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The Unborn and Fate

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Xadimurti, Aug 15, 2008.

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  1. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    I know that most people know a lot of the stuff I'm about to say, but at the same time there's people here who know more than others, and this is going to be pretty long, so please be patient. :) Also - some of this comes from me agreeing with the possibilities from certain theories already posted on the KHPlanet forums.

    That said, I've had a thought that was sparked by the following:

    + Xion is thought to be related (as in linked, not blood-related) to Kairi, and Namine, Kairi's Nobody.
    + Ventus (Ven) looks remarkably similar to Roxas, who is Sora's Nobody.
    + Master Xehanort is obviously related to Xehanort, and in turn Ansem and Xemnas.
    + Aqua is thought to be related to Riku, and therefore Dark Riku (I don't have any thoughts on this yet, but I thought I'd throw that in there too).
    + The 'leaked' trailer from the TGS'07.
    + The Secret Ending/BbS Teaser at the end of KHII and KHIIFM.
    + The knowledge of the 'Unborn' enemy.
    + We know this is a prequel to the other KH games, so far.
    + The two legends: One wielder saved the world, the other brought chaos to it.
    + The knights (Terra, Ventus and Aqua) in the BbS Teaser are using the same keyblades used by Mickey, Sora and Riku.

    Now - down to business; I'm gonna explain this as well as I can in order of how things happen from KHI to KHBbS (what we know of BbS, that is).

    There you have it. My thoughts on the matter. Comments are appreciated, and even elaborating on the theories if you agree and/or can, and I'll edit them into this post. I haven’t played KHIIFM, so if there’s any holes that can be filled in from that, let me know, if there’s any holes made by that, let me know!


    "Those Who Know Nothing, Understand Nothing..."
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    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  2. ~Narikoo~

    ~Narikoo~ New Member

    Whoaw! It was awesome! Well... if I did understand all, I think your theory is very fine! I have KHII FM+, and I try to beat a man with an armor, I think it's Master Xehanort... but I don't speak Japanese, so... I can't understand all the added scenes and I can't help you in your theory! I'm sorry! :/
  3. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    Aw... pas de probleme! >.<

    Merci por lire il, et vos mots gentils! ^.^
    (not sure how to say 'compliments' in French :p)


    "Those Who Know Nothing, Understand Nothing..."
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    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  4. ~Narikoo~

    ~Narikoo~ New Member

    lol That's it ! ^^* Just one little mistake "Merci pour le lire, et vos mots sont gentils!" =) hihihi
  5. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    Close enough. :p


    "Those Who Know Nothing, Understand Nothing..."
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  6. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    please speak english!!!
    well nice theory coz i never have one:p
  7. Xadimurti

    Xadimurti New Member

    I just said 'Thanks for the compliments'. :D

    and thanks to you too! :p


    "Those Who Know Nothing, Understand Nothing..."
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