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To all my friends, and a thread of thanksgiving

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Xeren_Ozone, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    I hope you read this. Mods, I'm sorry I can't pm this with the 5 person limit. I got on today, and read how even with my insane absence you still wished me happy birthday. It nearly brought tears to my eyes thinking about it XD. I haven't been able to get on lately, as I am missing a usable computer. I miss all of you guys, and I'll try using my iPod when I can. I want to thank you all, you har made me laugh many a times, and I'm pointing a good 25% at you guys at 5GSF. You make my... Year, since that's how oftentimes come out XD. When was the last time you thanked someone? How about you try that, just siting down and taking five minutes to thank someone for some crazy thing they did for you. Post it here, id love to see how much my beloved community here hates- er uhhhhh yeah, most of you are pretty despicable. And that's pointing at you, trio old pal XD

    Your friend, Ozone.

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