• Square Elite
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The unannounced Square Enix Game once announced will leave people shocked and stoked

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ventus, May 1, 2010.

  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Source: Unnanounced Square Enix game will leave you "shocked and stoked" | ScrewAttack News | ScrewAttack - Mega Man Fan Film Premieres in 7 Days!
    So what is this game that they will reveal? Well I have some ideas.

    Final Fantasy XIII-2? (Actually a sequel rather than a spinoff like Versus XIII)
    Final Fantasy VII Remake (This is most likely)
    Gameplay footage of Kingdom Hearts 3 (PLEASE! As I remember, footage of Kingdom Hearts 2 was shown one and a half years before it's release. It's definitely possible)
    Square-Enix Dissidia (This is something I REALLY want to see on PS3 and Xbox 360. I think this would be awesome, seeing Sora battling Lightning)
    Dragon Quest X (Not very possible but still...maybe...)
    A Lara Croft/Final Fantasy crossover (VERY unlikely)
    Secret of Mana HD (NO idea how this game plays)
    Another crossover game like Kingdom Hearts?
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    I was first thinking FF7 remake myself too. But i doubt KH.
  3. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    i highly doubt a FF7 remake as people have been begging for that for years and it hasn't happened and Square keeps promising that it won't ever happen.

    i think a KH game or the Mana game are most likely
  4. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    All of your choices seem like fan boy wanna be's and non seem really realistic, just saying.
    As I can almost with absolute confidence say that it IS NOT Kingdom Hearts 3, I don't believe they are far enough in there production of the game to release anything. (If they have even started making the game).

    an FF-7 Remake. EVERYONE wants to see this, but it's unlikely at the moment I believe.

    Though it is possible for it to be another KH title.
  5. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Actually they are not fanboy-anisms and like it said it will shock people and "people" means fans in Square-Enix speak. Also in response to Bankai and Shadow, the creator of Final Fantasy did state that they were thinking at the prospect of a Final Fantasy 7 remake. The remake would make perfect sense though because the game on the Playstation Store has made a lot of sales.

    3 Kingdom Hearts games have been revealed; 2 spinoffs and Kingdom Hearts 3. These are not Birth By Sleep and 358/2 Days by the way. The spinoffs may be revealed but I don't see how they would be surprising in terms of gameplay and story. I do know my stuff and yes, I am a fanboy but I do have the facts to back it up.
  6. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Let me correct your facts, with more realistic facts then. this was said about 1 1/2 ago:

    "Right now we don't have a clear direction, but many fans have requested we remake Final Fantasy VII," he told Siliconera. "We're going to explore the possibility - whether or not we're going to do it, if we're going to do it, and the platform."

    Last month, Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase said: "If it were possible that we had all the right facilities and the right environment to be able to make and prepare a Final Fantasy VII remake within a year, we'd very much like a go at it!""

    Now to be more realistic with this situation, It seems like its not even in production, and with e3 just 1 1/2 away, I doubt they would really have anything to show us about FF7 my friend. The only thing they could say is "Oh FF7 is being remade" and for this big of a news, Square Enix is going to do that. They are going to being back Cloud and the gang with something Huge, like a trailer or a live action play out or what not. Plus they wouldn't want to rush this. and with them doing 3 major FF games right now. I just see no room for them to announce it right now. But again it's still possible, I just think its less likely for it to happen.

    Next, there are 2 Kh games, and then KH3. Its pretty clear that we will get one or maybe both of these games before KH3. So it wouldn't make sense for them to put out a KH3 trailer right now. Plus the game isn't even in production its just thoughts as nomura said a few months back. The kh team is busy putting together FF Versus 13 right now. AND I'm doubting its a new KH game, the most we will see outta the KH series in the next few month is BBS. Odd's are we will see an English Birth By Sleep trailer at E3 if the game isn't released already.
  7. Kit

    Kit New Member

    My personal hopes are for a Dissidia title, or something COMPLETELY out of left field, like Square-Enix Vs. Marvel Vs. Capcom Vs. f***ing Nintendo...actually, that sounds kind of awesome. Very very VERY unlikely, but awesome.

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