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Tiny Ship problem

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Bigace360, Oct 9, 2009.

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  1. Bigace360

    Bigace360 New Member

    Okay, I dont know if anyone else gets the problem but when I make a tiny ship to go with my main gummi. It has a "X" around it for some reason and i have no clue what that means. Has anyone got this error and figured out what it was. :(
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Some or all parts for the teeny ship is being used by either your main gummi ship or another teeny ship/

    Simply saying, you don't have enough parts for all of them.
    Both Teeny Ships and Gummi Ships use the same list of parts and so they have to share. The X/Error thing means that you don't have enough parts for the Teeny Ships since the parts that are needed for them to be available are currently in use.
  3. Bigace360

    Bigace360 New Member

    Thanks it work now
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