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The Year in Review

Discussion in 'General' started by Kitty, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Basically, reflect on the past year. Was it overall a good one, or not, and why? Did you have any resolutions or goals for the year, and if so, how far have you come to meeting them? Just, give a little summary of the past year, and maybe include a little on what you hope for the next one.


    It's been an okay year for me. It's been an adventure continuing to try to keep a business running successfully, especially when the state has been doing a lot of cutbacks which hurt us, enrollment-wise and financially. It's also been a difficult year trying to find staff who understand that they can't just sit on their asses and do nothing all day. No offense, but this upcoming generation entering the workforce is about the damn laziest group of people, I swear. I'm hoping next year will be better. My personal life is pretty much the same that it's always been, though I've been having more positive relationships with my sisters lately, which is good. Nothing too exciting happened to me this year, but I'm set in my ways and that's the way I like it.

    What I hope for next year:
    • Make enough money to accomplish everything I want to do to run a quality business
    • Possibly go back to school and get some more teaching credentials
    • Get out more and stop living like such a hermit
    • Get back on a healthy lifestyle, and stop feeling so stressed out
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    With 2014 over and done with, I find it a lot easier to look at it from the outside. It was a pretty standard year for me in most regards. I took on another two semesters of school, and even took a summer course to help knock down a few credits while I was "idle." I discovered a few talents that I didn't think I'd have, while also discovering that I didn't have some that I thought I did. I have a much stronger employment resume now than I did around this time last year, having finally been hired on for a job that's a little more on the long-term, relatively close to the nature of my degree program and provides me with some alright hours; now if only I didn't have to spend so much on supplies!

    And to top it all off, I even managed to whip myself into a much improved physical shape.

    I'd definitely have to say that the highlights of my 2014 were, in no particular order of importance:
    • Losing 65-70lbs since April
    • Getting to see one of my favorite artists perform live.
    • Receiving an award from my involvement with drum corps, for having given a lot of time to help manage the less-than-ideal logistic situation that my ensemble has been in.
    • Making some new friends and reconnecting with a few old ones.

    Things that I look forward to doing in 2015:
    • Finally finishing school.
    • Continuing my positive trend of gainful employment, hopefully ending with employment within my field, or somewhere close to it.
    • Designing/Writing a marching band field show; me and one of my colleagues from this past fall have been kicking around some crazy awesome ideas for the group we work with.
    • Transitioning from weight loss into strength gain.
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Not gonna lie, 2014 was kind of a roller coaster for me. Mostly because of a lot of family drama and gossip based on everyone not grasping that my choices should be respected weather or not they agree with them. A lot of people got hurt and I made quite a few mistakes just trying to figure myself out in spite of everyone and everything. But, on the upside, there were lessons attached to each and every fall and I plan to use those lessons to make things better. Things ironically all blew up because of all of it in the last week of 2014 which means I am starting 2015 with a literal fresh start.

    Some highlights

    Finally finding a job in my field and building experience
    Getting myself back into a shape I'm happy with
    Becoming financially independent
    Meeting new friends, reconnecting with old ones, letting go of the toxic ones.

    Things I look forward to in 2015

    Starting round 2 of school
    (Hopefully) Another great year with my boyfriend
    Bettering myself spiritually
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Wow, 2014, you have been a year of chances for me. I've done so many thing to put myself out there that I would normally shrug off or never consider. I've made bold choices, declared a major that I have been procastinating for years and found some exciting friends to hang out with. It seems every year. My friends move on and I'm still stuck in the same spot, trying to figure out what kind of person I want to be. And 2014, has given me the opportunity to finally realize it. Now, I know exactly what I want, and it feels as if nothing can stop me. 2015, looks bright. This is the year where I begin to make my mark!

    The biggest highlight of 2014 was my summer abroad to Spain. I've never left the country, never flown on a plane, never traveled by boat or train. I'm so humbled to have had that type of experience and to witness a different culture from my own. That's something that I'll carry till I die. I guess; this will be my biggest inspiration into the new year. That trip showed me, how independent I truly was and I'm capable of anything, no matter the circumstance, and no matter the obstacle, if I truly apply myself and do something wholeheartedly, I am a force to be reckon with.

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