storms and is the only demi god who knows that Raine is part of every rain and snow. However it didn't occur to him to tell the others(her guardians).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2011
  17. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Hmmmmmmm...I like it
  18. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    that actually makes great sense. It would seem to fit the characters' roles perfectly!
  19. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Antiform, that post didn't make sense at all. How the heck would he know where to go and what drove him to Vancouver? You have to explain his way of thinking.
  20. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Yeah about that I was going to explain in my next post but if you want me to change it completely that works too.
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