• Square Elite
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Thief a letdown?

Discussion in 'Square-Enix Games' started by Angel, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I've heard Thief was a letdown, and I was thinking about renting on Gamefly. Is there any truth to this?
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I'm a tad late but I really wanted to use this screen shot.

    Jokes aside, I have played thief. I don't own it, I played at a friends house.
    It's almost a next level stealth game because it's not the first game to apply the stealth mechanics it already uses. It's simply improved on ones that games have already used. I found it quite similar to Dishonored but lacking. It felt to me that the game was not finished, leaving out those things that make a game today. Things like the AI. Normal civilians don't think twice looking at you even when you bump into them and the guards are super stupid for example.
    What's happened in a short summary is that they've half arsed a game and slapped pretty graphics on top of it.
    Overall, fun stealth mechanics. That's all I like about it. It was quite linear and quite repetitive to me.
    And repeat. Not actual in game script but the gist of it.
    shadow to shadow, hide and hide, pick pockets, find gold. oh that's right, you're a thief.

    So what you're hearing about the game flopping hard is probably true. But this is merely my opinion. If you get a chance to play it, why not?
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah, I figured as much. I'll just play the game and let you know what my feelings are. I guess that I can look forward to the stealth mechanics though.
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    How about that sloop, huh?
  5. me4lingual

    me4lingual Active Member

    I like what I've played of it. I bought on release, and have only reached Chapter 3. I have spent most of my time playing the Moira Asylum DLC Challenge. In the 6+ months that it has been out, I still have one of the top scores in Chain and Gain.

    I really hope to one day finish it. One day.
  6. Mike

    Mike Member

    I've played Thief since ye olde days of old...back then it revolutionized gaming and essentially created the genre of stealth gaming. Keeping that in mind, I may be biased...but I'm rather fond of the game.

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