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The Unknown...rated R/M for major bloody seances(OOC/SU)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by DarkAngel, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    first natitional bank of chicogo, 8-16-12...

    "EVERYONE ON THE GROUND NOW!!" Terrorist have taken over the bank. guns at the ready they have threatend to kill one person in the bank for every hour that they don't get their money. knowing Terrorists though, they will kill everyone regardless. all of a sudden a masked and hooded figure walks up to the bank. the cops try to shoo him away but one of the therrorists is already to kill him. the terorist shots and the guy falls. the terrorist, satisfided turns to head into the bank and stops dead in his tracks. the guy has appered from behind out of no where and stabed him in the back. the guy takes the gun and walks into the bank. the terrorists are ready to fire as the guy puts his hands up. "...you got me..." he says. just then a terrorist falls dead and two more terrorists turn on the leader. just then another cop appers from behind a piller in the room. the terrorist leader drops the gun and falls to one leg crying in pain then the cop shots him in the other leg and the two "Terrorsits" shot his arms. then the guy walks to the terrorist who begs for mearsy but the guy just shakes his head. "W-who...a-are...-y-y-you..." then four men walked behind the guy and the guy looked at them, then the Terrorist and says"... ... ...we...are the unknown" then the guy points the gun at the terrorist and shoots. by the time the cops get inside the job is done...and the men...were gone... ... ...

    this is an RP idea I got from mixing together G.I. Joe, and a couple of other war stories(this is where I didn't know if it was Origanal or cannon), it will fallow the basic RP rules, will go easy on the god modding but there will be few if any at all, no one is going to die but there will be deaths of the army that the characters will be joinning, and there will be blood and guts and lots of it so for those of you with quesey stomachs please don't sign up.


    Name-(In full and millitary nick name if you want)
    Age-(18 and up please)
    Dsignation-(your rank in the millitary, low ranks for the younger members)
    Spesalties-(what your character is best at)
    Weapons-(As many as you can cary but be within logical waight limit of human)
    Personal vehical-(optional)
    Reson for joinning TU-
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2012
  2. beefjurky

    beefjurky New Member

    Name- Rick Brazer "One"
    Gender- Male
    bio- Rick grew up on the hills of the rockys, due to his dad making him hunt for food at the age of 9, survival techniques are imbedded within Rick. He used a handed down family pistol to kill for small and big game. Rick didn't have time to go to school to get an education but he has used his survival skills and took them to the military. Rick earned the military nickname "One" after acknowledgement of taking one shot per target, and one only.
    Dsignation- Recruit
    Spesalties- Precise Shots
    Weapons- Two Glocks with a vast amount of magazines for his pistols
    Personal vehical- Can't drive military grade vehicles
    Reson for joinning TU- It was his only thing going for him after the passing of his father and the loss of his mother.

    (idk if i did this right, this is my first time)
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Its fine...Accepted...

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