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The Takeover Remake OOC/SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Ok well I had made this RP before hand but it had ended because of certain members leaving ¬_¬

    But im remaking it ^^

    There is a great Kingdom to the North known as Dumfries .
    Dumfries is a very wealthy nation as it is the trading centre between two great empires. To the West of Dumfries is the Great Nation Of Lothian and to the East is the Kingdom of Galloway. The Three Nations lived in harmony and peace.

    But now a nation from the South is threatening the peace of these Three Great Nations. The King of Ayrshire has watched as the three nations rise and prosper and now has hopes of taking them for himself.

    Ayrshire has an impressive army but is no match for the three great nations.
    Ayrshire plans to send in skirmishes to distract the three nations while they send a small band of skilled mercenaries to take over the nations from the inside.

    Thats were you come in.

    Your character is to be one in the group whose mission is to take control over each of the Nations.

    Character Template

    No mary-sue characters,(Any will be killed on the spot)
    No God-Moding,(No over powerful characters)
    No Modern Weapons,(Strictly Medieval)
    No One Liners.

    Please do not post pointless post in the OOC/SU section.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
    ü likes this.
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Name: Ashura Fly

    Age: 18

    Sex: Female

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Bio: Ashura Fly was brought up in a merc shrine. From the age of 6 she has been trained to full fill the prophecy of the Ashura Warrior. She is a powerfull warrior and a deadly assassin. She carries a 11" katana(about the length of Sephiroth's) and a heavy Claymore sword bandaged to her back(as in she can't take it off, bandaged into her back). She left her Shrine 4 years ago and since then her operations have been a mystery.

    Class: Assassin, Warrior, Mercenary.

    Weapon: 11"Katana, 6" Claymore.
  3. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Name: Xan

    Age: 22

    Sex: Male

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Bio: Xan was brought up in a secret society of assassins. At a very young age he began to show potential when was able to sneak out of his room during the night and avoid all the patrols. As a result The head assassin took a keen interest in Xan. He began training him vigorously day and night. Xan was taught to make his body immune to all poisons known to man, he was later trained to take an unbearable amount of pain without ever opening his mouth. By the age of 14 Xan had already surpassed most of the assassins in the society. The head trusted Xan like he trusted no other man before. Xan in return gave him his undying loyalty. Xan soon came second to none other than his master. When the King of Ayrshire approached the society he said he would pay for the best. Xan was then entrusted to fulfil the kings wishes. When Xan arrived at Ayrshire the king gave Xan full control of his army's and any man in his land. Xan told the king of his plan, Xan would take a small number of able bodied people of his choosing and take control of the kingdoms from the inside. The king delighted with this plan offered Xan his most able bodied men. Xan refused this offer and told the king that he will personally select those he would bring with him.

    Class: Master Assassin

    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  4. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Name: Hazel

    Age: 18

    Sex: Female

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Bio: Hazel is rather “soldier” like. She is brutal and dangerous although appearance wise she is beautiful. She has a vast combat knowledge which aids her when being a paid assassin. When not training, she is a swords craftsmen. Hazel does not like to talk much, she hates nearly everyone. However she adores animals, especially horses. Hazel never seems to show her true potential, when the time is needed then she shall. Her past is clouded with mystery and the occasional flashback or dream haunts her.

    Class: Swordsman / Assassin

    Weapon: Katana( handed down through generations) [[senbonsakura Zanpakto look alike]]

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
    RebelMurf likes this.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Naomi Lakai
    Age: 21
    Sex: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: Not much is known about her past. She has traveled a lot with her father learning just about every fighting style there is to know. After her father died mysteriously, Naomi joined a secret group of assasins which was recruted by the king. Naomi is on Xan's team to infiltrate the three city's from the inside. *if thats ok*
    Class: Assasin, Mercenary, Thief
    Weapon: Long Two handed sword seen in pic. Also carries throwing knives.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name: Hoshi
    Age: 19
    Sex: female
    Bio: Hoshi is a first class ninja. Her mother is from far away. After she was born, she knows her mother had been murdered, that's all she knows. Her father is a ninja and has been training her since she was 10 years old.
    Class: ninja, mercenary
    Weapon: hidden dagger(like in the pic) katana, throwing knives, special powders(sleep gas[make people asleep] smoke gas[easy escape] and posion gas[knocks out maybe even kill others])
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2009
  7. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Name: Gin
    Age: 23
    Sex: Male
    Bio: Gin is one of a party of Xan's team. He is a loyal and yet cold and ruthless assassin that hide his face with fake emotions. Nobody knows his past and what would turned him into someone like that. He's also a good archer with sharp eyes
    Class: Assassin
    -Two blades hided in his cloak and his feet (which increase the damage of his kick)
    -and knives
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  8. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Kivan was an orphan, given away by his parents at age six. He was always known for being super hyper and quick, and usually got in trouble for it. He couldn't stand the place. He had no friends, and didn't want any. One night, a dark and rainy night, Kivan escaped. He tip-toed quietly throughout the orphanage, taking out guards with sleeper moves. And he managed to scale a 9-foot wall.

    Kivan had discovered a ninja school, in which he enrolled at by age 9. Kivan was the master's favorite student. Displaying agility and technicality to defeat his opponets. But Master never thought Kivan was a special as Kivan's rival. And no matter how great he was, he always seemed lower. This upset Kivan, and what seemed to be a play battle, led to the death of his master. Kivan was stamped disrespectful. A dishonor to the ninja culture. He didn't care. When asked why, he says,

    "Don't underestimate me."
    First Class Ninja
    (In picture)​
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  9. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    All the profiles are nearly perfect, I must tell you that you can't be an assassin and a ninja, its one or the other. And not everyone has to be a mercenary, I'm saying this because most people seem to be adding it to there class. So if people can make the appropriate changes. Thanks.

    Edit: My apologies, a mercenary is a paid warrior, assassins are paid for killing not combat, once again please make the appropriate changes be assured not everyone has to be an assassin or ninja, other classes work as well.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  10. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I it too late to join?

    Name: Rubican
    Age: 22
    Sex: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: Rubican comes from a small village that is part of the Southern Kingdom.His father died of disease when he was five and is mother never took good care of him and his two younger siblings after that for lack of money.He ran away in order to find a way to help his family,eventaully becoming a thief.He tried to rob a ninja,but was caught easily.Instead of being killed,though,the ninja took him in and enrolled him at the same academy as Kivan.He was now Ten.He was an average ninja and didnt spend much time with the others,but admired Kivan for his own beliefs,though he also believed he was somewhat reckless.
    Class: 2nd class Ninja
    Weapon: Katana,shurikian

    (I couldnt think of anything better then being a ninja.Assassin's seem to have more anyway,and I couldnt think of a good one for other classes)
  11. Mike

    Mike Member

    OOC: Hey...please let me know if my character is too out of whack for this RP, I can make another one...but I just made a character for the "Nations" RP, and would like to use a similar (almost identical) character here if that's ok. (I notice most people are 'stealthy' classes...I hope that's not the anticipated norm. If it is, let me know! I can make a samurai or something like that haha)​

    Name: Mithyl Monterray, Ambassador of Lothian
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Class: Paladin


    Blade with whom I have lived, Blade with whom I now die,
    Serve the light one last time, Seek one last heart of evil,
    One last life of pain, Cut well old friend...and then it is farewell...

    Bio: Mithyl is jokingly known by the townspeople of Lothian as the 'miracle child.' After nearly drowning at a young age, Mithyl claims that he had once 'gone into the light' and claims he can recall his own death quite vividly. This has labelled him as legendary according to some, and as a lunatic according to others. Luckily for him, the noblemen of Lothian care not for such superstition and assign positions based on merit and allegiance alone.​

    His father Laertes was captain of a legion of the Lothian guard, and as such, pressured Mithyl to begin his soldier training at a young age. However, Mithyl just did not take. His father, eager to involve Mithyl in the military life, decided he would teach his son the art of smithing. It wasn't until many years later that Mithyl could comfortably wield a sword, after practicing with his own crafted work.​

    At the age of 14, Mithyl was called to Lothian's royal courtyard. He was to forge a weapon of such beauty that would stand as a testament to the kingdom of Lothian's rich culture. Mithyl gladly respected the king's wishes and produced his finest work. Before presenting it to the king, he took his smithing hammer and took one swift swing at the sword, curving the blade slightly.​

    Upon presenting the blade to the king, the king was appalled. Surely any blacksmith could produce a straight blade! It was only after Mithyl explained that only God Himself could create something which is without flaw and anything humans craft must be imperfect, that the king recanted and gladly accepted Mithyl's humble gift. The king rewarded Mithyl with an honorary position on his father's legion.​

    Three years later, two bandits from Ayrshire snuck into the kingdom of Lothian by day, and snuck out of the kingdom of Lothian, wielding Mithyl's beautiful gift, by night. Laertes took his legion, Mithyl included to retrieve the sword. The guards of Ayrshire were not prepared to let Mithyl and his fellow soldiers into their kingdom over something so childish, and so it was at this time that Mithyl's negotiating skill shone. He convinced not only the guards to let him (and him alone) into the city, but he even convinced the bandits to return the blade...without a fight!​

    The king was so pleased with Mithyl that he wished to grant him anything. Mithyl simply said that he wished to be the king's messenger. He decided that if war could be prevented, it must be prevented at all costs. This was his creed.​

    It wasn't until 5 years later, that Mithyl finally displayed his physical strength. The townspeople of Lothian were terrorized by a dragon, which kept eating their livestock and destroying their homes. Mithyl's own dwelling was burned to the ground, with his entire family (except for he and his father) inside. Laertes was in agony, his entire life was built with this woman, his children who he loved dearly... He set out to slay said dragon. He fought very bravely and died very quickly...Mithyl had no one left.​

    Mithyl donned his heaviest armor, adding a layer of leafy tunics (on the inside) to help absorb heat. He took his favourite sword and shield (all hand crafted of course) and set out to reason with the dragon.​

    Foolishness. The dragon would not listen to the words of its dinner.​

    The dragon crushed Mithyl with its tail. Mithyl, in his final moments, uttered his famous words:​

    Blade with whom I have lived, Blade with whom I now die,
    Serve the light one last time, Seek one last heart of evil,
    One last life of pain, Cut well old friend...and then it is farewell...

    He valiantly stabbed the dragon, and to his surprise, the heavens themselves poured light onto him...and he grew wings. He flew up above the dragon and swiftly stabbed his blade through its skull.​

    The townspeople rejoiced, and began to call Mithyl the miracle child, for his life was spared twice. The king, in his graciousness, declared that Mithyl be known as a Paladin of the kingdom of Lothian, for his affiliation with the light.​

    And so, 6 years later, Mithyl still serves as the king's ambassador...but in light of Ayrshire's tardiness and lack of attendance at the Grand Citadel, Mithyl could do little to stop the tension with Ayrshire.​

    Personality: Almost a bit too much of a push-over, Mithyl will work very hard to avoid a fight. He is one of the kindest soldiers to be found on the battlefield. He consistently donates his weapons and armor, as well as food, to fellow soldiers and beggars for no cost.​

    Weapon: Anything a smith can craft. Traditionally, he uses a one handed weapon, such as a sword, or mace, and a shield, but has been known to cast aside his shield for a two handed weapon such as a pike or battle axe.​

    Powers: Mithyl has the power of light. He is spiritually attuned and can regenerate his wounds faster than most people can. He also has the ability to fly on wings of light, when his life is in peril.​

    (Hope that's not too 'god-like' for you...I won't over-abuse it, just thought it'd be neat!)
    RebelMurf likes this.
  12. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Hey Mike your character is perfect. I can defiantly use him for the story line ^^

    In fact i don't think a better character could have been made to go along with the story line thank you :D

    If you don't mind I'd like to talk to you about the role your character could take in the story.
  13. Mike

    Mike Member

    Sure, please contact me via PM if you'd prefer that :)
  14. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Ok so I have finaly gotten around to starting the actual RP my apologies for taking so long and thank you for your patience with me while I took awhile to get it going. There are certain things that need to be done for this RP to work but that is explained in the actual RP.

    So without further adue here is the RP -> http://kh-3.net/forums/original-idealist-roleplays/5121-takeover-remake-rp.html#post166604

    Edit: Just thought id say to Mike, unfortunately your character isn't in it yet but i will move the RP along as quickly as i can so you can join in the RP ^^
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  15. Akira

    Akira True Lord of Arenas

    Name: Shiina Chihiro

    Age: 24

    Sex: Male

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Bio: My parents were brutely murded when i was 6 and i was sent to become one of the Order of Ayamu an order of worrior Monks the best in the land known to keep order between the three grate nations.

    Once every ten years our Order would come together for a day of peace were we wuld neel in prayer and would not touch a weapone or fight in any way as an Oath to Our Heavenly Parents. The King of Ayrshire used this day to slaughter all of my Brothers of the Order save the few, like myself, who were not permitted to attend in case such a thing should happen so our Order would not be destroyed.

    There is no excuse for Ayrshire actions. Chosen for my skill the brothers of the Order, gave me the staff of the ancients and i'm comissioned to destroy Ayrshire and his plans

    Class: Order of Ayamu seventh degree monk, Worrior

    Weapon: Staff of the Ancients and Order of Ayamu Martial Arts
    ü likes this.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ummm, in RP's here we don't write or talk first person, it's all third person, meaning those I's are He's, him's, his's, so on
  17. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Third person is perfectly acceptable because the point of roleplaying is to BE someone else, and in being someone else first person is acceptable as you are roleplaying as that person. If it was all thrid person it would be storytelling not roleplaying(playing the role of someone else)
  18. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Akira your profile is perfect ^^

    Don't change a single thing about it.

    Good work :D


    Unfortunately duleblade hasn't been on in awhile to post, but im afraid i have to move the RP along, as a result i will be taking control of his character.
  19. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Ok. So who are the groups now, since Ashura switched?
  20. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    Um is it to late to sign up....If not then.

    Name: Jade
    Age: 17
    Sex: Female
    Bio: Jade came from a family line of swordmans but when she was 10 her entire family was killed and the killers planned on making her bleed to death but to their surprise she had more talent than they expected. She alone killed them all. But she never had gotten the answer on why would anyone wanna kill her family. Years past and she learned the power of assiantion. Though she may look like a innocent school girl she is a strong Warrior ready for everything. Her personality is cool and cocky , She loves taunting people when she knows she have the upper hand.

    Weapon:Blade she names: Weeping Rose Petals

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
    RebelMurf likes this.
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