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Tsunami moves from Japan to California and Hawaii

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by ADogX, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Recently, the massive earthquake that happened in Japan that created the Tsunami by Fukushima, Japan was moved all the way to California and Hawaii. Low casualties hit Hawaii, but the big story is what happened in California. Small fishing boats have been moved from where they were tied up to all over the place. Moving around the water unmanned. With pictures taken by a reporter in California, we saw pictures with boats on top of boats, cars on top of cars, cars on top of houses, and boats on giant piles of junk. There was also a picture of a giant cruise ship size boat washed up on direct land. The government say the death casualties are 686, but are still rising. In total, I heard there has been over 9,500 casualties in death, injuries, etc. The U.S. and Japanese Military are working on rescuing as many survivors as possible. This is getting worse. I'm starting to believe that 2012 might actually be true considering all the earthquakes, tsunamis, etc, are happening like Haiti. what are your thoughts on this?
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I'm sorry to hear about more casualties as a result of the tsunami. I don't however believe this has anything to do with the 2012 theory at all. Haiti, Japan, Hawaii, and California all lie on what is called the "Ring of Fire" a series of underwater volcanoes that sometimes erupt and cause earthquakes and tsunamis, any land that lies in this Ring of Fire is subjected to various tropical storms, this has been happening for as long as we can remember so the 2012 End of the World mumbo jumbo has nothing to do with this in my opinion

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