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"The World"

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Jan 14, 2010.

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  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Ryo had been sitting in front of his computer screen for nearly an hour. It had been three years since the last incident within "The World" and was still reluctant to play again. He knew there would be another incident at some point, but he loved playing the game. You never knew what kind of people you might meet here.

    He sighed, finally coming to a decision. "Well, if I fall into a coma, I could use the sleep." He laughed bitterly at himself.

    He clicked on "The World", and started up. The custom game desktop came on the screen, and he clicked on the "The World" icon. He had deleted his previous character, and was starting from scratch.

    Hello, welcome to "The World." Please select your Job...

    Ryo thought about it for a while, and he thought it'd be fun to play as a Flick Reaper for a change. He'd always had a thing for scythes.

    Selection confirmed. Please generate a character appearance...

    Black. Todays young genereation loved black. He chose it so he would stand out much. But he chose white hair, instead of completeing his "goth" repotoire.

    Confirmed, please input your personal information...

    It took him a total of five minutes to fully complete his registration. He was ready to begin playing.

    He slipped on his headset, and picked up the controllerk, and entered "The World".


    After the blue light faded, he looked around to get his bearings. He was in the dome of Mac Anu, the Chaos Gate behind him. It was all a bunch of deep browns and oranges, due to the constant dusk setting of Mac Anu. On his left, was the Kiosk, a small item shop. And his right, the save station. In front of him was the massive doors to the dome. He went through them.

    Now, he was on a large bridge, and in front of him was the town. Walking accross the bridge, to his left and right there was a river that went around the entire town, emptying into the ocean on the other side. He proceeded through the gates of the town to enter one of the three plazas. This one had three guild shops, and large numbers of players were constantly coming and going.

    He decided to look around for a party to join.

    ((OOC- Within Mac Anu, there is a Guild room. Each guild and an @Home, which is entered through that door. Should you decide to create a guild, PM me.
  2. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    It was already getting dark.. Merlin was already behind his computer again, writing and searching for new exitements. "Ugh... Dude, how boring can the internet get?" he asked his dog, laying on his bed. "Heh, you wouldn't know, right?" The dog tilted it's head and barked softly. "Okay sorry... " Merlin reacted.
    He was looking through the listings of games again, trying to find another distraction for life.
    ".. Nothing? At all?" He kept skipping through the pages untill something caught his eye.
    "The World?" he asked himself. "Sounds like a cheap rip-off of WoW. But it did caught his eye..
    Without even bothering for the introductions, he immediatly made an account and downloaded the game.
    "Ugh, this is taking to long.. damn browser loads.."
    The download finished.. He logged onto his account and clicked the play button.
    A long introduction scene, only to be skipped by the account user.. "Ugh... i hate long intro's."
    The start-screen popped up.

    Hello, welcome to "The World." Please select your Job...

    Merlin quickly went through the classes. "Oeeew.. i see a lancer!" he said smiling while selecting Lord Partizan.

    Selection confirmed. Please generate a character appearance...

    "Hmm.. this might be interesting."
    He selected mid-long blond hair for a change, light skin and a red/black open hoodie with a large religious cross around his neck. "Hmm.. something's missing." he thought to himself.
    "A burn-wound should do the job."

    Confirmed, please input your personal information...

    "Screw that!!" he said as the dog lifted it's head.
    .Lone Wolf. "So, that should keep the friggin' teaming noobs out of my way."


    A big light-blue flash...
  3. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Woke up And Looked A The Clock. 4:00AM. To Draco This Was A Regular Time To Get Up. He Rarely Slept Nowadays Because Of The Game, "The World." He Slowly Got Up And Got Dressed. He Then Walked Over To His Computer, And Started It Up. After A Few Minutes The Screen Showed His Usual Desktop Icons. He Moved His Mouse Over "The World" Icon, And Clicked. He Then Put On The New Headset, And Looked His Characters. Draco Glanced Over All Of Them, And Decided To Start A new One. He Clicked The New Character Button, And Filled In The Now Familiar New Character Start-up.

    Please Select Your Job
    Draco Picked The Only Class He Really Enjoyed.
    Please Design You Appearence
    Draco Quickly Design The Character in his head before he forgot. "Now That is a good looking twinblader" Draco said as he smiled to himself.
    Insert You Personal Information
    As Draco Did This For The Overall 20th time. he thought, "Well I Hope This Character Turns out Great."
    He Finished typing in the information, and clicked the "Begin Playing" Button At The Bottom Of The Screen. "Well let's do this." He said to himself.

    ~Draco Blinked Through The Blue Light, and found himself in Mac Anu. He Glanced Around And Saw A lot Of Other People Around Him, And His Only Thought was, "They're Too Many People Hear..." Draco Walk Though the Gates And Follow The Stairs Down To The Bridge. He Got Half Way Acrossed And Stopped To Take In The View. After A minute of watching the digitalized sunset, draco walked back to the Chaos Gate, and enter the Keywords, "Hidden Forrbidden HolyGround." After The Few Seconds It Took To Bring Him There, Draco Looked around and saw that no one was here. "That's Usual." He Thought And Walked Towards The Cathedral....
  4. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Adept Rogue Admin Level 1

    The rolling green grass shifted restlessly as the wind carried on. The sun was a golden orb that shone it's rays down on the reflective, translucent blue waters which washed up on the sandy out landings where the water was soaked up. Had this been the real world, it would have been a joyous spot to picnic and relax as the toils of the day were sent afloat on each cascading wave.

    In it's own right, the place was true to reality, and did provide a type of comfort. But nothing like the scenic quite of a beach. This was 'The World', and one thing truly ruled among players besides admins. That rule was power. Power to intimidate, or power to protect, it didn't matter so long as you held it, and used it. No matter how sparsely. It was that power Salvator sought as he mowed down NPC after NPC with his own hands.

    Had this been the real world, blood would flow like the very waters that surrounded each island of this area. Here he would obtain the power he sought and use it the way he saw fit. With that power, Hibari Yamaka would no longer be a loner. He could have friends who laughed and joked with him. People who weren't fictitious illusions written up by his mind. People who would respect him and welcome him each and every day as he logged in. Maybe even hang out in life.

    Yes. For the purpose of vanquishing his depressing solitude, he would gain power.

    A hollow roar of anger erupted from his avatar's throat as his gantlet fist sailed to meet the face of an ugly goblin. The pathetic creature hit the ground with a dull thud that echoed in his ears. A small tsk passed his lips as he watched his experience grow only a little. "I need more," he stated solemnly as his dark eyes scanned the field.


    He had cleared another field, yet made little to no improvement. A small curse was uttered as he turned his back from the field and headed for the nearest Chaos Gate. As he approached the gateway that would carry him back to Mac Anu, he stopped and sighed dishearteningly. With his weapons gone, leather gloves rolled through his hair as he briefly pushed away the black hair with auburn tips.

    If he didn't get strong soon no one would want to join a party with him. He knew that was the reason why so many people had avoided sending him party invites. It couldn't be due to the resolute appearance of his character. Not when it was decked out in such stylish clothes. Or could it?

    Compressing his lips into a finer line, Salvator took a moment to re-evaluate his character's appearance. His shirt was a plain black with green and ornate gold at the shoulders, only hidden by the metallic guards he had placed there. His pants were a matching baggy black and covered by a tribal looking warriors dress. Two leather belts crossed his waist while an ornate leather made sash covered his left leg above the warriors skirt. To match the sash, matching arm warmers.

    All in all it seemed like a neat appearance, but maybe it was too much?

    With another sigh he pushed the thought away and raised a single palm to the gate. A blinding blue tinted light enveloped him, and the next moment, he stood in Mac Anu.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Tom stood by the front door of his house. He was getting impatient. "Come on.... It should be here by now." He heard the doorbell ring. He rushed to the door, opening it up. A man was standing there with a package.

    "Is this your name?" The man asked, showing Tom a clipboard with details of the package.

    "Yes." Tom answered, trying to contain his excitement.

    "Sign here please." The man said. Tom complied. "Thank you. And here is your package."

    Tom smiled, taking the package. He quickly rushed to his room, opening it up. Inside was a computer disk, an M2D headset, and an instruction manual. "The World: Revision Two." Tom said, looking at the stuff. He quickly set everything up on his computer. Within minutes, Tom was already at the character creation stage.

    Please select your job

    Tom scrolled through the list, looking at the jobs. He looked at the different varieties of weapons. He was amazed at the size of the lances that the Lance Partizans used, and the size of the swords the Heavy Blades used. "Hmm... Which should I choose?" He chose an Adept Rouge.

    Please select three job classes an an armor class

    Tom chose his three job classes quickly, in the order he wanted them to be in. A Blade Brandier, Twin Blade, and Flick Reaper. He then chose Heavy Armor, an armor type normally available only to Lance Partizans and Heavy Blades (And maybe Flick Reapers too, I don't remember).

    Tom went through the character design process

    Initializing.... His visor said as he finished. The Chaos Gate area of Mac Anu started to visualize all around Tom's character, Gerik.

    He looked around. "Dang." He thought to himself. "Only the Delta server is available to me right now."

    Tom noticed a character standing by the Chaos Gate. Salvator. He walked up to him. "Wanna join a party with me and fight monsters?" He asked him. "My name is..." Tom paused, but it wasn't a noticeable pause. He almost forgot that people went by their character names. "Gerik." He finished his sentence.
  6. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    The blue flash dimmed.. as Merlin found his character being in a small village.
    "Mac- Anu?" he asked himself. "Well that's a strange name." He let Nero walk further through the town and looked around to observe what could be done there. He noticed that as he walked, people were starting to avoid him a bit. "Great, so my outfit's working" he thought.
    He walked towards the odd-looking gate. "Hmm..."
    He walked in and looked at some of the locations.
    "This looks nice..." he said to himself while selecting Barren Wastelands.
  7. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    ((OOC- Okay guys, its back to the weekend for me. Stay active and remember that you gain one level per three posts here. Level up so I can get the story going! You can create interactions within the real world as well, I will count those as well.
  8. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Loading... Loading... Loading...
    "*sigh* this is taking a long time" Merlin said to the dog still lying on the bed. The dog stuck it's tongue out a bit and stood up. "Again? .. fine, i can't resist your look" Merlin said and threw him a dog-bone.

    Nero entered the Barren wastelands. "Hmm... looks like a lot of lesser monsters." he said to himself.
    He summoned his lance and started dashing towards the first-best ogre, and pierced his lance through it's chest. He pulled it out and let out an evil grin as the blood dripped off the lance.

    "I like this game.."
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Johnny walked up to his computer, he was going to log back in and play the mmo called The World. He had made his account yesterday when he heard people at school talking about it. He thought it would be a good way to kill some time. As he reached his computer, he found his cat sitting on the keyboard. "Shoo." He gave the cat a small push and it ran off. He quickly sat down and logged in.
    Karite found himself in the root town as he logged in. He looked around and in put the destination at the gate. Within a few moments he found himself at a large grassy field. There were a few NPC monsters around and Karite took out his scythe. Without a word he charged at them.
  10. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Adept Rogue Admin Level 1 (2/3 xp)

    Needless to say when the youthful looking avatar started speaking to Hibari's, he was shocked and speechless. As the man talked only one thought resonated within the adept rogues mind, Someone is talking? To me? Unsure of what to say he only stared. Finally Salvatore stretched out a hand to greet Gerik and replied in a dry tone, "Salvatore." His mouth began to feel dry as he waited. Was this really a person asking to team up? Or was it a P.K.er looking for an easy target?

    Keeping a stoic face, the stylish adept rogue contemplated what all of this might mean. He was weak, so surely no one wanted to party with him, right? Suddenly, he didn't think he wanted to join, but it was too late.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Nice to meet you." Gerik said. "Do you know of any good areas? I just now started. I'm not too familiar with the game." He went to the Chaos Gate. He scrolled through a list of words, seeing what would be a level 1 area. "Hmm... How's this? Delta Submissive Contemplating Everywhere." The area these words made was a grassy plains area. There were mountains in the horizon. It had a clear blue sky. The mission objective was to collect Sybol Fragments and reach the Beast Temple.
  12. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Sat Down on one of the benches, and looked up at the empty pedestal. He Thought to himself, "Man, I Really Love The Place. It's One Of The Only Areas With out Monsters." Draco Looked around to confirm his thoughts. he then thought that he wouldn't get any where with killing monsters. Draco Hurried Back The The Chaos Gate, And Warped Back To Mac Anu.
    ~After the blue light faded; draco Turn around, and activated the Chaos Gate Again. He Scrolled through the words, and picked out the words that would be good for his lvl. Delta Burned Passed Over Aqua Field. Draco Waited for the light to fade, and then walked forward. he was walking over a giant field that had rolling hills on either side of him. He Looked into the sky, and saw that there was clouds floating over him. He Then Focused his thoughts on what he came he to do. Training. He Scaned the area for monsters. He saw some off to his left, and started to make his way towards them...
  13. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Karite had finished off the NPC monsters a few minutes ago and was heading towards the exit gate. It had been a small mission, fight a few NPCs and then head to the exit. The exp gain was small but Karite was fine with that. Simple missions were best. He really disliked the search and find missions. As he headed through to the root town, he looked around. He knew he was being checked out. He was low level and looked pretty plain, PKers were bound to find him as an easy target. As Karite headed through the root town, he kept his eyes open to make sure he wasn't being followed.
  14. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Nero: Level 2. 1/3 Exp.....Zeke: Level 1. 1/3

    "Hmm.." Nero looked at the in-game window.
    "Mission Objective: Destroy all enemies within the designated time-limit." it said.
    Nero walked to the center of the deserted area. "Enemies? I don't see any." he tought.
    Suddenly, a dozen of zombie-like creatures spawned from the sand below.
    "Holy.. Testical Tuesday!" he thought. "This can't be right! I just leveled!"
    Nero looked around him to see creatures closing in. "Heh, this should be fun, shall i not die." Nero planted his lance into the ground as the vile creatures closed in. A few more meters and they would reach him. "3 ... 2 ..." he counted and watched closely. " 1.."
    The spawns were now only a sword reach away. "Fire.." he whispered.
    Nero started spinning his body while holding the lance. He then swiftly pulled it out and stood in mid-air. He then hit the ground with his lance as hard as he could, blowing the creatures away.
    He landed on the sand and let out an evil grin.

    He heard a faint clapping on the background. He turned his head to look what it was.
    He saw a boy with white hair, with a gunblade. "And who might you be?" Nero asked.
    "Ah, i thought you would remember the username, dude." the boy responded.
    "Wait a sec... Ruben?" The boys both let out a smile.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  15. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Level up! Post 3, Now level 2

    Karite finished purchasing a few supplies as he headed out agian. Once more, it was a small 'kill all enemies' mission. However, rather than head straight to the mission he hid behind the gate. As he expected a guy clad in armor came out a few moments later. "Where'd that kid go?"
    Karite quickly pulled out his scythe and rushed through the player from behind. Before the player reacted Karite spun back around and sliced him a few times in the chest. The player dropped down as his character's hp was depleted. Karite took only one look back, before proceeding with his mission.
  16. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Nero: Level 2. 2/3 Exp + Zeke: Level 1. 2/3

    "Man! I haven't seen you in like a month!" Nero said. "I thought you moved to the west, without internet!"
    "I did, but i just missed gaming so much, i had this network put on! " Ruben responded.
    "Hey, and you know what the coolest part is about this game?" Nero asked.
    Nero suddenly swung his lance at Ruben's side. He quickly blocked with his gunblade, but was blown back by the impact.
    "Friendly match?" he said grinning.
  17. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Adept Rogue Admin Level 1 (3/3 xp)

    "Sounds fine." Dare he trust someone so willingly? His heart said to try, but his head warned him of the possible dangers. What dangers? Hibari asked mentally. With a shake of his head he continued, This is an online game. If I get P.K.-ed it's no biggie. But if I can really make a friend now, it'll be better once I'm stronger!

    "You can go ahead first if you want. I need to resupply and save my progress." Salvatore smiled slightly as he sent the party request to Gerik. If this mission went well he would add the player to his friends list for easy reach. Then the two of them could do more party missions.
  18. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Nero: Level 3. 0/3 Exp + Zeke: Level 2. 0/3

    "3.. 2..1" They both said.
    Nero dashed at Zeke with his lance forward, ready to pierce. Zeke quickly dodge-rolled and started charging his gun while sliding on the dry ground. *Zhoooom!* the gun shot with a powerful, blowback shot. Nero jumped and started turning in mid-air with his lance forward, striking right through the gun blow.
    "Heh, looks like we're equally matched." Zeke said while letting out a heavy breath.
    "Oh no we're not" Nero replied while putting an evil grin upon his hood-covered face. The runes on his lance started glowing with a red-light.
  19. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Karite was back in the root town. He had once again completed the mission. As he walked around the root town, he began to think about starting a party. He could use allies and if he was going to have to watch his back every time he went off because of PKers, then a few allies would help. Strength in numbers was cliche but true. So Karite began checking any message boards for somebody looking for a flick reaper or just a party member in general.
  20. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Nero: Level 3. 1/3 Exp + Zeke: Level 2. 1/3

    Nero's lance starting to burn with hellish flames. "Hah, what about that?!"
    "Oh i can do that too, don't worry!" Zeke said and white steam came pumping out of the gunblade.
    They both stood there, ready to charge eachother. Ready to deal the fatal blow, and win.
    They charged eachother with full power! They always loved dueling, especcially with eachother.
    On the impact, a huge amount of dust erupted from the dry-solid ground.
    When the dust cloud pulled away, and they could both see what happened: Zeke held his gunblade against Nero's neck. But Nero also had it's lance against Zeke's chest.
    "Aww, a tie?!"

    They both turned back after completing the mission towards the root town.
    "Hey dude, let's team up, it'll be fun" Zeke implied.
    "Nah, you know i'm not the teamwork guy." Nero replied.
    "Ah, come on! Just once, to see."
    "Ugh... fine" Nero said and they walked towards the boards.
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