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Top Notch Roleplayers Needed

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Oath, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    And by Top Notch I mean anyone who can handle mature themes and wont pee their pants about creativity. Whoever started this fucking advanced roleplayers only nonsense needs to get a kick in the head.

    Anyway we are starting a new Roleplay. And this isnt your grandmas typical cookie cutter KHP Kingdom Hearts roleplay where there is no blood and everyone lives happily ever after. We want to see some real creativity happening and every mind is invited. Of course, there will be no spamming involved. If you join you must stick to the plot on hand but bring your own script and if you want to write a one liner, by all means one line that shit up. Especially your character is in a conversation. Theres no need for your character to have to answer someone else while doing six other things simply so you can write 7 lines to keep following someones crazy ass rules. In all honesty, no one gives a shit or has the patience to read 7 lines of:

    "Yes. I understand that I have to move on." he answered while looking at a fly on the wall and doing a little dance in his head while thinking about how dreary and sad his life is because no one loves him. He was sad because his mom hated him and his dog died and his dad ate the last carrott. But most of all he was sad that his girlfriend dumped him because he was too sad all the time. He didn't think he was sad, he thought he was realistic so he planned on killing her later that night... and also wondering what he was going to have for dinner that night. He hoped his mom would make carrott pie....

    See. No one cares and it gets off topic anyway.

    And I digress. my point is we are going to make an RP and we are going to do it like a sane person. This isn't a novel its a fucking game. So have fucking fun or GTFO. If you want to take something seriously go to the GFX section or debates or make your own snooty RP where everyone has to follow your rules but leave ours alone.

    If you feel like you can handle all of that, our RP will be a dark twist on a classic Disney tale called Aladdin. Hope and I have worked very hard to make up a good plot for you guys which we will post later. make a comment if you want to be involved in the greatest RP ever and spark well needed life into this fun little forum, hit us up on in our PM boxes if you have questions or comments, and if you have anything negative to say please go smash your head through the nearest window before making it... because you will make lots of typos and it will make me laugh. That is all.

    SIncerely- Hope and Amy.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I've missed you. Oh, and this will count for my comment.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Forget what I said in the introduction thread, this is Zetta epic! -I guess that'd be my comment lol.
  4. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Hope, Welcome aboard guys.

    Oath, What she said. Oh and Desert I missed you too lovely. We'll see lots more of eachother when you're my cousin in Law though... ;) LOL jk
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Awesome. Can't wait.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    3 lines( which usually is simple) is the rule created ages ago, requiem created the advance RP idea with 6 lines.

    Sounds interesting, I've been looking for a realistic RP lately. Something to branch off of the typical fairy tale RP's, good to see one of the RP legends rejoining us.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Colorful use of vocabulary.

    A wee bit narcissistic!

    I'm so in!
  8. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    You'll get use to it.

    Anyway we just wrote it but some glitch got in the way. Sorry for the delay.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As much as I'd love to jump in the water, i can't commit to anything long term seeing as in two months, I'll be away for whole summer.
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Holy Shit! Aladdin Im In. xD Please Don't disappoint.
  11. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Whoa! Im not even good at roleplaying and I might have to get in on this just from this badass post lol
  12. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I look forward to reading.
  13. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    This could be enough to make a return for the Legendseeker.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Good to see so many awesome writers going to be involved. Readers are also welcomed :D
    Looking forward to get this thing started everyone. The OOC thread has been posted. Its not quite as well written as it should be we are aware. When we were about to post the original copy, the computer freaked out and we lost it. But it is up and ya'll get the general idea or can ask questions. Please read carefully before selecting a character so you know whats expected.
    I'll go get a link to the OOC and post it now.


    Double post. Mods can merge if you want. THere be the OOC ^
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2012
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Damn. This is gonna be tight. I might join for the sake of joining... But I don't know what sort of windows I'll get in my travels.
  16. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    I can try to be on as much as I can for it. I work 3-11 during the week, so you won't see any posts from me then.

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