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TheKnightofAwesome reviews:

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Well, I’ve decided to start making reviews. However, I’m not going to limit myself to just reviewing one type of thing like movies or video games. So I’m going to review everything and anything I see that I can review.

    I think I’ll start with this:

    TheKnightofAwesome reviews: Movies

    This review: Real Steel

    What can I say about this film? In a nutshell it’s what you get when you cross Rocky Balboa with Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robots. This doesn’t make it a bad movie, but one needs to be careful when handling a premise like this.

    So let’s take a look at every aspect of the film, shall we?

    Plot: The movie takes place in the year 2020, where boxing has replaced humans with robots for the purpose of a “no-holds-barred match”. Now this is either a really GOOD idea or easily a very BAD idea if not made correctly. The main character Charlie and his son Max break into the boxing industry with a second generation sparing bot named ATOM. To avoid spoilers I will not go further into the story, but I will say the rest of the plot is where my previous reference to Rocky comes in. Though I will say, I liked the subtle message at the end when ATOM takes on ZEUS, I’ll let you figure that one out on your own.

    Characters: the movie has a solid cast of characters with which to tell the story of Real Steel. Let’s take a look at each of them individually.

    Charlie: This is our main character. A washed up, alcoholic, ex-boxer who now enters in exhibition and underground robot boxing matches with his droid, Ambush. Charlie is your basic dead beat dude, who has an issue with money and alcoholism. Since he’s played by Hugh Jackman, I’ll let it slide, but I do see a little too much Wolverine in Charlie. This doesn’t mean there’s no differentiation. Hugh does a great job for the role, I really see him get into character, and he just works it so well for the movie.

    Max: The annoying little kid of the story. He’s meant to add heart, but when I first see him all I think is bitchy little kid. Maybe that’s because he suddenly gets a sudden lust for money and swearing right out of the gate from his meeting Charlie for the first time. (Did I mention Charlie left Max and his mother before the movie opens?) Max’s character seems forced, he has good moments like everybody in the film, but other times his development is just too sudden, like his dancing skills which come out of nowhere then suddenly become a part of the story somehow.

    ATOM: Normally I wouldn’t think I’d have to say too much about a ROBOT, but they actually tried to give ATOM some character development even though he has no dialogue. There’s one scene where Max takes ATOM for a run, and finds out that ATOM (maybe?) can understand Max. then another scene where ATOM looks at himself in a mirror (kinda) and it’s implied he has like a deep emotional experience from that. Why? He’s a ROBOT!!! He has no emotions, and the scenes I just mentioned they come up once then never impact the story at all, EVER. So then I must ask why? I honestly can’t find a reason to have them in there if they’re not relevant.

    There are other characters but since I feel that those three drive the plot the most, and are meant to have the most impact, I chose to refrain from the rest. Also since Real Steel is still fairly new, I don’t want to give away too much before others have a chance to see it.

    My final reaction: I liked it. I really liked it. For it’s dumb moments, it’s a classic story of never giving up, chasing your dream, and the bond between a father and his son. The movie made me laugh, even almost got me on the verge of crying at one point. The fights were cool as well. I’ll admit the CGI was not like “holy crap my mind was blown away” awesome but it still held up to today’s standard. And I even was on the edge of my seat for some of the fights. Maybe not a movie for everyone, but if enjoy a good action movie with a decent plot I recommend you check it out.


    Next review: L.A. Noire!!!
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    TheKnightofAwesome reviews: Video Games

    This review: L.A. Noire

    My goodness, I love this game! It's a cool concept, good, compelling story, and alright gameplay. But why don't we take a look into L.A. Noire and I can give my opinion on the key aspects and not just the game as a whole.

    Gameplay: This is a third person, sandbox format game where you play as “Honest Cop” Cole Phelps. Most of the gave involves driving to the scene of the crime, but there are other parts that make up for it. For instance, At a crime scene, you must locate clues and interrogate suspects and witnesses.

    I for one enjoy the interrogation parts of the game, because there is a way to get wrong information. I.E: say I believe they are telling the truth, when they are really lying. Then I would miss an opportunity to get a new clue and make my investigation go better. Now this is a clever idea, but even if if you mess up on a crucial part the game gives you the same clue through other means, for the sake of keeping the game moving.

    As for combat, it's engaging, but it's cover based. So you have to stay behind cover until you take out a guy with a machine gun. Upon picking it up, you are more then welcome to become Rambo.

    Some rewarding parts of driving is that you engage your partner in conversation that can either be comical, or maybe give a slight hint to who the criminal is.

    However sometimes you need to do the opposite of what they say. Ex: I had to choose between two suspects and decide “who done it.” My partner said to choose Man A, because he had questionable motive, opportunity, and evidence to place him at the scene. Guy B, had a record of assault, opportunity, and same evidence to place him at the scene. I chose Guy A because my partner told me too, and he had more solid evidence against him. Then the Captain yells at me for picking the wrong guy!

    The “finger your own guy” aspect is clever, but hardly efficient in catching the right crook.

    You also have the option to respond to random street crimes throughout the game. I like this part, the missions are fun, usually end in a car chase or gun fight, and the multitude of them allows for hours of fun paroling the streets.

    Now lets look at the plot, because what good is a game if the story is boring?The setting takes place in 1940's L.A. (hence the title) where crime is abundant, and most cops are in the mobs pocket. Cole Phelps is an “Honest Cop” for the people to rely on. It's his job to uphold the law!

    You go through the different departments of the police agency let's look at them individually:

    Patrol: This is the tutorial missions. You learn the basics of gameplay, in a controlled environment that's designed to make you succeed. This is nice, because the missions are kinda fun, and you get to learn the basics on a fast, engaging level. I personally hate it when the tutorial is a “learn as you go through the real game” sort of deal.

    Traffic: this is by FAR the easiest set of cases. But still enjoyable. You go around with your newly daubed partner Detective Bonkowski, and solve crimes related to cars, IE. Theft, accident, even murder at one point. This desk also introduces your future partners for a brief cameo, so pay attention. The story is just an introduction to being a detective, so Cole takes the department for face value.

    Homicide: My personal favorite desk. You solve any and all murder cases and search for a serial killer. This set of cases really introduces both criminal psychology and subtle police corruption. Your Partner Rusty is an alcoholic, and usually fingers “The Husband” in any murder case. He doesn't go too far into detail, and is just somewhat lazy, however, he is my favorite partner to work with in the entire game.

    Vice/ Narcotics: I Loath this desk! I enjoy the cases, but your partner Roy earl, is just a (for lack of a better word) Jerk! He is by far the most corrupt cop I've ever seen! His character is just designed to be hated, and it works perfectly. I found it hilarious to run him over with my car repeatedly during my second run through of the game. However, Roy has more influence over Cole than we thought, and it turns out to be his downfall. The cases are all about chasing down some stolen military issue Meth syringes. But there is always more going on under what's given at face value.

    Arson: Not my favorite, but still rather refreshing after what happens in Vice. Your partner is kinda mean to you, but he's among the only few who have your back after Vice. His narcissistic character makes him very enjoyable to work with, and really is a pick-me-up, after Roy. The cases are about following a “serial Arsonist” who may or may not be linked to a monopoly conspiracy that goes all the way back to the heads of the city itself. This desk also introduces the second playable investigator Jack Kalso. Jack, is just as fun to play as Cole, but he's nowhere near as intuitive.

    After the first playthrough, you realize that everything in the world of L.A. Noire is connected, and really it adds to the replay value if you can catch the little things that add up in the story that you couldn't catch before.

    Like I said before, I love this game for what it is. I think it's a very well made detective story, and does a great job of making the player feel like a real detective.

  3. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Ok, this is just an anouncement to people who have read/like my reviews.

    I will be reviewing Mirror's Edge next, But I have decided to move my reviews to my youtube channel (which is the same name) I will post links to my videos here in this thread, or you can subscribe to me. My next review will be up in a matter of days, so keep an eye out for it!
  4. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Hey! hey. I'm getting involved in that Mirror's Edge Review! other than that, ur reviews are nice, I enjoyed Real Steel, great movie, but maybe a 9 is a tad too much
  5. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Wow been a while since i touched this thread... should probably get back on that. Si I still want to move my reviews to youtube...but I'd like an opinion.

    For anyone who likes to watch online reviews, do you think i could get by just giving a straight up video review without the bells and whistles of adding in clips of gameplay or movies, and just giving my straight and honest opinion? I physically cannot add in those clips myself, and I don't want to rely on my friends to edit for me...so just a simple video is all I can put out on my own, if you hate the idea, I'll just continue my reviews here on this thread.
  6. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    In your L.A Noire review, I see you're using clever too much and also, you want an intro to your review. The one rule I've been told many times is to never say "I." It makes it sound unprofessional unless you're on a YouTube video. Lastly, try not to describe things as "alright gameplay." It doesn't give a reason for it being "alright". It's not descriptive enough. Instead, try to use words like "immersive, bland, mediocre."

    I've written a few reviews for the site and some for my own but if we can, I could make you a writer for the site.
  7. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Thanks for the advice.

    and you could do that? That would be awesome!

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