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The Worst Day Ever

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Chocobo Dyl, Jul 3, 2009.

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  1. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    As usual the titles OTT, but today feels like the worst day ever.

    Before I begin, let me explain a few things.

    In most schools in Britain/England a school uniform is required to be worn ( although in a 2010 Shotton Hall is defying this common rule.)

    My school uniform consists of a white polo shirt a jumper, and trousers.

    Although dogs are depicted to eat lots of bones in cartoons, they really shouldn't.

    My school starts at 9am.

    When I'm tired, I'm really tired.

    (UPDATE! Police helicopters are flying around my streets as well as cars, I'm home alone and I'm slightly scared :p )

    Okay, so last night I had a barbeque,sauseges,burgers,chicken, the lot, but it came to 11pm, and I was tired. So I decided to go and sleep, but at 4:30am I woke up, loud music was blaring from downstairs. I decided to go and turn it off so I did. I then played on my XBox 360 for a hour and a half (never a good idea.)

    After that I slept until 8:48am. Oh crap, gotta be at school soon. I rush downstairs and eat some breakfest. Then I rush out of the door and see my dog eating the bone off of a rib. I try everything I can, I hit his head, I smack the bone, I shove the dog. No luck. I have to actually wrestle the bone out of the dogs mouth and then throw the bone away.

    It's not until I'm almost at school that I realise I am covered with charcoal and smell of both fire and pork.

    School was rubbish too, not many comments, but it was rubbish.

    On the upside though, I did have a nice dream.
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Well when I went to school, we started at 8AM >.<
    We had 2 types of uniforms, 1 formal and one for sports.
    Formal one was a white button up shirt, a tie and black pants or trousers (but I rebelled and wore jeans, yeah, showed them who's boss) and we HAD to wear black formal shoes so there goes some of my wallet each year.
    Sport's uniform was just an ordinary polo and pants. Now here's the catch... They were epically anal about shoes. They had to be Black, they had to be leather (for protection) and they did daily class checks for it.

    Formal worn on Mondays and any days when we had an excursion or if some random guy comes in to the school as a guest.
    We finished at 2:30 in the afternoon at least, but it definitely does not make up for the early start.

    Consider your school lucky, but I do sympathise about the Dog and Bone event.
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