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Thoughts about KHInsider

Discussion in 'General' started by Eternal Chronos, Jul 27, 2008.

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  1. Eternal Chronos

    Eternal Chronos New Member

    So, I was wondering everybody's opinion here at KH-3.net about KHInsider.
    I was a member on KHInsider, and some people there were nice. But sometimes, like when you post a theory on there, instead of pointing out the flaws, they totally flame it and theory-rape it. When I posted theories, sometimes I asked them to point out all of the flaws, which meant to tell me which parts to improve on, but instead, some members would totally theory-rape it. Then some members would get into an argument with me when they theory-raped my theory, because some of the flaws they pointed out were false. EX: I had made a theory on Roxas and Ven's connection, and a member kept arguing with me that Roxas couldn't POSSIBLY have a heart, or at least half of one. But, for my theory, he did have a heart that had two halves. Ven was one half, Sora was the other.
    Anyways, I think KHInsider IS a great KH site, but some of the members there are REALLY discriminating.
    I'm not trying to diss on KHInsider but I was just wondering if any of you guys here agree with me that some of the members there are really disrespectful.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I was a member of that site too, and I still check it every now and then for news, but the forums I didn't really like, because most of them weren't KH related at all or the members would constantly make fun of each other, which I didn't like either. But the main reason I didn't like it was because there were too many members and I felt more like a number than an actual member of the site. So that's my piece, KHInsider is a good place for KH news but not a good place for making friends.
  3. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    i'm one of khinsider member and i make alot of friend there and i like to get on rpg too
  4. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    KHI is great if you get past the sh*tty body of individuals. I'm Darkwatch on there, and I've been there for a very long time (over 2 years now).

    They have good staff there for the most part, though. It looks very organized. lul
  5. worbs

    worbs New Member

    you got a point eternal chronos, they do that a lot on there and they dont let you have your opinion but other than that the sites alright
  6. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    hey ldc1121 wat is u username in khinsider site?
  7. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I'm on it too but I feel like a number too.I have one or two freinds but I like here better with all my freinds.
    *Hugs everybody and smiles.*
  8. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    My username is the same as this site, so I shouldn't be too hard to find! :D
  9. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    It's good site, but I don't have an account there...
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