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Thoughts on the Game

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy X-2' started by Kitty, Jan 30, 2008.

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  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    What's your overall opinion?

    I thought X-2 was a complete disaster. All of my favorite X characters were butchered, the mission-based gameplay was too linear even for me, and the only interesting bits of the story (the machina war 1000 years prior to the game) was ruined by lame villains like Shuyin mucking it up. I did enjoy the job system, but they girled it up way too much with the dresspheres. I played this game in a constant state of embarrasment that someone would see me.
  2. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Yay, I have a new opportunity to rant about this travesty.

    This game was horrible. The overly girly attitude of this game was cringeworthy. In most cases, I can deal with most anything. As long as I'm enjoying myself, I don't care what anyone thinks about what I'm playing. It can be dumb, cheesy, childish, whatever. I'm having fun, think what you want. But this was just bad. I was embarrased that someone would come in and see me playing it. And massaging was beyond creepy.

    Not only that, but the main story took a backseat to the happy-go-lucky sphere hunter exploits. Not only that but if you followed the hotspots, you miss too much. I love having little sidebits in the story hidden, like the scene about Zack and Cloud going to Midgar in FFVII. But when I have to wade through a bunch of pointless crap for bits and pieces of the story, hardly worth the effort by themselves, but essential to the game as a whole was just horrible.

    The battle system was actually incredible. I loved the job system, the ability to change them in mid battle, and the way you learned the new abilities in them. But again, the over-girliness of it was just horrible. Why make them "Dresspheres" and "Garment Grids"? You can't make them "Job Spheres" and whatnot? And furthermore, Commspheres where beyond boring. I thought it would never end. Especially since you had to wade through such boring crap just to get to the good stuff. And even that wasn't useful.

    And now, my biggest pet peeve. The music.

    Now granted, I have a degree in Recording Arts, so I tend to be critical in this sort of thing. But this was just beyond horrible. Listening to the same generic, lifeless, 4 bar phrase play over and over and over and over again made me want to drive a power drill into my ears so the pain horror would end. I could find more interesting music in a collection of public domain source music used for placeholders and no one would no any different. In fact, it might even be better.

    The music has no life. It has no emotion. It lacks musicality. There's not intricacy to it. It's uninteresting. It's bland. It's just a generic bubble-gum pop beat. The point of music in a game is to carry the emotion of the game. This doesn't. Almost every piece in the "score", and I use that term hesitantly, can be interchanged. It's everything a game score should NOT be.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I was cringing the entire time. I hope whoever thought that was a good idea was fired. Or killed.

    I agree with you about the music, although I didn't think it was quite that bad. That intro with "Yuna" singing was plain awful though. Real Emotion is a terrible song, and the dancing made it so much worse.

    I also disliked how so much of the world was just reused from X. I understand why they did it, and it makes sense because they are in the same world, but I would have liked to see more new areas.
  4. I thought it was bad. The characters was okay but the FFX was 10 times better
  5. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member

    Does that make me the only person to generally like it :(
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Most likely. How about saying why you liked it? I'd like to hear that opinion for a change.
  7. YRPgrls <3

    YRPgrls <3 New Member

    I thought this game was ok. I mean there arn't alot of games with girly plots, i mean they can't all be about guys. I did like the characters alot.
  8. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I don't mind the main characters being female. I just mind the over the top girliness that's so horrible it makes some of the girliest women I know cringe. It was a Charlies Angels ripoff in an FF package.
  9. YRPgrls <3

    YRPgrls <3 New Member

    oh ya that's true
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm a girl, and I'm pretty girly in personality once you get to know me. The sheer amount of girl power in this game made it so that I could only play it in small doses. No 10 hour weekend marathons with this pile of crap.
  11. I like the game to though
  12. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    I love it! I love it! Played it like 6 times already and I played X-2 like 4 times. I love X though. It got the BEST summons, the BEST voice acting, and the BEST plot.
  13. lokisenna

    lokisenna New Member

    putting it next to FFX it looks like a pile of crap
    playing it as a seperate fun-loving title and not considering it a true sequel for the most part its fun and I loved it

    its charlies angels meets final fantasy....

    but..erm..well like I said, as long as you dont put it next to ffx or get offended by the butchering its good

    Ive never considered FFX and X-2 yuna the same person at all
  14. Default_User

    Default_User New Member

    Well... i actually didn't dislike it at all...
    sure, the dance in the beggining is a bit ridiculous, I can handle it, though but for me, it was waaay ridiculous when the GAYS started dancing behind her!! not guys, but real gays.
    Brother was a pain.... and is a pain the entire game.
    I like all the other characters, though. Shinra is sooo cute :p

    And I don't think the music is that bad... sure, they took off, the battle thingy (when they win the battle) and the battle music is really boring after some time... however some of them i really liked. Yuna's ballad, when they're attacking Bevelle, 1000 words, Besaid's Theme, the end battle themes, the battle agaisnt aeons theme...

    and i looooved the jobs. too girly? they're only girls, with Rikku in the mix, what do you want it to look like?

    ... the fact that in the end we can save and restart again with all we got, helps...

    and another thing i think it was good, is all the different endings. i HATE when i lose in the final boss just to get a "Game Over". that's stupid. sure, i know the world would be destroyed... but seeing it, that's what i like, and then get a game over, or so, not just see the character lying in the middle of the ground with a game over...

    and right now, i can't remember anything else... unless saying: next to FFX, yes, is a disaster... but alone, I had very much fun playing it
  15. Oozaru

    Oozaru New Member

    Some of it was alright, it just seemed a little to feminine sometimes.
  16. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    ok this game was a lil dissapointing to me. i was expecting to see tidus in the games and you only see him in the end if you beat it 100 percent. i dint like how you only had 3 people and all those dresspheres. the games seemed a lil girly at times but i guess that reaches out to the female fans. the best thing about the games would have to be shuyin hes the only character i really like other then yrp.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, I made this topic well over a year ago to complain about how terrible this game is, but not too long ago I started a new game, and I'm slightly horrified to admit that X-2 has grown on me. Yes, it's still terrifyingly girly, the storyline is still mostly lame, the characters are butchered, and all those reasons myself and others previously listed, but somehow, I've ended up liking the game in spite of all that. The gameplay was actually pretty good. I liked running around, learning abilities and kicking fiend ass.
  18. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    you've changed...

    good to see you posting on this forum again :D
  19. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Oozaru don't bump a year old thread
    Pulse dont spam here.

    As for the game i liked it, but not as much as FFX

    This thread should be closed.
  20. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    it technically wasn't spam as I was commenting on tophs difference in opinion from her former self on this game.

    so :p

    also, i hate ffx-2 (so this post also isn't spam :p )
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