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The World of Game

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ventus, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    YouTube - Videogame Orchestra - Sonic 1 - Green Hill Zone



    For 30 years, the world of Game has lived prosperously, changing rapidly in size and growing exponentially (Games come out every week). It is one of the largest worlds in history and the world has somehow been able to keep peace but darkness is spreading within the world. The amount of villains that have been created has increased dramatically and creatures have become a lot fiercer. The gods of the world have been feuding for a long time and corruption has spread. One week ago, the god, Solarius took over the major monarchy and leadership of Game, Hyrule. Link and Zelda managed to flee but Solarius with the aid of other villains has managed to spread corruption within the world. Solarius has forbid the other gods to enter inside the world with the use of an object called the Sacred Scarab and with this, he spread them across the world creating a barrier. Now, he is in control of the world and he feels that no one can stop him. All hope seems lost for the world but Link has called forth the mightiest heroes from across Game to organize a plan and protect the ones they love.

    Solarius now is operating his forces near the Data Fields, where codes are generated to create new lands. As one of the gods of creation, he is now using his powers to create lands filled with darkness and it is now a birthplace for dark creatures. The land is starting to be captured by fiendish villains and unpleasant creatures. It is now time for Link's Resistance to fight against this evil and confront the god but that will take much time. In legend, the three gods of light; Palutena (Kid Icarus), the Godbird (Dragon Quest 8) and the God of Game itself, Controlius sealed five weapons in case an evil emerges from the shadows. Zelda, the princess of Hyrule has had this information passed down from her ancestors and now, the resistance must succeed in finding these artifacts. Will they succeed?


    Link (The Legend of Zelda) by Shadow*91
    Sora (Kingdom Hearts) by Roxasblade
    Riku (Kingdom Hearts) by Shadow*91
    Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) by RoxasZ4
    Aeon (Castlevania: Judgment) by Dark Lord Kira
    Adell (Disgaea 2) by InugamiGod
    Jango Fett (Star Wars: Bounty Hunter) by Colonel Caboose
    Tidus (Final Fantasy X) by RoxasZ4
    Jak (Jak and Daxter) by Curtis8494
    Ghost (Modern Warfare) by The Heartless King
    Megatron (Transformers: The Game) by Colonel Caboose
    Fate (Original) by Shadow*91
    Warp (Original) by Dark Lord Kira
    Weiss (Original) by InugamiGod
    Solarius (Original) by Roxasblade

    Opening Post

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts - Dive Into The Heart - Destati - Remix

    Solarius looked over at the black nothingness, holding out his hand. Numbers pixelated from the darkness and codes frictioned against each other. They started to scramble and they flew into the air. From the blackness, the ground was formed. It was purple and black smoke rose above it slithering across the air. The blackness started to clear from the horizons and a new land was formed. There were black skyscrapers covering across the land and they were put in rows, that lead up to a colossal castle, fit for a god.


    It rose above the clouds and as he walked up the pathway to his castle, darkness formed around the god, creating heartless with each step.


    The only light that shone on the street was one small straight line and it effectively hid the shadows from each side, protecting his fortress. This was the start of his empire.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2010
  2. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    "Time." "Time is the god-like power that regulates the world." "But now time is being threatened by the very darkness that is enveloping the world." "Solarius." "He is the cause of all this darkness." "Not only is it affecting time but......it is also affecting my home." ".......I shall not let this darkness take over." "No matter what." Said Aeon as he looked at stopwatch under the gleaming moonlight. He looked around his hometown which is based in Transylvania, his home country. "I should get going." "The darkness will be here soon." He then started leaving his hometown as the darkness spread towards it.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2010
  3. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    OOC: Roxas those pictures cut off some of your post

    Ghost walked through the deserted streets of the town he was stationed in, it was quiet, lonely and hot. He was in the southern tip of Game, it was very hot there, he was sweating.

    After about 5 minutes of walking through the streets he got a radio message telling him that he was going to be picked up to go to the north western reigon of the planet. He put a mag into his Beretta and cocked it. He sat on a rock, waiting for his pick up
  4. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Sora was overlooking the plains of Hyrule Fields. There was no sunlight beaming down onto the land except for the monumental fires scowering across the land of Hyrule. It was burning the wildlife, the villages, the land. From what he could see, he could see the burnt ashes of the grass and the black soil. It was dead, everything was dead. He was driving the gummi ship, hoping he wasn't too late. He was almost at Ordon, the location where Mickey told him to go to find Link's Resistance. From Mickey's letter, he knew that Link was the savior of this land. Now, it looks like it was too difficult for him to save.
  5. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    When Ghost got picked up he was told by his commanding officer that he was to go to Hyrule, a place that wasn't as technilogically advanced as them. He was to go to a small place called Ordon and find someone named Link who was starting a resistance against the evil that plauged Game. He hoped the trip wasn't going to be too long
  6. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Aeon slowly walked through the planes of Transylvania. He was heading towards Ordon, the place of Link's resistance. He was going because he wanted to help Link take down this great evil that is affecting this world. "Only Link could help me take the mad god down." "Its the only way." At that moment he was out of Transylvania. That is when he said "Hmmph." "Good, I'm out of Transylvania." Then at that exact moment, he dissapeared in a flash.

    Right at the second when Aeon dissapeared, a breezed hit the trees of the border of Transylvania. As they kept swaying their branches, the moonlight shone right on a old tree. On the old tree were two carvings of the moon and the sun. Under the Moon it showed the letter A and under the sun, the letter W.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2010
  7. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Brown boots crumpled the leaves they stepped on. A tall warrior in green was walking through a large clearing in the middle of a green, lush forest. In the center of the clearing, was a pedestal. Stuck into the pedestal was an intricate sword. As the warrior walked to the pedestal, the blade seemed to glow slightly. The warrior gripped the blades handle and in a single swift move, he drew out the blade and swung it through the air. A seemingly holy light began to glow in the clearing as the warrior held the blade.

    "So that's the master sword you mentioned?"

    The warrior turned to face a youth in a yellow vest with blue pants and silver hair. The youth walked up and took the blade for a moment, seemingly examining it like an expert jeweler examines diamonds. "I guess it'll hold up in battle. So, Link, back to the village?"
    "Yeah, Riku." As they exited the clearing, the thoughts of both turned to what brought them together.


    Link was rushing through the sewers of Hyrule's Castle Town, with Princess Zelda following him. Every few feet a strange creature seemed to form from the shadows and attack them. Link dealt with all of them in swift, powerful blows. When they finally made it outside, they found themselves surrounded by the shadow creatures. "Hyah!" Suddenly Riku came down and slayed them all with a strange looking blade. "Damn, Heartless here too. I gotta re-unite with Sora. Hey you, in the green. Where am I?"
    "Hyrule." Link made sure to keep his guard up. He didn't know who this guy was but Link wasn't about to risk Zelda getting harmed.
    "So I'm at the right world. Could you take me to a guy named Link? I think he lives somewhere in a place called Ordon."
    Link was shocked to hear his name. "I'm Link."
    "I'm Riku. I'm here to help you beat the darkness."
    Link instantly smiled. So my plea for help was answered. Link quickly shook Riku's hand and pointed at some distant woods in the horizon. That's when Zelda spoke. "Link, you'll need the Master Sword." Link nodded, he was planning on that. The three of them then started off for Ordon.


    "So, do you know if or when others will arrive?" Riku asked. Link shook his head. "Well, I know Sora should be here soon. We came together, but got seperated when we arrived. He'll definately help." Link just nodded as they headed into Ordon. The other villagers all waved and cheered as Link came in with the Master Sword on his back.
  8. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Suddenly something hit the gummi ship, making it shake violently. Sora fell down to the ground, when his seat belt fell loose. Sora looked outside and saw a dragon like creature. He analyzed it further and realized it was a heartless he had faced before; it was an Air Rider. He faced it at The Land of the Dragons and knew that he had to have the gummi ship take it out because the keyblader needed to get to Ordon quickly but before Sora could reach the controls, the Air Rider slammed the ship to the ground with Sora inside it. The Air Rider screamed and flew into a village; Ordon. The ship could be seen alight from miles away and the village folk of Ordon left their homes to see what was going on. They started to scream in panic, as the dragon started to attack the area, burning villages and harming the citizens.

    Sora was lying down on the floor, clutching his legs. His right leg felt broken from the impact and the heat was immense. The flames started to enrage through the gummi ship and he knew if he didn't get out soon, it would explode...with him inside. He desperately tried to get up to his feet but the pain in his leg was so immense that he fell back down, shouting in anguish. The pain felt like a sharp, poisonous thorn going through his leg. He started to get desperate as the flames started to burn his skin.
    "HELP!" he shouted.
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    As the villagers cheered Link for getting the Master Sword and standing up to Solarious, some began to point up to the skies. Riku and Link both looked up to see the Air Rider slam down a ship. "Wait a minute... I thought Sora took care of tgat thing! It must be a new one. Link! You go help whoever was in that ship! I'll deal with the Heartless!" Link nodded and they both rushed off to the forest. Link ran on, towards the crash site while Riku climbed the tallest tree he could.

    As the Air Rider neared Riku, he leapt onto it and summoned out his keyblade, Way to the Dawn. He grabbed on of the spikes on it's head and began stabbing at it's face. In just a few hits, the Heartless dropped to the ground, just outside the village.

    Link rushed through the forest, heading for the place where the ship crashed. When he got there, he found the area scorched by fire and the ship, mostly in pieces. Link closed his eyes, be:ieving whoever inside was dead.


    At least, until he heard that. He quickly rushed towards what seemed to be the cockpit and tried to find a way in. When he couldn't, Link drew the Master Sword and cut open a door for himself. Inside he saw a teen with spikey brown hair and black clothes clutching his legs, surrounded by fire. Lhnk rushed over the fire and knelt by the teen. He could see by looking, that teen wasn't going to walk out of this. Link just sighed sliggtly and grabbed him. With a quick grunt of strength, Link lifted him up onto his shoulders and rushed outside. As he got away from the crash zone, the ship exploded. Link had saved him just in time. Link set the teen down gentley, leaning him against a tree. "You ok?"
  10. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Sora squinted his eyes, as the green tuniced man put him down by a tree.
    "You ok?" he asked.
    "Yeah, I guess but I think my right leg is broken"

    Solarius was watching the chaos through a pedestal with water placed on the top of it. Solarius was not too faraway from Ordon on the other hand because his empire city was facing south of Hyrule Fields. He witnessed the defeat of the Air Rider by the keyblader, Riku.
    "The boy shows much promise but he is unwise to be with the light. I must convince him to join me" he told himself. He clicked his fingers and a large dinosaur entered inside the room with a cage in hand. A girl with strawberry red hair was inside, unconscious.
    "Here's the girl you wanted, Master Solarius"
    "Very good Bowser"
    Bowser bowed but stood up soon afterwards.
    "So, when will you give me the power to kill Mario?"
    "I will give you it soon but first I want you to do one more task"
    "What is that, my lord?"
    "Tell the spiky haired boy named Sora that his precious girlfriend is in my clutches. The boy has a key for a weapon but be wary of him, Bowser; he is powerful"
    Solarius' hands started to cover in black gas. He spun his hands and a cloak formed from within the gas. He threw it towards the dinosaur.
    "This shall keep you hidden after you tell Sora the news"
    "I'm no coward, my lord. I will kill-
    "YOU WILL NOT KILL HIM!" Solarius interrupted. Bowser backed away in fright but nodded.
    "Very good" Bowser replied, disappearing into nothing.
    Solarius turned towards the girl's cage and stroked her cheek.
    "You will see your precious Sora soon, Kairi. Don't you worry. I will take good care of him"
    Solarius laughed.
  11. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Cloud had just awoken after being unknowingly knocked out. As he began to rise to his feet he relized he wasnt in Midgar anymore."Where am i" He said to himelf as he began to walk the streets. He then seen multiple heartless appear from the ground. "Humph lets do this". Cloud pulled out his blade and pointed it at the heartless. The group of heartless jumped at him. with one swing of his blade he took out a row of five heartless "these things are to weak". Cloud slammed his blade into the ground and pulled a smaller blade from it. "now this is more your size" Cloud said as he swung it at a heartless cutting it in half. after he finished off the heartless he but his small blade back into the larger blade. "Now there has to be somthing going on here i thought the heartless were all gone, i need to find sora". As CLoud looked up he seen a man vanquish a flying heartless "That looked like riku" He then seen a Man running off with sora and setting him down by a tree. Cloud ran towards sora and the man in green. "Who are you" Cloud shouted as he pointed his blade at the man in green.
  12. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    Adell was taking a small near a spring when a load roar woke him up.
    "A Demon! Finally a good opponent."

    He heard a crash just then, so took off at full speed towards the source of the sound. He arrived outside Ordon after a few minutes & saw a teen with silver hair near the Air Rider.
    "Nice work on taking down something this big. The name's Adell. What's your name & do you know where I can find a guy named Link?"
  13. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Tidus hearing about the castle appearing from knowhere decided that he might as well take a look. The TV said that the castle appeared in ORdon "guess thats where im going". Tidus then began on his way to ORdon. it took him several hours until he arrived. As he stepped off the train he seen a huge castle towering over the city "Lets go take a look". Tidus then began to approach the castle. As he approached the the begging of the castle a Giant Heartless appeared from the ground "What the hell is this thing" he said as he pulled out his blade.
  14. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    OOC: RoxasZ4 your two posts don't make sense at all.

    Slave 1 flew through the dark sky seeing all the fires that raged on. "Hmm, this may be more interesting than going after the rouge sith and the Bando Gora." Jango said to himself as his ship landed in the forest next to the small village Ordon. Jango had gathered his weapons. His dual blasters, posion darts. grappling hook. Jango decided that he didn't want to take His special jetpack. He didn't want to bother with his missile launcher. Also if his Jetpack does malfunction, a missile strapped to it wouldn't be the least of his worries. Jango walked out of his ship and noticed a huge explosion. "Seems like the party is already starting without me." Jango headed towards it and notice two poeple. A green man with a primative sword and a boy with spiky hair. "Great another punk." Jango ran over to them. "So you need a little help?"


    Megatron walked along with his decpticons as they fired upon the field and any fleeing citizens from Castle Town, who were trying to escape from the darkness. "Die! All of you die you primative creatures!" Megatron shouted. Megaron gave the order to stop when they were starting to get to close to the enemy camp. "Alright, fall back to the Lords castle!" As they transformed and flew away or rolled out. Megatron notice a ship fall to the group being attacked by an Air Rider. He stared a little more until he saw an explosion of light through the tree's where maybe it landed. He looked back up into the sky and noticed another ship come and land in the forest. "Hmm, more resistance." Megatron transformed and flew off himself to Solarius's Throne Room. Megatron landed on a balcony and entered into the Throne Room. He bowed and told the news he brought. "My lord, more resistance comes."
  15. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Solarius sighed, lying back further into his throne room.
    "Once again, Megatron, I must tell you that I already know what is happening."
    He looked into the water and saw Riku talking to a red haired man.
    "Now, I want you to take out that pitiful town. I will see one of them myself. I feel that this boy has greatness within him."
    Solarius disappeared and reappeared in the shadows behind Riku.
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Jak strode down the dark street, in the middle of it the light shined down unto his blonde head. He clenched his fists and cracked his knuckles, waiting for the eventual heartless to appear. As a few shadows appeared he swiped them aside easily, not een slowing his stride. "Jak... why are we here again?" His orange friend asked him. Jak grinned and looked at the opalace about a quarter mile ahead. "Only Praxis would want a place that big Dax and you know it." He said. Daxter shuddered as he replied. "But does that mean we have to go there?" He asked. "Yes... it does. Now hold on Dax." Jak said, starting to sprint towards the castle. He didn't even slow as he killed shadows and neoshadows with ease, swinging powerful attacks with his fists, arms, and legs.
  17. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    (OOC:wow. gone for a couple hours and i've gotta reply to just about everyone 0_0)

    Link looked between the two that were talking to him. A blond, spikey haired man with a large sword. And someone in strange armor. Plus, the teen he saved had also asked him a question. Link wasn't much of a talker but he felt that he needed to explain the situation and himself to them, incase they didn't know. "My name is Link. I sent a message to any and all that would answer to help me defeat the evil god, Solarius, and save this world from destruction. So please, let me know who you are and what are your intentions?"

    Riku looked at the red headed man. "My name is Riku. And Link should be somewhere over there." he said as he pointed to his left. He turned his attention back to the heartless as it began to vanish. As it did, a large heart flew off into the sky. "Come on, Adell, right? I'll take you to Link. We're gonna need all the help we can get." Riku put his keyblade away and started to walk towards Link.

    In the dark castle of Solarius, a dark youth was heading towards the throne room. He was getting bored of waiting and wanted to start fighting. The sooner this was over, the sooner he would be king! Then he would make the rules, he would rule with an iron fist. This dark, brooding youth with thoughts of an evil royalty, was Fate. He felt the castle shake as he headed to the throne room. That robotic buffoon Megatron must be back from kilking peasents. A fitting job for a weak minded fool like him. Fate picked up the pace to the throne room. As he pushed open the doors he began to speak. "Solarius, sir, I have a-" That's when he saw that Solarius had left. "Damn that dark god! I needed to ask him something but he goes and vanishes. Wiess! Come here! I know you're following me!" Fate crossed his arms and stood, waiting for his apprentice to show up.
  18. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Aeon quietly appeared into Ordon. He looked around and then reached into his pocket. He then took out his favorite pocket watch and looked at the time. "Hmmph." "Right on time." He then put the pocket watch away and started to find Link. "I must the find the green cap one." "Only his resistance can save Game." As he kept walking, a being in a black cloak appeared on a tall building and watched Aeon as tried to find Link. The being grinned under his coat and said "Hehehe." "Aeon." He then teleported away from the building and went to his lord's castle.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2010
  19. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    Adell nodded before following Riku.
    "So was that a demon? Cause it didn't seem like one or any of these black creatures that came out of the shadows. By the way why do you use a sword? Real men use their fist to fight"

    Weiss had been following Fate ever since the castle shook. He walked out of the shadows when he was called out.
    "I'm sorry Master for tailing you like that, but you didn't seem to want company. Now what do you require?" He bowed while waiting for an response.
  20. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Sorry my Lord. i foget you know all." Megatron said, before he dissappeared. Megatron saw Fate walk in and use Solarius's name in vain. "If you want him that badly, he'll be stalking the one who's name is Riku. Of course in Ordon where the resistance base is, just incase your to dim witted to know that." Megatron walked to the balcony and yelled to his forces who clung to the towers of the castle. "StarScream! Rally our forces! All to Hyrule field!" Starscream fired two flares and the forces shot into the air or rolled off. Megatron and his forces made it to the Field which was still scrotched from before. They were right at the end of Hyrule field and at the Beggining of the forest which leads to Ordon. "Brawl! Stay here in bombard the forest and village in tank form. BoneCrusher stay here with him. Starscream, Barricade, Blackout, and the rest of you follow me into the forest."


    "The names Jango Fett. Best bounty in the galaxy. I'm here for the resistance. you're pretty lucky, considering I'm doing this job for free. So where do you need be boss?" Jango said as he twirled his blasters.

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