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Tokyo Game Show is tomorrow night!!!!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by demon of darkness, Oct 7, 2008.

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  1. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    That's right folks the Tokyo Game Show is tommorow night. You can expect me to post all the latest news as soon as I get it. I'll be making a thread tommorow night where all the news will be posted. So check this section tommorow night through October 12th for all the latest KH info from Tokyo Game Show.
  2. Nobody13

    Nobody13 New Member

    cool where can i watch it?
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Isn't it on G4?¿?¿
  4. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    cant wait...... >.<
  5. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    O'k tonight is the Tokyo Game Show. This is what we can expect:

    Birth by Sleep:

    1. A new trailer.

    2. 2 new demos, possibly 3 new demos.

    3. The existence of the unbirths may finally be revealed.
    358/2 Days:

    1. A new trailer.

    2. A new demo.

    3. More info on Xion. Possibly info on what happened to her heart.

    4. A specific release date for Japan.

    1. A new trailer.

    2. The name of the phone it will be released on.

    3. A specific release date.
    KH Mobile:

    1. A new trailer

    2. A demo.

    3. The name of the phone it will be released on it.
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