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"The World" OOC/SU

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Unlimited Online Game, "The World" is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) that defies all laws of the natural world. Anything is possible in The World. There have been many problems and complications that after over seven years, have been taken care of at last. "The World" itself is now just your everyday MMO with many more possibilities than the usual MMO.

    "The World" itself consists of several Root Towns, which serve as a base of operations for players. Here you can buy equipment, store unnessesary items, and mingle with other players.

    Each Root Town has a Chaos Gate, which is the login point. The Chaos Gate is used to access different areas within "The World" to adventure in. You may also go to other Root Towns here.

    Each Root Town has a character lvl range.

    Mac Anu-lvl's 1-40 recommended.
    Del Dona-lvl's 40-99 recomended.

    When starting the game, you select your job, which will allow you certain attributes and abilities.

    Twin Blade- Fights with twin short swords. Has excellent mobility and attack speed. But suffers decreased defense. Can learn a large number of skills and spells. This is a very well balanced job.

    Blade Brandier- Fights with a long sword similar to a katana. Has higher attack power and defence, but less speed. Can also learn a high number of skills, but is magically limited.

    Tribal Grappler- A newly added job. Tribal Grapplers fight with their fists and feet, attaching claws to both. Their defensive power is low, but they attack quickly, giving the enemy little time to counter attack.

    Cruzier Blade- Fights with a large broad sword. Though attack power and defense is high, they are much slower, and cannot attack nearly as quickly as the before listed jobs. They learn a high number of skills, but hardly learn any magic.

    Lord Partizan- Fights with a large spear. Attack and defence are high, but they are slightly more nimble than the Cruzier Blade. They learn a very large number of skills that will disable an opponent for more chained attacks.

    Steam Gunner- Fights with dual blade-mounted guns. They are capable of close range combat, but prefer to keep their distance. Their attack power is limited, but can keep their distance with their high speed and mobility. They learn many skills, and can moderately use magic.

    Flick Reaper- Fights with a scythe. Their attack power is above average, and their attack range is the best of the jobs. Their not speedy, and slow like the Cruzier Blade. They can use an extremely high number of skills, and little magic. They are especially useful for protecting the caster classes.

    Shadow Warlock- Your classic offensive magic user. Their defense is higher than the Harvest Cleric, but they're slower. They obviously, learn a large number of offensive spells. They can also use a small number of restorative spells as well.

    Harvest Cleric- Healers. The magic they use is mostly for healing, but they can learn some offensive spells as well. They have moderate speed and mobility, but their defense is very, very minute. They take damage quickly, so protect them well.

    Macabre Dancer- Fights with fans and claws. They dance while they fight, and have the highest mobility. Their attack power is small. They are best used as buffers/debuffers, as they learn magic to strenghten the party, and weaken foes.

    Adept Rouge- A versatile Job capable of using three of the above jobs. However, when the three choices are made, it will be permanent. Its obvious to say that Adept Rouges are very powerful, but their skill in each weapon will be 1/3 of the original proficiency. They will have access to fewer skills and spells. Useful, but pricey. The Adept Rouge starts with only one job proficiency. (i.e. Twin Blade) At level 30, you will be given access to your second choice. (i.e. Macabre Dancer) At level 70, you will be given access to your third choice. (i.e. Flick Reaper)

    Starting the game...
    This is your template to create your character;

    Username- (this is your real name)
    Character Name- (this is your character's name)
    Real Appearance- (May be a picture or a paragraph description)
    Character Appearance- (May be a picture or a paragraph description)
    Personality/Bio- (this is optional)

    You may have no more than three characters at one time!

    The story itself will not begin until everyone has reached a certain level. You level increases with you participation within the RP. One level per three posts. Max level is 150. Once max level is reached, you will have a choice between three options. These will remain secret, but I assure you that they are fantastic.

    BTW, all characters that I choose will have access to Data Drain and have avatars assigned to them.

    Oh, and PK'ing is permitted. However, you will only gain one post of experience for a PK. PKK'ers will be rewarded double that. Note that there are NPC characters, but you will not find them in dungeons/areas. FIGHTING IS NOT PERMITTED WITHIN THE ROOT TOWN!

    There will be an arena as well. Administration will open the Arena when all characters reach level 20.

    Battles will be supervised. Which means an admin must be present. It will work the same as the RP Arena, but with a few changes. These will be explained upon opening the arena.

    As for administrators; I will be taking volunteers. If you wish to be an admin, PM me. Note that being an admin will not affect your play within "The World".


    Guilds are permitted. You must however, be at least level 20 to create a Guild. You can be a member of as many guilds as you like. However, there must be no obscene words/phrases within the name of you Guild.

    PKK Guild/Hunters

    These are Player Killer Killer Guilds. There is only one. Guardian's Organization. You must be at least level 40 to join. Benefits include higher level equipment among others, and you also recieve a Steam Bike.

    Godmodding is a NO-NO!!! If you are caught doing so, you will be removed from this RP! I am very serious about this! You know what godmodding is. If you don't, ask someone. Ask me even! I'll tell ya!

    Now you can sign up. lol
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2010
  2. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Fuck Yes Signing Up Now D<
  3. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    so a .hack RP? i may join if the story is good enough. let me know when you finish that stuff up.
  4. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    I AM SO IN ON THIS!!!!

    *Loves The Dot Hack Series*

    And I'm Definately A Twin Blade...:D
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Was playing G.U. recently....

    As for my character, an Adept Rouge using Heavy Armor, Blade Brandier, Twin Blade, and Flick Reaper.

    Hope this RP works out better than mine.
  6. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    I'll sign up first.


    Username- Ryo Tachibana
    Character Name- Tachiro
    Job- Flick Reaper
    Real Appearance-[​IMG]
    Character Appearance- [​IMG]

    Bio-Has been playing "The World" for five years. He remembers the events that took place. The comas, and the rumors that were spread. He's an administrator working for CC Corp.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  7. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Username- Draco Kirusyn
    Character Name- Draco
    Job- Twin Blade
    Real Appearance- [​IMG]
    Character Appearance- [​IMG]
    Bio: Draco Started Playing "The World" When He Was 13. After Two Years Of Playing, He Finally Found His Best Job/class. Twin Blade. He Decided To Start Over And Work His Way From Lvl 1. He Knows Little About The "Dot Hackers" or The Comas...
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
  8. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Username- Hibari Yamaka
    Character Name- Salvator
    Job- Adept Rogue (Flick Reaper, Steam Gunner, Macabre Dancer)
    Real Appearance- [​IMG]
    Character Appearance- [​IMG]
    Personality/Bio- (this is optional)
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Name: Johnny
    Character Name: Karite
    Job: Flick Reaper

    Character Appearance:

    Personality: Johnny is quiet, he rarely talks. When he needs to communicate he usually uses hand expressions or just points. When he does talk, it's usually just one or two words. He's not a very friendly guy, but not like he's mean or anything. He just doesn't make friends easily.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Isn't it that the Adept Rouge has a choice between which classes it uses based on a point system? And a max of three classes.

    Username- Tom
    Character Name- Gerik
    Job- Adept Rouge

    Starting job: Blade Brandier

    First job extension: Twin Blade

    Second job extension: Flick Reaper

    Real Appearance- [​IMG]
    Character Appearance- [​IMG]
    Personality/Bio- (this is optional)

    I will finish later
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2010
  11. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    i edited my post to include my SU
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator


    Character Name-

    Twin Blade

    Real Appearance-

    Character Appearance-

    Grew up to a wealthy family. Her mom is a doctor and her father is a Lawyer so she doesn't see either of them very much. She was sent to a private school for girls at age 12 and she does pretty well in the school being one of the top minds in her class. Unknown to all of her friends she is a gamer in her spare time. She's new to "The World". She is a rather easy going kind of person. She is patient and outgoing. She makes friends easily.
  13. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Okay, "The World" is officially up and running! :D
  14. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Hehe, i fixed my computer ^^
    Love the idea dude

    Username- Merlin
    Character Name- Nero
    Job- Lord Partizan
    Real Appearance-


    Character Appearance-


    Personality/Bio- Lone wolf, Silent, arrogant, sarcastic, not the guy you would really want to meet in a dark alley.

    A boy who got bored of his old life. He found 'The World', and as curious as he is, he made an account immediatly. He went under the alias of.. Nero. Nero's ingame face is partially burned, as a result of a gun-fight that got out of hand.
    Rest will become clear in the RP.

    Weapon: Carries around a big black- gemstone lance, imbued with silver runes. When activated, the silver runes (meaning inferno and agony) are lit with flaming light. And the lance itself catches fiery fire.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2010
  15. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    i'm guessing you didn't notice it, considering the VM. so here it is, again

  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Added to my profile. Too bad Dual Guns isn't a class (Although it is too powerful to use. So I suppose it is a good thing).

    I do have some more questions.

    First, when you mentioned the Root Towns you didn't add Breg Epona. Just curious as to why it wasn't there.

    Second, about the Epitaphs. Will you just randomly pick people and their avatars? Or do we get to send you a preference as to what avatar to use? If going off of preferences, my favorite avatar is Skeith.

    Oh, and I also have images of each avatar if you want to use them.
  17. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    I'm thinking this is .Hack talk, since i don't get crap out of it =P
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Do this rp have an an ending or does it just go on and on and on? I'm thinking of joining.
  19. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Yes, I will randomly choose who becomes the Epitaph users. I didn't include Breg Epona yet. That will become accessible later. I was saying that all players are able to go between Mac Anu and Dol Dora freely.

    When I say that a person can become an Epitaph user, I will ask if they would like to become one. If they say yes, then they can choose which Avatar they want. The ones I choose will be among the most active and creative roleplayers, not the highest level.

    Each person that accepted their Epitaph will go to a certain area, and an admin will direct "make things happen" so to speak. This will envolve their own personal story.

    And yes, I would greatly appriciate images of the Avatars.

    The story of this RP will have an ending, not so much the RP itself. After the story finishes, rp'ers can continue, or start posting when they create a character. Of course, I need devoted and creative Admins to keep that going.
  20. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Do you need knowledge of .Hack to be an admin/epitaph user

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