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The Takeover Remake RP

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Jul 5, 2009.

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  1. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Alright, I'm finally gonna start this RP. Now its gonna take alot of work on my part as well as all those involved in the RP. Kupo and I had been talking on how to start the actual RP and we decided to jump straight into the action and have our characters already on a mission. Now im going to start it off were Xan is telling everyone in the party the plan of attack. So here is the tricky part. I realize that starting the RP straight into the action can cause some problems such as people don't or wouldn't know how to react according with other peoples characters. So here is my solution, When you make your first post I want you to do a quick run through of what your character thinks of the other members. I shall use my first post to show you exactly what I mean. Now I need everyone to be smart about this and please try your best when it comes to making your post, for example you can be friends with a certain members character while not getting along so well with another's. If you find this difficult to do you can use other peoples post so for example if they say they generally like your character you can make your opinion support there's and say that the two of you get along well. If you find your still having difficulty please PM the other members and come up with what you would like your relationship to be like.

    Alright well thanks for reading and please stick to what iv told you as much as possible, I also have one last thing to say, no one as of yet may post twice. I want for each person to post at least once with what iv said above included in there post before we continue on. Now that that's all said I shall make my first post. Any questions just pm me of ask it in the OOC/SU Thanks.

    Xan looked at all seven members of his party staring at him as began to explain the plan.

    "I shall take Hazel and Naomi with me and we will be infiltrating from the main gate, meanwhile Ashura and Gin will team up and flank from the east wall. This leaves Kivan, Rubican and Hoshi to take from the west wall. This is a stealth mission. If any of you give away our position accidental or not I shall take your life with my own hands do we understand?

    Taking another look at his team Xan step back and scanned each face one by one.

    Ashura Fly, an amazing warrior with the skills of an assassin to match. I'm not entirely sure about her. I'll have to keep a close eye on her.

    Hazel, she has the ferocity of a lion, with the appearance of a swan, an outstanding swordsman, tends to keep to herself but follows orders well, I shouldn't have a problem with her.

    Naomi, amazing when it comes to unarmed combat, almost the same level as an assassin as myself. Its a good thing she joined me on this mission. There is no other assassin that i trust more than her.

    Hoshi, im finding it difficult to read her, but from what i can tell she is rather stubborn. I need to make sure no problem arises between her and another party member. One heck of a ninja though.

    Gin, Ruthless and cold while at all times being loyal, does well at hiding his emotions. Very good archer, his skills will come of use to use. I just hope he doesn't step out of line while on the battlefield.

    Kivan, Outstanding ninja, defiantly thinks highly of himself, I may have to knock him down a few pegs. Other than that he is a truly marvellous add to the team.

    Rubican, Started out as a thief and was then enrolled in school as a ninja. Has decent skills but should be able to get the job done.

    Alright well there is an example of what i would like you guys to do. But please keep in mind that you cannot read others minds so don't feel the need to say something negative about them if they do about your character. Ok well I look forward to getting this RP alive and kicking, so remember keep to all the rules and have fun.
    Nova likes this.
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Naomi listened intently as Xan explained the plan. But menwhile she was looking about the group of people with her, at each person in turn as he said their names.

    Xan... she thought to herself as she listened to him speak ... A peculiar man at the least but an amazing fighter at the most. she thought this remembering one spar that she had gotten herself into with him. She still wasn't exactly sure which one of them had actually won that spar. If there is one that I must follow in this group, I'm glad it's him. He may be one of the only people I know that I trust.

    She looked at the other woman who she would be working with in this mission Hazel... Well if I were the shallow sort of person I would deffinatly envy her beauty but what is feared more is her ferocity. I'm not sure I would want to give her the excuse to turn her wrath on me but I can see that she and I may get along... that is we might.

    The woman standing next to her worried her a little Ashura Fly... She is one that I may have trouble getting along with in the near future. She can't be trusted but her skill with the blade seems to be quite advanced. I would be wise to watch my back around her.

    Standing next to Ashura was a younger looking ninja whose expression Naomi was having trouble reading Hoshi, a very trusted kid in my eyes. Something about her makes me want to protect her even though I know she is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. That confuses me a little but I dont think she would be that much of a danger to me as long as the two of us remain friends.

    Rubican... I am unsure of this one. I am sure he can get the job done but I dont know him well enough to be sure wether or not to trust him. I suppose until proven innocent I will have to keep a close eye on him.

    Gin... Well I would love to take archery lessons from him thats for sure. He is very ruthless and he is pretty good at hiding his emotions. All in all he seems like a loyal but dangerous assasin.

    Kivan- Something about that man just annoys me at the worst of times. He is deffinatly self confident in his abilities. That cockieness could wind him into trouble one of these days.
    ü and RebelMurf like this.
  3. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Kivan squatted as they were being briefed. He eyes were scanning the group as Xan went on about their missions. He usually made lots of judgements and could easily read people. He usually wasn't wrong. He eyes first traveled to Xan, their leader.

    Seems like a natural born leader. Seems a little young and naive though. Could be strong but doesn't know how much strenthg he has.

    Then his eyes traveled to the people in his group. Rubican...He seems to be strong and a to himself person. Looks like he doesn't like to be bothered much. Also, not to be told what to do. I think he'll put up good competition, but I can hold my own.

    Hoshi...Cute and young. But still tough and doesn't want people to be fooled by her looks. Though sometimes her looks can come in handy. Seems a little independent. I think she'll need help with teamwork.
    Then his eyes traveled to the rest of the people in the circle.

    Naomi...She's really sexy. Has an edge to herself and it's definately a turn-on. She has an aura to herself. She seems like she's very paticular about guys though. I'd probably have a workout with her.

    Hazel...She definately scares me. She seems to have a very stoiac personality. She seems to be really strong and brutal and get the job done. Straight and to the point. I think that describes her well.

    Ashura...definately a strong girl. She agile and light on her feet. I've been pretty impressed with her skill. She's very well-trained. I like it. She's one to watch out for. Something seems veyr mysterious about her though.

    Gin...Hm....I don't know about him. He seems more of a sweet guy, then a ruthless assasin. I might be deceived though. I have no clue how well his skill is, but hopefully he can step up the plate. We definately don't need anyone holding us back.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2009
    ü likes this.
  4. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly smiled as she sat on her pale gray horse with black legs from the knee down. She was playing with her hair tying it into large loose plait's, when Xan said that she would be accompanying Gin to the Eastern gate.

    'Sir, my skills excel best when there not..' She looks at Gin then back at Xan '... Hindered. I think Nutty should join Gin and i shall take the Southern gate' She looked sternly at Xan.

    Xan.. 'the ultimate assassin'. He is defiantly strong, and not bad looking either. He's a little short for my liking tho. I like BIG men 'sigh'.

    Then there's Hazel.. Nutty. Fly looked across to the short beauty. She is powerful, for her background. She maybe a contender. I can't help but tease that silent type.

    Then there's Naomi, the tit's of the group. The only thing bothering about her is how shabby she dress's. Maybe in Lothian i could give her a makeover. But theres something about it, i can't pin my finger on it. Maybe shes one of them.

    Fly scanned over the rest. None of them really tickled her interest. There all just gay for pay soilder's. But then Rubican... He seems strong. Maybe i could.... Yes.. Maybe.
    Destiny and RebelMurf like this.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hoshi payed close attention to Xan as he spoke. She stood tall arms crossed. She looked down at the ground. She looked deep in thought, she partially was, besides that she listened carefully taking detail to the plan, everything around her, and everyone. She began taking detail of everyone...

    Xan- tough strong, brave, smart, wise, quite sometimes, a born leader. If something got in his way he could turn into Death( Grim Reaper) himself taking an instant kill like tiger.

    Rubican- Strong, tough, brave, probaly many people are afraid of him. He'd be someone to fear if faced.

    Kivan- Smart, strategy thinker, a planner, tough, brave, strong, I'm sure many won't get in his way. He seems like a yang to Rubican. I have a feeling I'l see some rivalry between the two.

    Naomi- Hmmm, like looking in a mirror at the future. She seems a lot like me. I'm sure we'd be great friends, but like I've been taught ninjas must watch, somone who may turn out a great friend could be a great rival of hatred.

    Hazel- Strong, brave, possibly a bit of a quite or stinking to herself kind of girl. I bet she'llcharm guys in battle before she kills. A human flytrap

    Gin- Brutal, definately a sharp shooter. Give him a bow and an arrow then there may be something to worry about. He seems like he doesn't miss anything, not even a ninja in the midnight . He'll be fun to watch in battle maybe even spy on, if I'm not caught

    Ashura- Seems like another Hazel. However she seems more of a person to purposely stay away from. She' s got a good body though. It looks as if she's agile, flexibil, and looks like she's a person who could fly and kill. Working light on her feet could be an advantage, also a disadvantage. Then again I'm pretty light on my own feet.

    Hoshi uncrossed her arms after evaluating and predicting people. However she has a feeling like she has been taught her guess will be far off. Never Judge a book by itcover, judge a warrior by his appearence. Hoshi looked straight at Xan barely blinking. She took in every detail possible. She was impressed by her leader's appearence as in his strength and more. 'Should I speak out or no?' She asked herself and shook her recent thoughts away.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2009
  6. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel had listened to Xan’s speech, she had been mentioned first. Just mere coincidence, she thought. Looking at those beside and around her, she had noticed curious eyes shifting to and from one another.

    So this is the part where I throw my judgement on everyone here, how superficial.

    Hazel paused and scanned the individuals in front of her.

    Each one seemed to possess a valuable skill.
    Naomi and Xan seem like very experienced warriors; no doubt one of the most skilled people here.

    Hazel made her way across the line,

    Fly – Something about her had already begun to annoy me, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. She was someone I would try to avoid at all cost.

    Kivan – He seems interesting enough, he better not get in my way and I’ll try to stay out of his
    I’ll have to keep an eye on the rest of them, for now I can only trust them to an extent.

    Hazel looked at Rubican, Gin and Hoshi. She didn’t think much of anyone, after all she had no intentions of ever speaking to them. She would silently kill when needs be.
  7. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Gin heard to what Xan said carefully. Then he heard what Ashura said, then he smile coldly and saying, "There's no problem if i have being joined by anyone. As long as i could do the job smoothly."

    Then he looking to all people beside him, and judge them in his own opinion.

    Xan- a great and charismatic leader with supreme abilities and interestingly to serve. I can't judge his power by looking to his physique. It is interesting to see his fight.

    Hoshi- our one of ninja-like member in here. She has great potential to become an assassin that equal to Xan. I can see that she has great stamina and agility with her short height, yet i still have to observe it later.

    Kivan- He has a great talent in assassination, yet he still need to have some lecture from our leader for his cockiness and self-confident.

    Hazel- Her enemies may let of their guards against this young girl, yet they don't know how ruthless she is. One of our destructive weapon that even i has to guard my back from her.

    Ashura- I must say that i'm impressed with her abilities, she is a natural-assassin, yet nobody couldn't resist from her skills. She and Hazel may look like Yin-Yang, but they are unbeatable when they joined forces together.

    Naomi- An attractive woman, yet she still dangerous on assassination. It seems that she could be a worthy ally.

    Rubican- He has a great physique, and worthy to become ally. Yet it seems that this man reminds me of ninjas, just like Hoshi. But he also have great relationship with Kivan.

    Gin looked to Xan again, waiting for permission to go.
  8. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild


    After listen to Xan speak of his plan and Ashura's outburst, Rubican took a look at his fellow team mates.

    Kivan, There's a sight for sore eyes. Good to see he is doing well,

    Xan, Leader of the group, seems capable enough.

    I honestly couldn't care less for the rest of them.


    "Very well Ashura, If thats the cae you will be taking Rubican with you and Gin shall be accompanying the others".

    After waiting a few moments to see if anyone would raise any objections Xan continued.

    "Now rules of engagement, Only strike when you know that you will not be caught by another guard, and can pull the kill of fast and as painless as possible. And under absolutly no circumstances are you to engage injure or kill any civilian, The consequensios will be severe.

    We will now take a ten minute absent time in which you will use to prepare yourself fully and thoroughly for this mission."

    After Xan had said all this he took his leave and began heading to his temporary living quarters.

    After sitting down Xan began wrighting a letter for the King of Ayrshire.

    Just as Xan had folded over the letter and closed it with his seal he heard footsteps approaching his tent door.
    Nova likes this.
  9. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Ashura approached Xan's tent, she didn't want anyone to accompany her, not Gin, not Rubican, she wanted to go alone. And this is what she was approaching him about. She popped her head into his tent.

    "Xan i want to talk to you about this attack." She said eying his tent, then something caught her eye, his sword.
  10. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Ashura, what can I do for you?" Xan said standing up picking up his sword and placing it around his waist.

    Xan's sword was very precious to him. It was a gift given to him from his master it also had a hidden power. It is made of pure ivory, plated with the the strongest steel know to man. Along the lower part of the blade is an ancient text which very few can understand.
    Nova likes this.
  11. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Ashura studied the blade deeply, following the text with her eye's, then smiled.

    "Im planing to go alone on our mission, and your not changing my mind." She smiled down at him, "I love your sword, ive never seen such a design before. Where did you get it?"
  12. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "It was a gift from my master" Xan said resting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

    Xan then turned his body so that the sword was not visible to Ashura stood.

    "And you have no choice in the matter, Rubican will be accompanying you and that's final. Unless of course you would rather sit this one out?" Xan said with a slight smirk on his face.
    Nova likes this.
  13. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Ashura smiled, she knew what he was doing.

    "And your to say you would try STOP me, if i decided to alone, despite risking giving off our location?"
  14. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "No, but after the mission is over I would kill you for disobeying my orders and acting foolishly, I could also throw in the fact that you could potentially jeopardize the mission, which would just give me more reason to kill you"

    Xan was wondering just how far Ashura would try to test his authority, Xan was not going to allow himself to be manipulated by one of his lowers. There is only one person who has authority over Xan and he isn't one to allow himself to be pushed around by others.
    Nova likes this.
  15. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    It had been a while since Xan had left to go in his tent, as for the others Hazel did not care whether they stayed in the same spot or decided to move. But she had noticed Ashura Fly had gone off not too long ago either. Perhaps she went after Xan, I wonder what she has planned. Fly truly did seem to cause a mental annoyance to Hazel, it was not necessarily to be a verbal annoyance. Just watching Fly made Hazel want to pointlessly destroy something.

    The 10 minute absent time seemed to either be going very slowly, or it had already passed. We were meant to have prepared ourselves for the up coming mission. Hazel thought to herself, she looked at everything she had. She was ready; she was always ready for any outcome. Sitting down under a tree she began to clean her katana. A clean sword will make a clean cut. She thought, she had no intention of going barbaric when fighting. Xan also seemed against the idea of inflicting pain on those. She stared at the sky then decided to walk towards Xan's tent.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  16. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Kivan went and sat near his tent, Indian style. He retrieved a small kinfe and put around his waist. He took out his sword, and began to sharpen it. He noticed Ashura walk into Xan's tent. What would she want with him? A few minutes went by and she still remained in the tent. It kind of annoyed him that she remained in there so long. He wondered what the conversation would even be out. Something seemed really persistent about her. He put his sword back on his back. He got up and looked around. "Is my team ready?" He asked.
    ü likes this.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hoshi laid in a tree cleaning her one blade andher knives. She saw 5 minutes ago Fly go in Xan's tent. She sighed and hopped out of the tent. 'Might as well inform Xan we're all ready.' Hoshi thought to herself. She saw Hazel under the tree and Kivan asking about HIS team. She rolled her eyes. 'No one is team leader just Xan, you just work togeathe.' She said. She stopped outside Xan's tent and waited a bit.She kicked a stone to make herself known outside showing if they don't want the conversation known to stop. 'I'll wait a few minutes before walking in.' Hoshi thought to heerself.
  18. Akira

    Akira True Lord of Arenas

    The sweat glistened off Shiina's back as he finnished his training. The Staff of the Ancients sure was an amazing weapon indeed.

    Shiina was well known for his skill to unlock the potiential in both people and objects. 'Boy this one is special indeed' After a month of training with it, the staff's abilitys were near to second nature for him.

    'Ayrshire will have his men come through here soon, I can feel it something big is going to happen'

    Shiina grabed his things, walking towards the bath house to freshin up abit.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
    ü likes this.
  19. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly smiled at Xan, "seems your quite popular, or Nutty and Hoshi get jealous easily". She winked at Xan then opened the tent door, "You two can come in to speak to Xan if you like. We were just wrapping up ourselves."

    Fly smiled to herself, her guessing was right. In the last few days she had memorized her teammates footsteps for future use. Nutty's soft slow yet paced walk. Hoshi's brisk but elegant strides.

    Before stepping out she turned again to Xan, glimpsing at his sword before moving up to his face.

    "Ill take the boy, but if he cants keep up. I wont take the blame" She walked off to her horse that she had bought it the last little farm house, to give him a carrot.
  20. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel made her way to Xan’s tent; she could tell that Hoshi had the same intentions. To hell will that girl get there before me, Hazel thought. She had become rather impatient therefore quickened her pace her footsteps weren’t as soft as usual.

    Fly had come out the tent, it has seemed for second time had stood still. Hazel looked at Fly who had now seemed to have something else on the mind; it would seem she was staring at something in the tent. “Hmm.” Hazel hummed. As Fly left Hazel entered, she was about to report to Xan that everyone else seemed ready. She was unsure whether she should have invited herself into his tent; however she did not show any sign of being hesitant.
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