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Time travel

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Angel, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Anyone out there that can help me figure out this time travel business that absolutely makes no sense. Or explain it to me.

    The basic. I understand.

    The rule of time travel:
    First, you must leave your body behind to do it. Then, there must be a version of you waiting at the destination. Upon arrival, you can only move forward as per the laws of time. And you cannot rewrite the events that are destined to happen.

    About everything up until the point of Master Xehanort's resurrection, Ansem knew the events that were destined to occur or so it would seem by Young Xehanort's conversation with Sora.

    This scene has been racking my brain for some time. I don't understand how Ansem would know of future events and the fact he possessed Riku to see his events in 'real time' which further confuses the situation. Now, how Ansem found Sora on that day. I understand that Kairi led him right to Sora because as Xehanort the Apprentice. He casted Kairi into 'The Lanes Between' in hope of finding the 'Keyblade', supposedly.

    Any ideas?
  2. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    through possessing riku he could easily access "data" about their acting, etc, which eases planning.
    and who knows if there wasn't another future-future-xehanort who told them more.
    but i don't know.. can't afford a 3DS (wish i could), i'm just trying to give this discussion some ideas.

    through possessing riku xeha learned a lot about those 3 and their behaviour ... plus you don't know how many xehanorts travelled through time... there might have been a future xehi who told them more..
    sorry cba writing more
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2012
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Like Sora stated, that would only show him so much.

    XD 12 to be exact. Now here's the interesting thing. How did Ansem know to go back in time and tell Young Xehanort to recruit 13 vessels. There couldn't be a future Xehanort to tell them more because Young Xehanort collected them all. Ansem couldn't have went to the future then back to visit his Younger self because that's against the 'laws of time'.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I have came up with a theory after making it on another forum but after reading the quote, I think that my theories are... mostly correct I think. This is my theory that I came up with (And Kitty is welcome to join in on this discussion since this theory is made from pieces of Final Fantasy VIII to help me create this theory.) However, I will add in one more part to the theory now that I have read the quote on the rules of time traveling. I will make the new statement pink.

  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The thing is. He doesn't change the future. He gathers his splintered selves and then after their mission is finished. They return back to their own timeline with no knowledge of the events that transpired and fulfill what is meant to be.

    But what if the time travel itself was destined to occur. Meaning there were no alternatives.

    That would currently prevent the events that have already occurred. Which is against the rules.

    More like time isn't a concern/relevant.

    Well, I honestly don't know. I just know there was a bodyless Ansem on DI and there was Xehanort on Destiny Islands 10 years. Those circumstances equal Time travel.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    But if he is having his younger self bouncing around the timeline to gather up people, he is bound to change something. Besides, it is not like there is a consequence to the person who is going against the rules if they were broken (At least it wasn't mentioned that is).

    If time travel is destined to occur, then that means that there should be something destined to make many alternatives. In other words, it makes me want to apply the elements of FFXIII-2 (Which is so complicated because that game says that if you try to change the future, you change the past... which I guess I can understand). If you change one part of the timeline, you end up creating more possibilities and events or end up shortening the possibilities and events that is suppose to happen in either the past or future.

    But we do not know what IS the future. We do not know if the mission was accomplished or not. If the party defeats Organization XIII (Or maybe the versions of Master Xehanort) without them returning back to their proper time, then that will change the timeline itself. We also do not know who won in the end.

    Defeating the Young Xehanort completely... yes, that there will instantly change everything. However, if you stop what is suppose to happen (Like stopping Young Xehanort from reaching to one of Master Xehanort's version), then that there will change one to some of the events that would occur.

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