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The worst Valentine's Day gifts ive ever gotten

Discussion in 'General' started by Answer Man, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Hello everyone, its been a while since ive made a thread but here i go trying again.
    So Valentines day is coming up an i figured to ask, what is some of the worst Valentine gift you ever got or will get this coming valentines day? Also what are some of the awww or funniest or just plain nice valentine gifts youve gotten. Everyone ready...Go! :D
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    worst gift I've ever gotten was nothing, literally nothing, I've never gotten a valentine before so to me thats the worst gift :p
    Ventus likes this.
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    same here....
    LDC1121 likes this.
  4. ✰Wayfinder✰

    ✰Wayfinder✰ New Member

    Worst valentines day gift I got was about 3 years ago when I found out an ex-boyfriend cheated on me on valentines day :/
    The best I got was chocolate or diamond earrings.
  5. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    those corny stroe bought cards that had a stale lollipop tapped to it.
    it was preety bad.
  6. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Sex. Bad. It was horrible.
  7. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    wanna know what i get? nothing from anyone except my mom...how pathetic
  8. Castille

    Castille New Member

    Isn't it kind of immature to whine about a gift you've received? It's the thought that counts, and some people feel that valentine's day is aimed at couples anyways.

    It made my ex really angry, ahaha. :D

    But then again, everyone has the right to vent, bitch, or state their opinion.

    @Wayfinder....I wish I had a diamond earring....
  9. Luke

    Luke Member

    Candy i was allergic too. Hospitalized lol.
  10. Rojas250

    Rojas250 New Member


    lmao.........beed their, done that. Don't ask y, my gf does that to me on Valentines Day.

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